Mushroom soup with pearl barley is a hearty and easy-to-cook dish. Original recipes of mushroom soup with pearl barley


Mushrooms are a low-calorie product, so they are used for diet. They contain vitamins and lecithin, which fights cholesterol. Besides all this, they have a huge amount of protein. With this product, many dishes are prepared, including soups, where, in addition to them, vegetables, meat and cereals are added to the broth.

Mushrooms in combination with pearl barley, which contains even more vitamins and amino acids, make the dish not only tasty, but also useful. Soups with these ingredients are fragrant and original.

Mushroom soup with barley - the general principles of cooking

• Mushroom soup is sometimes cooked in vegetable broth.

• Be sure to soak dried mushrooms before cooking them. Pour the remaining broth into the soup for richness.

• Thaw mushrooms in warm water for half an hour.

• Before cooking, lower the barley for four hours in cold water.

• If there is no time to wait for the barley to boil out, then boil it in a separate dish and then add to the soup.

• For pickle, instead of soaking, the barley can be browned in oil.

Classic mushroom soup with barley

A nutritious and flavorful first course with many vitamins.


• liter of broth;

• 140 g of mushrooms;

• Bay leaf;

• 110 g of pearl barley;

• olive oil for frying;

• one leek;

• one carrot;

• salt;

• one onion;

• hot red pepper;

• parsley;

• tarragon;

• 2 tbsp. l ghee butter.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the pearl barley grits. Bring half the broth to a boil and add salt, barley and bay leaf to it. Reduce heat and simmer for 45 minutes.

2. Rinse and dry the mushrooms. Fry them in butter with salt and pepper until golden brown.

3. Onion and carrot peel and shred. In a separate saucepan in olive oil, fry them until cooked. Then add the remaining broth, mushrooms and ready-made barley with liquid. Cook over medium heat, cover not fully with the lid, for 23 minutes.

4. Four minutes until cooked, add tarragon, leek and parsley to the soup.

5. Pour the finished dish into plates, and serve with homemade breadcrumbs.

6. Vegetable soup and sandwiches go well with this soup.

Mushroom soup with pearl barley in a slow cooker

If you cook it in a dish in a slow cooker, then all its useful properties will be preserved.


• 480 g of mushrooms;

• half a multi-glass barley;

• 25 g parsley root;

• vegetable oil;

• 360 g potatoes;

• salt;

• 125 g carrots;

• 2.4 liters of water;

• 95 g onions.

Cooking method:

1. Pour boiling water over barley and soak it in it for twenty minutes.

2. Chop onions randomly and fry in the "Baking" mode. After 8 minutes, add carrots grated on a fine or coarse grater and fry for the same amount of minutes.

3. Rinse the mushrooms, remove from them all the excess and grind. Add them to roasted vegetables and cook for 17 minutes.

4. Then add peeled and chopped potatoes, barley and chopped parsley root.

5. Pour in water, salt and cook for sixty minutes in Quenching mode.

6. After cooking, open the lid not immediately, but only after 9 minutes.

7. Serve hot with any vegetable salad.

Mushroom soup with pearl barley


• 460 g of mushrooms;

• one onion;

• nutmeg;

• celery stalk;

• incomplete glass barley;

• salt;

• half a glass of cream;

• 35 g butter;

• pepper;

• 40 ml of olive oil;

• one glass of broth.

Cooking method:

1. Pearl barley rinse well and soak in water for an hour. Then boil it in water until tender.

2. Crumble randomly peeled onions and celery, and fry in a saucepan in hot oil.

3. Rinse the mushrooms, cut lengthwise and add to the vegetables. Put nutmeg, pepper and salt there. Simmer for 8 minutes.

4. Pour some water and broth into the mixture, add barley. Boil and cook for 17 minutes.

5. Grind all ingredients with a blender to a smooth consistency.

6. Serve the dish with croutons and a sprig of parsley.

Mushroom soup with pearl barley "Rassolnik"

The soup turns out tasty and healthy.


• four potatoes;

• carrots and onions;

• a handful of mushrooms;

• 450 g salted cucumbers;

• incomplete glass barley;

• ground pepper;

• sour cream;

• 3.8 liters of water;

• 300 ml of cucumber brine;

• salt;

• sunflower oil;

• greenery;

• three bay leaves.

Cooking method:

1. Put the barley soaked in warm water overnight.

2. The next day, transfer the cereal to the pan and cook with the water for 12 minutes. Then drain all the water and fill with new.

3. While the cereal is boiled, prepare the vegetables. Peel the potatoes, cut into medium cubes and add to the barley.

4. Chop carrots and onions, fry them in sunflower oil. Add to them the brine and pepper, mix. After some time, add chopped pickled cucumber to onions and carrots.

5. Transfer the frying to the soup along with the bay leaves. Boil for 16 minutes.

6. Ready soup should be infused for half an hour.

7. Serve it with greens and sour cream.

Mushroom, Barley and Cream Cheese Soup

Melted cheese gives spice to the dish and makes it even tastier.


• 430 g of mushrooms;

• bow;

• two potatoes;

• salt;

• 210 g of processed cheese;

• 75 g of barley;

• spices;

• 2.1 l of beef broth.

Cooking method:

1. Pre-soak the barley in water for five hours.

2. Boil swollen barley in water until ready.

3. The water in which it was prepared, drain and pour broth instead of it.

4. Wash the mushrooms, chop randomly and fry with a shredded onion until rosy color.

5. Add zazharku to broth and cook over medium heat.

6. Wash the potatoes, peel, cut into slices and add to the soup along with the salt. Cook until fully cooked potatoes.

7. Add grated processed cheese and spices. Boil another 8 minutes.

8. Serve with chopped greens.

Mushroom soup with pearl barley "Solyanka"

A fragrant dish in which you can add almost any ingredient.


