Burdock Hair Masks: Recipes


Beautiful strong hair is an important component of female attractiveness. Stress, poor nutrition and poor ecology can seriously damage the health of hair. To correct the situation, try a mask based on natural burdock oil.

The benefits of burdock oil

Burdock oil (another name for burdock or burdock) is a unique natural product that includes all the vitamins necessary for healthy hair, namely vitamins A, C, B and E. One should not forget about the trace elements that make up the oil : zinc, copper, chromium and iron. Organic matter from the group of polysaccharides, inulin, naturally contributes to cleansing the hair, reducing the production of sebum to normal levels, and moisturizes the scalp.

The oil film created on the surface of the hair accelerates their natural recovery. Thereby burdock oil is used for such problems, as:

  • Increased dryness and brittleness;
  • Lack of hair nutrition;
  • Dry seborrheic dermatitis and itching caused by the scalp;
  • Hair restoration after pregnancy and childbirth;
  • Full and partial alopecia.

Burdock oil is also suitable for hair with a high fat content if you want to accelerate their growth. But then be prepared for the fact that throughout the entire period of treatment the hair will not look fresh enough.

Rules for using burdock hair oil

To use burdock oil for hair in accordance with the instructions for use, follow these steps:

  • Before applying a mask or other cosmetic product containing burdock oil, wash your hair clean and squeeze them through a cotton towel. They should remain slightly moist during the procedure;
  • Burdock oil is better absorbed if it is applied to the hair in a heated form;
  • Oil application is carried out for 7 - 10 minutes. At this time, rub the oil in a massaging motion, stroking the strands. Oil is distributed evenly along the entire length, including the roots and tips. In order not to damage the strands with sharp movements, carefully comb your hair before washing your head: this will be less tangled after washing;
  • A mask or other composition with cosmetic burdock oil is kept for at least an hour;
  • Burdock oil has an intense orange color that can paint over a towel and very light strands. Rinse it off with plenty of water and foamed shampoo;
  • The optimal frequency of the procedure with a mask for any type of hair - 2 times a week;
  • After one and a half months of treatment, take a break for 2 to 3 weeks, and then the masks can be resumed.

Helpful advice: You can enhance the effect of hair treatment with burdock oil with the help of evening brushing. This is not just a way to put your hair in order, but also an excellent massage for the scalp. Use a special brush with rounded ends and intensively press down on the skin of the scalp from top to bottom. Massage movements will help to activate the blood flow and strengthen the supply of hair follicles with lymph.

Application Methods

The medicinal plant oil, when used for treating hair, can be applied by different methods. The efficiency of the procedure depends on which method you choose:

  • Ingestion - the addition of a small amount of the product in food on a regular basis has a good effect on the condition of the skin and hair. It is also a good therapy for erosive damage to the gastrointestinal tract. However, before starting treatment, consult a physician regarding contraindications depending on the individual condition. Take oil should be before breakfast (1 tbsp. L). You can drink it with water, acidified with lemon, to facilitate swallowing;
  • Outdoor use - Burdock oil is applied to the scalp and hair in its pure form or being added to various cosmetic compositions. Remember that it is undesirable to carry out the procedure in a sauna or a bath, as the product has a dense structure, and exposure to high temperatures will lead to inhibition of aeration of the skin and hair.

In pure form

Apply burdock oil for hair in undiluted concentration is not only possible, but recommended, but the procedure has its features.

Before use, the oil should be heated in a water bath: heat treatment activates the transfer of nutrients from the product to the hair structure. It is optimal to heat it to a temperature slightly lower than the natural temperature of the human body.

Rub the oil in your hands with either a cotton or gauze pad. It can soil clothes, so during the procedure, put on the neck an extra layer of protection - for example, an old towel, which is not a pity to get dirty.

In the composition of cosmetics

Burdock oil does not lose its active medicinal properties even if it is added to the composition of finished cosmetic products, such as creams, hair conditioners, shampoos, masks and balms. For the cream, it is enough to mix one teaspoon of the product, for the shampoo you will need a tablespoon.

