The benefits and harms of honey - to whom, when and how much! Calorie honey, its beneficial properties, varieties: all about honey, its benefits and possible harm


A natural antibiotic, a strong immune stimulator - honey has long been in demand as a universal, besides extremely tasty multivitamin remedy.

The composition of honey consists of substances that are vital for the normal operation of the human body. So, the natural bee product contains carbohydrates (70-80%), which provide us with energy by 10%.

In addition, honey is a combination of organic and inorganic acids, amino acids, water, protein, vitamins, phytoncides, aromatic and other substances.

The chemical composition of honey may vary slightly depending on its grade. The soil content and climatic conditions of the region, as well as the plants from which the bees collect nectar, affect the content of honey in various substances.

Honey is much sweeter than sugar. It has a special aroma and color from light yellow to dark brown, as well as a different constitution.

It is estimated that 100 g of the product contains 82 g of carbohydrates. As a percentage, the composition of the bee product includes 40% fructose and 35% glucose. In some types of honey, about which a little lower, fructose prevails. This kind of honey is sweeter in taste.

But if the composition of the natural product more sucrose, then the honey will crystallize.

It is established that 100 g of honey contains about 327 kcal, and its nutritional value directly depends on its variety.

And now about varieties, properties and quality this or that type of honey.

Acacia Honey considered one of the best varieties. It contains more fructose than glucose.

Linden honey - high quality product. It smells pleasantly of linden, has a pale yellow color. It is lime honey that is famous for its healing properties.

It acts as an antibacterial, antimicrobial, expectorant, heart-strengthening agent.

Mint Honey smells like mint. The product has a pronounced sedative, analgesic, antiseptic, choleretic action.

The benefits of such honey is invaluable. Its composition contains a lot of vitamin C, which is known to strengthen the body's defenses.

Clover Honey almost colorless. It differs from other types of honey by the subtle smell of meadow herbs.

Raspberry honey pleasant and smell, and taste. This kind of honey is useful as a remedy.

Buckwheat honey. The name of the product speaks for itself. It is clear that nectar is collected from buckwheat. The product has a pronounced dark brown color (slightly with a red tinge). It contains a lot of iron.

Chestnut Honey slightly "bitter." This type of honey has a dark color and a pleasant chestnut smell.

Chestnut honey is famous for its strong antimicrobial action. It is not surprising that this type of honey is most often used for gastrointestinal and renal ailments.

Heather honey bitter taste. It has a special, not very attractive smell. However, this does not mean that this type of honey is devoid of useful properties.

Honey comb useful doubly. After all, honeycombs themselves are healing. And in combination with honey, they have even more power to treat various diseases.

Honeycomb honey can be chewed slowly (like chewing gum), savoring and enjoying the pleasant taste.

Apply honey inside and out

Probably there are few people who do not like tea with honey. But honey is not only a pleasant drink. He gives health. And about the benefits of honey below. In the meantime, about simple and effective ways to use a natural product.

1. Honey is used as a solution for rinsing the nose with a cold. If you don’t tolerate onions and garlic very well, and you don’t want to use nasal preparations for any reason, then use the healing solution of honey (a teaspoon per cup of warm water) to wash the nasal sinuses.

Fill one pipette of the medicinal composition first in one nostril, and then in the second. Perform the procedure several times a day.

2. Honey from lingering cough. Useful properties of honey can be used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. So, to get rid of the cough will help the cakes, which must be stored in the refrigerator.

They consist of lard, honey, ghee (all 100 g). To enhance the therapeutic effect, you can add 3 tablespoons of cocoa.

3. Honey is also used as a sedative for sleep disorders. In order to get rid of insomnia, put a little bee product under the tongue and, falling asleep, dissolve it.

4. Honey cleanses the body from the inside. Using a warm honey solution (a spoon of the product per liter of warm water), in which a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice and a spoon of salt are added, make an enema.

This method of cleansing helps to get rid of putrefactive microorganisms of the intestine, and this means to strengthen the immune system.

5. When fighting in the lower back, bruises and hematomas, it is advisable to apply honey massages, which improve blood circulation and lymph movement.

6. Honey is widely used in cosmetology. So, the honey mask cleans, nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

Mixed (1 tablespoon) with 1 egg yolk and vegetable oil (1 tablespoon) honey gives not only a fresh rested complexion, but also a great mood.

