Lavash roll with salmon is an ideal dish for holidays and weekdays. Recipes and subtleties of creating a delicious roll of pita with salmon


A simple and tasty lavash roll with salmon can be cooked in advance before the holiday, or maybe ten minutes, when unexpected guests who have suddenly appeared in the living room.

This is his charm.

Moreover, it is so easy to make it that even the owner of the house, who had never entered the kitchen, will cope with the task.

Main principles of cooking are extremely simple: the filling is laid out on the pita bread, it twists into a tube and is cut into portions. Since all products are ready for use, there is no particular difficulty.

However, the hostesses would not be hostesses, if they had not invented a lot of interesting variants of this dish.

Lavash roll with salmon and butter

Lavash roll with salmon will successfully replace bored sandwiches. From the ingredients we need:

• Armenian lavash;

• salted salmon;

• butter.

Salmon cut into thin pieces. Finished fish from the store can be replaced by self-salted, so it will be even tastier.

Pita bread on the one hand we grease with oil, we do not save, the layer must be thick enough.

Then lay out the pieces of salmon.

Fold roll. We must try to make it dense, otherwise it will disintegrate later. Now it only remains to chop it and enjoy the taste. Rolls can be decorated with thin slices of lemon - it will make the taste more vivid.

Lavash roll with salmon and cream cheese

This roll is a little longer, but also not particularly difficult.

Ingredients for the dish:

• Armenian lavash (the recipe is designed to use two sheets);

• 300 g salmon salted purchase;

• cream cheese - 250 g;

• fresh cucumber;

• parsley.

First, prepare the ingredients. Salmon cut into the same recipe. Cucumbers cut into strips - long and thin. If necessary, remove the rind beforehand. Parsley finely chopped. If desired, you can use dill.

Pita bread is spread and greased with cheese, paying special attention to the edges, they must also be missed to stick well.

Next, lay out salmon and cucumbers, sprinkle with all the parsley and roll up the roll.

We cut.

Lavash roll with salmon and garlic sauce

This lavash roll with salmon will appeal to lovers of spicy food. We will need:

• Armenian lavash;

• curd cheese - about 300 g;

• lightly salted salmon - 300 g;

• green salad - packaging.

For the sauce:

• fat cream - a few spoons;

• mayonnaise - as much as sour cream;

• a few cloves of garlic.

First make the sauce. Mix sour cream with mayonnaise, add crushed or finely chopped garlic.

Spread one sheet of pita bread on the table and grease it with cheese. It is convenient to apply with a long knife.

On the cheese we have carefully washed and dried lettuce leaves, then there are slices of fish.

Put on top another leaf of pita bread and spread it with garlic sauce.

We roll up the roll, it will be quite wide, and we wrap it with cling film.

We put in the cold for about half an hour.

We cut and try with the guests.

Lavash roll with canned salmon


• one sheet of thin pita;

• hard cheese - about 100 g, you can more;

• salmon in oil or own juice - a can;

• black pepper;

• sour cream fat - a few spoons;

• salt.

Salmon mash with a fork and mix with a tablespoon of sour cream. Salt and pepper.

In a separate bowl we rub the cheese and add the remaining sour cream and spices to it.

We take a sheet of pita bread and apply one mixture of salmon to one half of it. Cover it with the second half and spread cheese on the top with sour cream. We make a roll, put it in a film and send it to the fridge.

An hour later, the dish is ready.

Lavash roll with salmon and cold smoked trout

Another fish is added to the lavash roll with the salmon of the hostess, it diversifies the taste, gives an unusual note. Products:

• Armenian lavash;

• salmon - 300 g;

• trout - about 200 g;

• olives - 10 pieces;

• any curd cheese - 250 g;

• onion feathers;

• mayonnaise.

Cottage cheese cheese must be mixed with mayonnaise and chopped onions.

Spread salmon on the spread on the table, which should be cut into thin plates.

Put salmon on salmon, then trout strips and finely chopped olives.

We twist the roll and pack it in cling film, firmly squeeze it as far as possible, put it in the cold for the night. The main thing to remember to get it from there about an hour before serving. It will be easier to cut the roll while it is still cold.

Lavash roll with salmon, quail eggs and tarragon

This lavash roll with salmon has a very interesting look due to quail eggs. Tarragon, he's tarragon, gives a unique flavor. This herb must be present necessarily, you can not replace it with anything.


• one sheet of pita;

• lightly salted salmon - 200 g;

• processed cheese (or sausage);

• quail eggs - 10 pieces;

• tarragon - 1 bunch.

First of all, thoroughly smear the processed cheese on pita bread.

Then lay out part of the tarragon leaves.

With a thin layer of salmon we cover the whole pita bread, leaving its left edge free.

On the right we place a thick layer of tarragon, and on it lay a strip of eggs.

Now we must very carefully roll up the roll. It is important that the eggs remain in place and not collapsed.