Oil fat hairtherefore, it is necessary to wash it off rather intensively. To prevent the hair from losing its fresh look, it is worth not more than 1 to 2 times every 7 to 10 days to use the technique with the addition of oil in the makeup of cosmetics.

Burdock Hair Masks

Burdock oil masks are good because their preparation does not require the purchase of expensive additional components. All that is needed can be found in the refrigerator or home medicine chest. For example, take the five most popular hair masks:

  • With banana - One ripe banana is peeled and crushed to a puree gruel with a fork. Add a quarter cup of the burdock oil to the mixture and blend until smooth. The mask is applied to wet hair and washed off after 1.5 hours;
  • With egg white - for oily and greasy hair, a mask of raw protein and burdock oil is well suited. To prevent the protein from curling up from the heat, beat the protein well to a thick foam and then mix in the oil. The structure keeps on hair before full drying and is washed away by cool water;
  • With cream - any nourishing cosmetic cream (you can take the kids) from your home first-aid kit in combination with burdock oil works wonders. Squeeze the cream out of the tube - you will need about two tablespoons, - then mix the raw yolk and butter (a quarter cup) to it. Mask applied to the hair is maintained for 120 minutes and then washed off with shampoo. To feed the hair, the procedure is repeated every 7 days;
  • With cocoa powder - A tablespoon of the usual cocoa powder (naturally, without added sugar) is added to the plant oil (three spoons) and 2 mashed yolks are added to the mass. The mixture is whipped with a whisk to a thick fluffy mass and applied to the hair roots. Warm your head, wait 2 hours, and then wash off the mask;
  • With nettle - to strengthen exhausted and dry hair, try a mask with nettle. The dried plant raw materials purchased at the pharmacy are brewed with boiling water (10 g per 100 ml of water), cooled and filtered, and then mixed with burdock oil (1 tbsp. L.). Apply the mask to wet hair and keep it under the cap. An hour later, you need to wash it off.

Mask with egg and burdock oil

The preparation of hair-strengthening compositions often resembles the preparation of food: some recipes of traditional medicine are very similar to culinary. Hair mask, made on the basis of burdock oil and eggs - a great example.

The use of raw egg yolk to strengthen and restore depleted hair is a common practice in home cosmetology.

Cooking a mask with him is pretty easy. Separate the raw yolk from the protein and rinse with cold water, then rub in with a tablespoon of burdock oil. For greater efficiency, add to the mass of oil solutions of vitamins E and A. You should get a thick mixture that is applied to clean hair. An hour later, wash off the composition, washing the scalp with foamed shampoo.

Also, a mask with the same components, to which glycerin is added (can be replaced with dissolved gelatin) and apple cider vinegar, a tablespoon of each ingredient, also have a strong effect on weakened hair. Mask with this composition should be used no more than once a week.

Burdock oil and kefir

Fermented milk products are useful not only to normalize the balance of microflora in the digestive tract. As part of kefir is all that is needed for hair: yeast, lactic acid bacteria, protein and calcium, vitamins - this "mix" perfectly nourishes the hair, making them stronger and more resilient. In combination with burdock oil, kefir helps moisturize dry hair, but it can also be used for oily and mixed seborrhea.

Attention: the application of kefir mask promotes partial depigmentation of dyed hair!

If you have greasy hairprone to rapid contamination, try the following mask:

  • In a glass of kefir, a dessert spoon of dry mustard is stirred. Stir as much as possible so that there are no lumps;
  • Add burdock oil to kefir (1 - 2 tbsp.);
  • Honey is also mixed into the liquid (1 tsp.);
  • Add 3–5 drops of rosemary or orange essential oil to the prepared mass and apply on hair;
  • After 40 minutes, wash the mask with water and foamed shampoo.

