Economy pizza on pita - fast and very tasty!


Pizza ... the name of this dish just caresses the ear, because it is so juicy and delicious that there is hardly any person in the world who does not like pizza.

However, one should not forget that besides the taste, such baking is also very high in calories, therefore it is not recommended to eat it at night. Well, in the morning not to pamper your relatives with such a dish would be just a sin, because it is cooked in 10-15 minutes and consists of a minimum of products. Yes, it is from a minimum, because pizza is good because you need very few ingredients for its filling.

To make sure that such baking is budgetary, let's try to cook it together!

We will need:

- 1 sheet of thin pita;

- 200 g smoked sausage;

- 1 tomato;

- 100 g of hard cheese;

- 2-3 stalks of green onions;

- 2 tbsp. mayonnaise;

- 2 tbsp. ketchup;

- 2 pinches of salt.

How wonderful that to create such a pizza there is no need to mess around with the preparation of the dough - thin pita can be purchased at any store or supermarket at an affordable price. To create pizza on pita you need only 1 sheet of this thin flour product. Fold it in half and cut out the round base of the shape in which you are going to make pizza. In this case, slightly protrude over the edges so that the basis of the dough will turn out with sides. It is not necessary to stick to even round lines - pita bread will be eaten in any form.

Then grate hard cheese on a fine grater. For this kind of baking, the best choice is “Russian”, “Dutch” or “Okhtyrsky” varieties. Visually divide the rubbed curd into three parts.

Put one circle of pita in the mold and immediately sprinkle it with one piece of grated cheese.

Next, mix mayonnaise and ketchup in a container.

Place another layer of dough on a layer of cheese and coat it with the prepared mixture of sauces. Thus, your base will become double with a layer of cheese, which will allow it to withstand the load in the form of filling.

Sprinkle cheese over the pizza blank again, leaving a small portion of it for the top.

Slice the smoked sausage and place on the cheese layer. Give preference to varieties of "Cervelat", "Salami", etc., so that the fat they contain is slightly melted during heat treatment.

Then rinse the tomato and cut it into quarters. Put a layer of sausage in a semicircle.

Rinse the green onion stalks and chop them. Sprinkle over the prepared stuffing. If you plan to include in the process of creating pizza and spicy greens, then it should be left for later, for sprinkling an already baked dish, otherwise it will darken in the oven. Sprinkle the stock with the remaining grated cheese and salt. Send in the oven for 5-7 minutes - it’s not worth keeping the pizza longer, because it consists of almost finished products.

You want to eat a cooked dish with one glance - it looks so attractive.

Without letting cool, cut the pizza into portions and serve to the table. At this stage, you can sprinkle it with chopped spicy greens. Especially subtle taste of baking is revealed with sweet tea - be sure to pre-brew it. Enjoy your meal!

As you had time to notice, such a popular dish was cooked in just 15 minutes, so that you quite have time to serve it for breakfast - the children will be absolutely delighted! Let's still calculate the cost of purchasing products:

- 1 sheet of pita - 8 rubles .;

- 200 g smoked sausage - 30 rubles;

- 1 tomato - 5 rubles;

- 100 g of hard cheese - 20 rubles;

- 2-3 stalks of green onions - 2 rubles;

- 2 tbsp. mayonnaise - 3 rubles .;

- 2 tbsp. Ketchup - 3 rubles.

Total: juicy pizza for 4 servings went out for your pocket at 70 rubles, and 1 serving - at 18 rubles. Great budget idea for both breakfast and lunch - treat your family in the most delicious and economical dishes that you always find on our site.


Watch the video: Fast Recipe - Pita Club Sandwich with Omelette (July 2024).