A roll wrapped in a film should lie in the refrigerator for several hours.

Very sharp knife divide the dish into portions. On the cut in the center should be an egg surrounded by greenery.

Roll of pita with salmon and tomato

Very interesting taste gives not the most familiar combination of salted fish with tomato. Lavash roll with salmon, made according to this recipe, is very bright and festive.

List of required products:

• Armenian lavash;

• lightly salted salmon - 300 g;

• any soft cheese - 150 g;

• tomatoes - 5 pieces of medium size;

• garlic - a few cloves, depending on how much you like it;

• mayonnaise;

• green onions;

• fresh greens.

First, we are preparing the filling. Tomatoes must be removed peel. This is very easy to do, just put them in boiling water for just a few seconds. Now they should be finely chopped and mixed with cheese, garlic, greens and mayonnaise suppressed.

Put the resulting mass in a thick layer on the pita bread, place thin slices of salmon on top and sprinkle everything with green onions.

Then everything is traditional - food wrap, refrigerator and serving.

Baked pita bread roll with salmon

Lavash roll with salmon can be a delicious hot dish. Here we need raw salmon, but in principle it can be used and salted. In this case, the dish does not require additional dosalivat.


• salmon, fresh fillet - 1 kg;

• two sheets of thin pita;

• any hard cheese - 300 g;

• oil (olive or any other);

• a few spoons of French mustard;

• honey - enough teaspoon;

• some lemon juice;

• dry Provence herbs;

• half a sheaf of parsley and dill;

• salt, pepper - at will.

Salmon fillet must be prepared - remove the bones and skin. Cut it into thin pieces.

Hard cheese grate. Finely chop greens.

For refueling, combine two tablespoons of olive oil, lemon juice and French mustard with a teaspoon of honey.

On one side of the sheet of pita we coat with olive oil. A lot of it is not necessary, because the fish itself is quite fat.

We spread salmon pieces on the pita bread, while leaving one edge free, so that the roll turns out neat when it is rolled up.

Put the cheese and chopped greens on the fish.

We form a roll and cut it.

Pour baking sheet with foil or grease with oil and spread on it roll slices. Pour them with a pre-prepared dressing and send to the oven for about half an hour.

Ready-made rolls are placed on a dish, decorated with green lettuce leaves and served hot.

Lavash roll with salmon, baked in foil

This is a very interesting and unusual way to bake fish. In principle, it can be used any, including the whole carcass, but salmon looks the most festive.


• fresh salmon fillet - 1 kg;

• pita bread - one sheet;

• olive oil;

• greens (parsley);

• spices for fish;

• salt.

Fish must be cleaned, cut into portions. Then sprinkle each piece with lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste.

Pita bread is also divided into pieces. In size, they should be such that salmon can be wrapped in them.

Lubricate the lavash with oil, place the fish in the center, put greens on top (parsley is best), fold the lavash into an envelope.

Rolls wrapped in foil and sent to the oven (180 degrees). The dish will be baked for about 20 minutes. Serve it with garnished with cherry tomatoes.

Lavash roll with salmon - the secrets and subtleties of cooking

  • This dish has its own cooking secrets. Perhaps the most important thing that appears in almost every recipe for pita bread is the need to hold the dish in the refrigerator for a while. This is done in order to combine the tastes of the ingredients, and the lavash itself is soaked. Ideally, the roll should be spent in the fridge overnight, but if there is no such possibility, you should leave it there for at least half an hour.

  • So that the dish does not absorb extraneous odors, it is wrapped with cling film. In addition, it allows you to give it the necessary shape and save it.

  • In no case should the lavash roll be put in the freezer. Thawing, pita will spread out, it will become unpleasant both in appearance and in taste.

  • Cutting roll is not as easy as it may seem. Since the filling consists of pieces, they can easily crumble, and no beautiful appearance will not work. Therefore it is necessary to arm with a very sharp knife that will leave a neat cut.

  • In stores there are different types of pita bread, it is suitable thin, they are also called Armenian.

  • For rolls, it is best to buy rectangular or square pita bread. It is convenient to twist these sheets, the roll is smooth and beautiful. Round it is necessary to cut.

  • In the air, the pita quickly becomes stale and begins to break. But you can fight it. It is enough to sprinkle it with warm water, and after a few minutes it will again become soft.

  • Salmon roll can be bought immediately cut. If it is a solid piece, it is necessary to thoroughly clean it, remove all bones (even softened) and skin.

Lavash roll is a very convenient thing. In order to cook it, it is not necessary to study dozens of recipes and look for some special products. In fact, you can wrap it in absolutely everything that is in the fridges. Proven observation: if guests ignore a salad on a festive table, it is enough to use it as a filling for pita bread so that a new dish will make a splash.


Watch the video: Lavash Veggie Eggs Recipe - Breakfast Idea - Heghineh Cooking Show (July 2024).