Folk remedies for bronchitis: inexpensive and proven. We treat bronchitis with folk remedies quickly and without consequences


Inflammation of the tissues in the bronchi is accompanied by a cough (dry or wet), general weakness of the body, in some cases - temperature. But bronchitis itself is not so terrible as the complications after it.

Many folk remedies for bronchitis help to quickly eliminate the symptoms and improve the patient's condition, preventing the terrible consequences.

The effect of folk remedies is even better than that of traditional medicines.

Undoubtedly, with bronchitis (whether acute or chronic), a doctor’s consultation and proper treatment are necessary. The main principle of therapy for bronchitis is kill the infection, relieve inflammation and stimulate sputum discharge. Depending on the cause of bronchitis and the condition of the patient, traditional medicine offers many ways of effective treatment. With the right approach, antibiotics are not even needed.

Acute and chronic bronchitis: causes

The most common causes of the disease are bacterial, viral, or fungal infections. Sometimes bronchitis can be a manifestation of an allergy or be the result of prolonged exposure to factors such as smoke or chemicals that irritate the bronchi.

It is the establishment of provoking factors and the form of the disease that is the key to success in treatment.

Acute bronchitis

This form of the disease is always accompanied by weakness, fever, a feeling of constriction behind the sternum and a dry cough. Acute bronchitis is almost always infectious, less commonly triggered by chemicals. It can last several days and pass without a trace, or drag on for weeks, supplemented by the release of mucopurulent sputum during coughing.

Chronical bronchitis

Associated with prolonged irritation of bronchial tissues, chronic bronchitis usually occurs as a result of untreated acute bronchitis, or under the influence of volatile chemicals. Inflammatory and purulent processes in the lungs and upper respiratory tract can also provoke the disease.

The main symptoms are morning (at first) cough, with sputum discharge. If bronchitis is not treated, then the cough becomes round-the-clock, with abundant sputum production, shortness of breath appears, the patient quickly gets tired, strong rales are heard in the bronchi.

Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and expectorant drugs - the main "weapon" in the fight against bronchitis. Traditional medicine has all these means in its arsenal.

The principles of treatment of bronchitis folk remedies

The role of antibiotics in folk medicine is successfully played by inhalations with volatile drugs, mucolytic and expectorant effects are given by herbs and fees, heavy drinking, and they fight bronchospasm with the help of rubbing and compresses.

At the first manifestations of bronchitis, it is advisable to visit a Russian bath, or at least steame your legs. We will tell you more about further treatment.

Awesome effect of inhalation!

If there is no nebulizer, or a ready-made inhaler at home, then making a full-fledged inhaler is very simple. To do this, fill a pot or teapot with hot water (a decoction of herbs, even potatoes), the patient bends over the outgoing steam, covers itself with a thick cloth, and inhales useful fumes with a full chest.

With proper inhalation, cough and inflammation pass, the patient feels a sharp improvement. Great effect gives eucalyptus. It contains natural volatile, killing bacteria (mostly staphylococci). To prepare a solution for inhalation, take 3 tablespoons of dried leaves of rod eucalyptus, pour them with a liter of water, boil for five minutes, let it brew for a bit. The solution is ready! It is necessary to repeat inhalations twice a day, and a few drops of coniferous essential oil can be added to the decoction.

Onion and garlic volatile in the form of inhalations are also able to overcome even the complex form of bronchitis. To prepare the solution, you need to mix the onion and garlic juice, and add one part of the isotonic sodium chloride solution or 25% novocaine solution to the three parts of this mixture. Do a couple of times a day for ten days. The solution does not need to be heated, as is the case with eucalyptus.

Rubbing the feet and chest with bronchitis

Feet can be heated not only by thermal exposure, but also with the help of rubbing. An excellent effect is achieved using a mixture of castor oil and turpentine in equal proportions. The solution rubbed the feet well, then put on warm wool socks.

The chest can be rubbed with a Zvezdochka balm or with different types of animal fat. If badger fat is found, it helps best. It is necessary to rub their chest thoroughly, to feel a pleasant warmth, dress themselves with a woolen scarf and oversleep so much the night. In the morning there will be noticeable relief, and the procedure for three in many cases, bronchitis passes completely.

Bronchitis and folk remedies: you can not do without compresses

Both heating and compresses on the bronchial area have a directed emergency effect. For warming successfully apply a compress from boiled potatoes: crush three boiled potatoes in a peel, add a spoonful of honey and three teaspoons of baking soda. An hour before bedtime, put cakes on the chest and back, before going to bed, remove and wrap a warm scarf.

It has long been used in the treatment of bronchitis. honey and onion cakes. In equal proportions, mix the grated onion, honey and flour, add 50 grams of vodka. Roll the cake in a thin layer and put on the chest for the whole night. It helps better than mustard.

An extremely simple but very effective way - honey compresses at night. With honey, you need to lubricate the skin of the chest and back where the bronchi are located, cover the greased areas with compress paper and bandage the patient with a warm scarf.

Treatment of bronchitis with herbal decoctions

The most commonly used herbs to collect in the treatment of bronchitis:

• leaves of coltsfoot and watch;

• marshmallow root;

• Icelandic moss;

• chamomile flowers;

• yarrow and nettle grass;

• rosehip fruits.

A collection of all of the above herbs is suitable for the treatment of any type of cough. All the ingredients of the collection are perfectly combined with each other, providing a quick recovery.

Herbs used according to symptoms:

• with a hoarse voice and irritated throat, aniseed seeds and peppermint are used;

• in case of bacterial infection - calendula flowers, eucalyptus leaves, St. John's wort grass and elecampane root;

• licorice root, thyme grass, sage leaves, tansy flowers and linden blossom are good for sputum discharge.

Charges or individual herbs are usually brewed with hot water in the proportion of 1 teaspoon per glass of water, simmer in a water bath for an average of 15 minutes. The finished broth is filtered, adjusted with hot water to its original volume, and drunk in 1/4 - 1/2 cup 4 times a day.

Treatment with herbal decoctions should be long, and continue for a couple of weeks after the disappearance of symptoms of bronchitis.

Above are the most common herbs that can be found in every pharmacy.

Folk remedies for bronchitis for oral administration

Chlorophyllipt, Onion and Garlic have a strong antimicrobial effect. Chlorophyllipt is used three times a day, 25 drops in the form of a 1% alcohol solution. Onions and garlic are useful in any fresh form - you can squeeze the juice and chew as is, or grind it by adding honey or vodka.

Volatile in these plants help to overcome even severe cases of bronchitis.

There are people who associate their cure for chronic bronchitis with taking adjika. Their method is to use 1 tablespoon adjika with garlic and horseradish half an hour before meals, three times a day.

Dry cough relief cocoa butter added to warm milk with honey.

In the initial stages of bronchitis helps intense simultaneous warming up inside and out. On the back, between the shoulder blades, put a towel wrapped in a towel with hot water for 10 minutes. Cross on your back, and put the heating pad on your chest for 10 minutes. Eat hot, thick food - vegetable puree or porridge (you can drink chicken stock), spread breast oil with pine oil (fir is best). After a few minutes, drink a glass of hot milk with a teaspoon of honey. Proven method, helps quickly.

In addition to the above funds for treatment, you must not forget about raising immunity. The juice aloe or radish, the use of cranberries, sea buckthorn, currants, raspberries and rose hips - Mandatory participants in the comprehensive treatment of bronchitis.


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