Honey: benefits for the body

Due to the rich content of beneficial substances, honey can rightly be called the most useful and most popular product.

Bactericidal, antimicrobial, antifungal and other beneficial properties of honey make it indispensable for colds and infectious diseases.

Honey reduces inflammation, softens breathing, restores the protective forces lost in the fight against the disease.

The health benefits of honey are due to the rich vitamin and mineral composition of the product. Honey is the best helper for the digestive system. It is able to reduce the acidity of the stomach, heal ulcers, improve the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

In addition, the useful properties of honey can be attributed to its ability to beneficially affect the condition of the skin. Honey copes with such a problem as wilting of the skin, rashes, wounds.

Reducing fatigue, increasing efficiency, reducing the negative effects of stress, getting rid of anxiety are all common benefits of honey for the human body.

Honey: what is the harm to health?

Knowing the beneficial properties of honey, you should not forget that, like any other product, honey has some contraindications that can be a reason for many people to give up its use.

1. Honey has a high calorie content. This valuable food quality is not suitable for obese people.

2. Of course, honey is good for health. But it can not be used in case of an allergic reaction to the product.

3. In addition, honey is prohibited for children under 3 years old. It contains substances that are useful for an adult, but not for a child.

4. Harm of honey consists in its excessive use. Often, people, by zealous, try to nourish their bodies with the greatest number of useful components.

However, a surplus of honey can lead to serious problems with the kidneys and pancreas. The maximum dose of amber product that can be consumed without harm to health is 150 g.

Want more fun? Spread the portion for the whole day, savoring your favorite honey a little bit.

5. As mentioned above, honey is harmful to children under 3 years of age. Older kids can eat honey. It is better to mix it with your favorite porridge or non-hot tea.

The benefits and harm of honey for pregnant women and nursing

A unique product is indispensable during pregnancy and lactation (with rare exceptions).

Thanks to its cardioprotective, antibacterial, anti-fungal and other properties, honey has a beneficial effect on the body of the future mother and baby.

Honey strengthens the immune system (its weakening is the cause of many problems of pregnant women), leads to normal blood pressure, relieves fatigue, gives life-giving energy.

Many women in labor with complicated or prolonged childbirth are injected with honey. This fact speaks eloquently in favor of this product for expectant mothers.

In addition, honey has a positive effect on the nervous system of a woman who, as we know, is weak in the period of hormonal changes.

So, the main beneficial properties of honey for pregnant and lactating:

• victory over toxicosis

• the ability to fall asleep well

• relief from heartburn, abdominal distention, constipation

• help in the treatment of colds

• getting rid of morning sickness

Harm of honey for pregnant and lactating mothers:

• allergic reaction

• ability to lower pressure

In order for honey to bring health benefits and only benefit, its consumption should be limited while waiting or feeding the baby. The recommended dose is a couple of teaspoons per day. This is quite enough to obtain the full range of useful substances contained in the product.

Honey for children: good or bad

Natural natural product - honey is useful for the child's body. The use of high-quality honey makes it possible for children to develop actively. Babies who regularly eat honey have elevated hemoglobin.

These children have a good general condition, they have better absorbed magnesium and calcium, forming the skeleton.

Honey promotes excellent digestion. It helps to defeat the infection, improves eyesight. And honey has a relaxing effect on the immature nervous system of the child, makes it possible to have a sound healthy sleep.

Of course, honey is good for children's health. But not for everyone. If the baby has a tendency to allergies, it is better to postpone the use of honey.

Experts recommend in general up to 6-7 years to do without honey. Or give it to children from the age of 3 on 20 g in several stages, adding cottage cheese, kefir to tea (non-hot!).

It is not recommended to give children honey for more than a month. Take a two-week break and continue medotherapy.

Honey: harm for losing weight

With all the benefits of honey for the body losing weight, those who are on a diet should not abuse this product. After all, it is high in calories!

Honey is contraindicated in obesity and diabetes. Therefore, if you need to lose weight, it is best to consult with a specialist on the reception of honey in your case.

The fact that honey is useful is an axiom. However, each rule has its own exceptions. Consuming even the most useful product, you must comply with the measure. And, of course, to ensure that the honey was of the highest quality. Only in this case can we expect positive results from the use of the “amber miracle”.


Watch the video: What Happens to Your Body When You Start Eating Honey Every Day (July 2024).