For weakened dry hair Another mask recipe for kefir and burdock oil will do. The proportions of the main ingredients remain the same, however 1 raw egg yolk is added to them. The mass must be thoroughly ground so that its structure becomes homogeneous. Keep this mask should be half an hour, then wash your head with warm water.

Hair Loss Mask Recipe

Uncontrolled hair loss causes more trouble for men, as women are much less likely to experience alopecia. However, the threat exists for both sexes, and it is imperative to stop hair loss, since thinning lifeless hair does not add to the attractiveness of appearance.

Components for an effective mask with burdock oil against hair loss may include various related ingredients (honey, egg yolk, aloe juice, etc.), however, the oil itself works quite effectively to cope with alopecia.

However, note that if the hair falls out due to the presence of a certain number of diseases or conditions, the mask serves only as a corrective measure, and the cause of alopecia should be eliminated after a complete medical examination.

Burdock mask to help with hair lossApply three times a week (every 2 - 3 days). Course duration will be 1 - 1.5 months. The composition is prepared as follows: 30 ml of oil is heated on a steam bath and mixed with lime honey (2 tbsp.) And juice of half a lemon. Two mashed egg yolks in raw form are introduced into the cooled mass. The finished composition is distributed through the hair stroking and rubbing movements. Remember to wrap your head for warmth. Wash off the mask after an hour with clean warm water.

With arnica and mayonnaise

The next mask will be a real salvation for women whose hair suffers from permanent staining. It is possible to restore damaged and burned-out chemical dye compositions using a nourishing oily mask. Since it is heavy enough to be absorbed and washed, it should be used no more than once every 7–10 days.

For the preparation you will need natural mayonnaise (you can take the store, but with a minimum amount of extraneous additives), measure the portion in a volume of 2 - 3 tablespoons. Two raw pounded egg yolks, honey (10 g) and pharmaceutical tincture of arnica (2 tbsp. L.). Heat the mixture in a water bath and pour 2 tablespoons of burdock oil into it. Rub the mask into the hair roots and distribute over the entire length of the strands, not forgetting the tips. Keep it warm for an hour and then thoroughly wash your hair with shampoo.

Mask with red pepper for beard

Recipes for hair restoration with burdock oil are suitable not only for beautiful ladies. If your young man has facial hair, he will definitely be interested in a mask of the following composition. It includes burdock oil and ground red pepper. This mixture has a local irritant and warming effect on the skin of the face, due to which the hair follicles are activated, and the beard becomes much thicker.

Since the pepper itself burns, the presence of burdock oil in the mask will help to quickly soothe irritated skin. This mask is useful in many ways, as the finished mixture contains the following micro and macronutrients and vitamins:

  • Inulin;
  • Carotene;
  • Alkoloid capsaicin;
  • Copper, chromium, calcium, zinc, etc.

Wash your face with soap and skin before applying the mask. The mask, mixed with three tablespoons of burdock oil and a pinch of red pepper, is applied to the chin, cheek area and temples. Try to keep the mixture out of the mucous membranes and eyes. Then wrap the lower part of the face with cling film and wear a scarf on top. The mask lasts 15 - 20 minutes, and then washed off with cool water.

Sometimes it is very difficult to suffer a burning sensation, but this is a normal reaction of the skin to the effects of capsaicin.

However, if you feel that the burning is too intense, immediately remove the composition from the face: this may be a manifestation of individual intolerance to the components of the mask. Already in 5-7 procedures you will notice a positive effect: the beard will start growing faster, and the hair will become thicker and acquire a healthy shine.


Burdock oil has no absolute contraindications. This is a completely natural product, and it can be used even during pregnancy and lactation. The only thing that can prevent you from using burdock for hair treatment is idiosyncrasy to any chemical component or biologically active substance in the composition of the product.

Before use, we recommend applying a couple of drops of oil to the skin on the crook of the elbow and observe the treated area for 6 to 12 hours. If redness and itching does not occur, you can freely use burdock oil for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. But if there are wounds on the scalp, it is necessary to give up the use of the agent for a while.
