The benefits and harm of mineral water for health. How to use mineral water with benefit, how not to get harm from mineral water


In Russian literature of the XIX century, you can find the lines that many wealthy people went in the summer to be treated "on the waters."

Treatment on the waters suggested ingestion and swimming in mineral water. Most of the medical techniques of those years have sunk into oblivion, have become obsolete, become obsolete. But mineral water treats many diseases so far.

Is mineral water really useful?

Are there any contraindications for taking mineral water?

How to use mineral water?

Mineral water is water of natural origin, which in addition to the usual chemical composition (two hydrogen molecules and one oxygen molecule) contains a large amount of minerals and trace elements. Such water is very useful and the deeper the well from which it is extracted, the cleaner and more valuable such liquid is.

With a lack of microelements in the human body, replenishment with mineral water is a good way out. Nevertheless, despite all the benefits of this natural wealth, there is also a list of its shortcomings. To get to the bottom of the truth, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons.

Mineral water classification

Speaking about the benefits and harms of mineral water and its properties, it is necessary to figure out which types of mineral water exist.

Mineral water has several classifications:

- by chemical composition;

- by mineralization;

- by nature / non-nature.

Depending on the origin of the mineral water is divided into medical, medical-dining and dining.

Healing mineral water - water of natural origin produced from the well. Such water undergoes multiple purification and processing, it is repeatedly checked for the presence of harmful impurities. Accordingly, this water is more expensive.

Such water is used exclusively for medicinal purposes and strictly prescribed by a doctor. For each group of diseases, medicinal mineral water with a specific chemical composition is used, and only a strictly defined amount per day.

Medical table mineral water - water of two types, mixed. Natural mineral water for the manufacture of medical-table narzan mixed with ordinary drinking water. The amount of mineral substances and salts in it is somewhat less than in medicinal water. Abuse such water is also not worth it.

Table mineral water - such water, the mineralization of which is achieved exclusively in the laboratory. Salts and minerals in such narzane are much less than in the first two types.

The classification of mineral waters by mineral composition is guided by which chemical element is most contained in this type of narzan. It can be sodium, ferrous, magnesium, sulphate, hydrocarbonate, chloride mineral water.

Mineral water benefits

1. Mineral water passes through a large thickness of the earth, with each layer of it being purified and enriched with mineral substances that are indispensable for the human body and are necessary for the normal functioning of all organ systems.

2. Salt-rich mineral water (medicinal narzan) can work wonders, saving a person from many diseases (neurological, gastrointestinal, cardiological, urinary).

3. Quenches thirst and restores the vitality of the body, rejuvenates.

4. Improves the condition of nails, hair and skin due to its composition.

5. Mineral water can lower cholesterol, increases hemoglobin, relieves constipation, excess weight, lowers blood sugar levels, removes toxins and toxins.

6. Mineral water-based inhalations are widely applicable for the treatment of bronchitis, prolonged cough, and pneumonia.

7. Tonics, prepared at home on the basis of mineral water, make the skin younger. Eliminate dermatological defects, moisturize the skin, tightens pores and cleanses them.

8. Mineral water will speed up metabolic processes, helps digestion processes.

9. During fasting days, the intake of mineral water will protect the body from depletion and fluid loss.

Mineral water damage

Along with the benefits in any product there is always its negative side. Mineral water is not an exception.

1. Virtually all mineral water, be it medicinal or table, is carbonated. Carbon dioxide, which is abundantly contained in narzane, getting into the stomach, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, which, in turn, leads to the appearance of heartburn, at worst - gastritis and ulcers.

2. Additionally, mineralized water, that is, table and medicinal-table narzan, often exceeds the standard content of minerals and salts, and their excess in water leads to a violation of salt metabolism and the appearance of sand and stones in the kidneys.

3. Mineral water that has undergone long-term additional purification (and both medical, and table and medical-table water undergo purification) reach us in an altered form, all these changes do not bear any benefit at best, and can harm at worst .

4. Narzan can not only benefit, but also poison! Improper storage, counterfeit products, unscrupulous manufacturers, expired goods - all this can create a threat to human health.

5. The ideal water is the one that contains the natural composition, that is, the set of trace elements that nature itself has given it. What is created in artificial conditions, and sometimes not at all by specialists, and self-taught somewhere in the basement without special equipment does not carry any value to the body.

6. Too much drunk narzan, medical or table, can lead to a serious disruption of work in the system of organs. Drink this water should be strictly in accordance with the instructions of the doctor and strictly according to the norm, not exceeding it.

7. Spilled narzan in bottles with the help of special filling machines when interacting with the materials from which the machine is made, can oxidize and produce substances hazardous to health.

8. Salt content in mineral water in combination with salt content in food can lead to the appearance of edema, high blood pressure, impaired kidney function and the appearance of urolithiasis.

9. To the first paragraph of the harmful effects of narzan on the human body, you can add one clarification: if the highly carbonated narzan, also cold, enters the stomach, the gases that go outside with belching and heartburn, enter the esophagus, eventually causing esophageal cancer.

Calorie mineral water - it is not!

Many people who monitor their body and state of health are interested in the question of what is the caloric content of mineral water.

This question can be happily answered that the caloric content of narzan (medicinal, medicinal-table, table) is 0 kilocalories per 100 milliliters of water.

Therefore, mineral water plays an important role in the body of those who play sports and are fond of diets and fasting days.

It is not recommended to drink cold water, it is better if the narzan is heated to a temperature of 50-60 degrees.

Mineral water: good or harm for losing weight

Fans to sit on a diet or work out in the gym often carry a bottle of mineral water with them. And it makes sense.

Mineral water is an aid in weight loss.

She, of course, does not burn fat, but due to the fact that the dieter drinks it regularly, the feeling of hunger is dulled and one wants to eat much less.

In addition, a poor diet during a diet can lead to depletion of the body, and macro-and microelements contained in narzane partially compensate for their deficiency.

Harm and benefits of mineral water for pregnant women and nursing mothers

In moderate amounts, mineral water can be drunk for pregnant and lactating women.

Many mineral water helps to cope with nausea (toxicosis) during the early stages of pregnancy.

Sometimes narzan helps to deal with heartburn in pregnant women in the last trimester.

For nursing women, when getting vitamins and minerals is more important than ever, drinking mineral water is possible and necessary. But with the only amendment that gases must be released.

Make it simple, just leave the bottle open for an hour.

Pregnant women in order to avoid increased gas formation is also recommended to drink mineral water without gas.

The benefits and harm of mineral water for children

Many young and inexperienced moms are wondering whether it is possible to drink mineral water to children, from what age, what kind, what quantities, whether it is beneficial or harmful to them.

Mineral water is possible for a child, but not all.

Infants to drink water up to 6 months is not recommended, the baby is enough breast milk. If the child is bottle-fed, then it is necessary to supplement, starting from 1 month. To do this, use specially prepared mineral water for children, which is also called "baby" water. Such liquid passes the strengthened control and cleaning, and the structure is repeatedly checked.

It is not recommended to drink natural medicinal mineral water to children, or its reception should be coordinated with the attending physician, and the composition and amount of water is strictly stipulated.

Thus, analyzing the benefits and harm of mineral water, we obtain an equal number of advantages and disadvantages.

To drink or not to drink mineral water, it’s up to the person to decide. And if a positive response is accepted, then you need to choose the water that will be tested for quality, composition, properly transported and stored.


Watch the video: Benefits of Mineral Water You Should Know (June 2024).