The sweetest female habits through the eyes of men


Every woman spends more than one hour a day to look good. Probably, there is not a single representative of the fair sex who would not like to catch enthusiastic men's eyes on herself.

You can not predict what type of woman like this or that man, but you can take into account the fact that there are several female habits that cause a male inflow of tenderness and make you smile or be touched. So what are the features of the behavior of girls like men?

1. To pace around the house in his clothes

It may seem to women that men are very annoying and enraged when they put on their clothes and roam in such a way around the apartment, for example. But, quite the opposite. Numerous surveys and polls have shown that the male gender finds it very funny and cute. Judge for yourself: if the first thing your beloved sees when you open your eyes in the morning is your butt, which is slightly visible from under his favorite salmon-colored shirt, his mood will rise for the whole day (and not just the mood, if you understand what I). What could be nicer and sexier than the beloved girl who wears your clothes?

Of course, if you, dear women, put on his dress shirt and go to the kitchen to cook dinner, then such a man is unlikely to appreciate your gesture. But, even then, you can find a way out and get away from the conflict by placing a dish with a delicious borsch in front of a beloved. I guarantee he will forget what he wanted to tell you off.

2. Going for milk and spend half the salary

And at the same time forget to buy milk. Familiar, is not it? A man should initially be prepared for the fact that more than 85% of women have such a habit. But, it can annoy only the stingy and greedy representatives of the stronger sex. I am sure that your beloved is the best, kindest and most generous, so do not be afraid to spread your bright wings and fly around the shops for the very necessary and less necessary things in the company of your good friend - his wallet.

A man thinks he is cute when his beloved one comes home with full packages of all kinds of nonsense and, clapping with his eyelashes, tries to prove to him that he has acquired only basic necessities. He wants or does not want, and a smile appears on his face, because it is difficult for him to imagine how he would have lived in the world without his favorite spine.

3. Always demand his attention and love

The main feature of women is that they constantly want to be paid attention, cared for and protected. Unfortunately, many men are introverts by nature - they believe that the beloved one already knows that they love and appreciate her. How can she not know this? Why prove your love for her every day? How nice that there is this female habit, with which you can lure a loved one out of his virtual cocoon and make him talk about his feelings.

Although your beloved and does not admit it, but you can be sure that he really likes when you come to him, gently kiss on the cheek and ask such an important question for you: "Do you love me?". The ice in his heart will melt, and for a moment he will turn into a gentle and affectionate teddy bear that hides behind its ever-serious and slightly intimidating look.

4. Open your mouth when you paint eyelashes with mascara

Men are already accustomed to the fact that women spend a lot of time on makeup and styling. They can not pay attention if you sit in the bathroom extra hour and a half. They can’t understand only one thing: why practically all girls open their mouths, when they color their eyelashes? Try to explain to your loved one that we ourselves do not know the answer to this tricky question. And why ask if you can just silently watch such an interesting scene?

Male representatives consider this habit to be cute only because a woman looks very funny at such a moment. The mouth is wide open, eyes bulging as much as possible, the look serious and fixed in a pink mirror. Here's how you can not spread into a smile, beloved for such a thing?

5. Ask the question: "Do you even remember what day it is?"

Women are angry when a loved one forgets about some important date. Therefore, they have such a habit. By asking her man this question, the woman still hopes that he will still remember. If hopes are not justified, then the question is followed by hysteria with insults. Men are not given to understand why all these dates and anniversaries are so important for us, therefore, an attempt to explain their position to a loved one, unfortunately, will not be crowned with success.

Do not try to annoy your beloved with such a question. Contrary to everything, men consider this habit to be cute, because once she remembers, it means that this is really important for her. And then, the representatives of the stronger sex find a very sexy moment when a woman gets angry and vehemently proves her point. She can ask herself, answer her own question, and then also be offended. In the end, that's really nice.

6. Long and tedious to discuss something with friends on the phone

More than her man, a woman loves only one thing - to chat on the phone with her friends. I want to be aware of all the events, to learn firsthand that Andrei left Katka, and Nastya thinks she is pregnant, but does not know from whom. With whom, if not with a friend can you talk about everything? It seems to men that half an hour is more than enough to have time to chat and share gossip. Of course, some are very annoying long phone conversations, especially when their beloved can overcook cutlets. But, most men seem quite nice when a woman talks to her friend on the phone for a few hours and discusses such trifles with indescribable enthusiasm that it is difficult for him to hold back the laughter.

He knows that if she does not get nervous and get involved in a conversation, she will be grateful for that. After the "telephone gatherings," her mood improves markedly, and men so like to see their beloved happy. And it doesn’t matter what little thing caused her happiness.


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