• 1.8 chicken broth;

• a glass of honey agaric;

• 140 g of ham;

• three potatoes;

• 130 g smoked sausage;

• 125 g of pearl barley;

• salt;

• two pickled cucumbers;

• two Art. l sour cream;

• 5 pieces. pitted olives;

• two bows;

• half a lemon;

• three Art. l pasta.

Cooking method:

1. Mushrooms, rinse, remove their legs and fry in sunflower oil with onion cut into cubes.

2. Barley, pre-soaked overnight, put stew in broth.

3. Add the sliced ​​ham and smoked sausage to the barley.

4. Cut the potatoes into straws and add to the broth along with the salt. Cook for 12 minutes.

5. There also lower fried mushrooms, grated cucumbers and tomato paste. Boil the soup for 18 minutes. If desired, for a rich taste, you can add pickle from cucumbers.

6. After cooking, let Solyanka brew.

7. Serve the soup, decorating it with olive, sour cream and a slice of lemon.

Barley soup and dried mushrooms

Mushrooms that have been dried in advance, give the dish a special flavor.


• 115 g dried mushrooms;

• salt;

• 1.9 liters of water;

• 5 potatoes;

• pepper;

• one carrot and onion;

• green onions;

• 85 g of pearl barley.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the dried mushrooms with any water and leave them overnight.

2. Boil the barley in a separate container.

3. Pull the mushrooms out of the water, dry them and chop them. Strain the water in which they lay.

4. Pour the broth from the mushrooms into the pan, put the mushrooms in there and add the rather diced potatoes to them. Boil for 35 minutes.

5. Add pearl barley to the soup.

6. Chop onions randomly and fry in butter. To it add carrots shabby on a large or small grater.

7. Add vegetable grill to soup. Boil for 13 minutes.

8. Serve with shredded spring onions.

Mushroom soup from barley "Krakonoš"

A dish with an unusual taste and aroma.


• 450 ml of cream;

• vinegar;

• 240 g fresh mushrooms;

• salt;

• 70 g of barley;

• A pair of peppercorns;

• 45 g fat;

• allspice;

• two Art. l flour;

• Bay leaf;

• four potatoes;

• cumin.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the cereal, dry and fry in fat. Then fill it with water and simmer until tender.

2. Add to the barley roots, salt, chopped potatoes, washed and chopped mushrooms, spices and cook all together for 36 minutes.

3. In a separate bowl, mix the flour, cream and add them to the soup. Cook for 6 minutes.

4. Add a little vinegar before serving.

5. Soup goes well with smoked meat.

Mushroom soup of green peas, frozen mushrooms and pearl barley

With this recipe, the soup is nourishing and tasty.


• 530 g of frozen mushrooms;

• 240 g green peas;

• 90 g celery and parsley;

• 230 g of pearl barley;

• six black peppercorns;

• half a cup of sunflower oil;

• salt;

• four spoons of sour cream;

• four cloves of garlic;

• a bunch of dill;

• onions and carrots;

• laurel leaf;

• 2.2 liters of water.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the croup in advance until cooked.

2. Peel the garlic, carrots, roots, onions from the skin, wash and dry them with a towel.

3. Onion cut into rings or half rings. Root chop straws. Crumble the potatoes and chop the garlic.

4. Put frozen mushrooms in a bowl, cover them with water and wait until they are completely thawed.

5. Drain the water from the mushrooms, move them to a colander, rinse and dry with a towel.

6. Slice the mushrooms into large pieces, fry them, and then saute them with the onions until done.

7. Pour water into a saucepan, add parsley, celery and cook for 13 minutes. Add carrots, potatoes and cook for another 17-19 minutes.

8. After add barley and onions with mushrooms, boil for 6 minutes.

9. At the very end, add green peas, laurel leaf, pepper, garlic, salt, chopped dill to the soup. Stir and cook for 22 minutes.

10. Before serving, let the soup stand for 4-7 minutes.

11. Ingredients in the soup can be replaced by any other.

12. Serve the soup along with black bread and sour cream.

Lenten mushroom soup with the addition of barley

The dish is suitable for those who do not like fatty foods.


• 65 g dried mushrooms;

• one head of onions and carrots;

• half a glass of pearl barley;

• two or three potatoes;

• salt;

• laurel;

• stalks of green onions;

• olive oil;

• pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the pearl barley and transfer it to a colander.

2. Boil water in a saucepan. Place the grits in a colander over the pan, cover with something and steam the barley for half an hour.

3. Rinse the dried mushrooms, cover them with hot water and leave to infuse for 7 minutes. Take out the mushrooms, dry them and cut. Strain the broth from them, and put in a saucepan to boil.

4. In the water from the mushrooms, place the pearl barley almost ready, salt and cook for 27 minutes.

5. Slice the potatoes randomly and put them in the soup with the pepper. Boil for 13 minutes.

6. Finely chop the onion and carrot, fry them in oil. Next, add the same mushrooms and simmer for 3-7 minutes.

7. Add the roasted mass to the soup along with the bay leaf, boil for 12 minutes.

8. Infuse the soup for at least 9 minutes.

9. Serve garnished with chopped green onions.

Barley Mushroom Soup Tips & Tips

• Mushroom soup is made from all mushrooms, but only from the whites it turns out to be the most fragrant.

• Chicken broth soup made from mushrooms and pearl barley is tastier than beef broth.

• From spices in the soup, add a special seasoning for mushrooms.

• To spice up the dishes, add dried herbs to it.

• To enhance the taste of the dish, add crushed melted cheese with mushroom flavor at the end of cooking.


Watch the video: Beef & Barley Soup Recipe - Laura Vitale - Laura in the Kitchen Episode 523 (July 2024).