Former members of the duet "Tea together" no longer communicate


Former members of the duet "Tea for Two" Stas Kostyushkin and Denis Klyaver are not in the best of ways. Men practically do not communicate, and at the last anniversary of the businessman and singer Emin Agalarov they did not even greet.

Answering the question about whether Denis is going to congratulate his former colleague on the New Year, he replied that if this happens, it is only through sms. With resentment in his voice, the singer admitted that the former friend even with the birth of his son congratulated him with a regular message.

Kostiushkin, in his own style, tried to turn everything into a joke, saying that he had a broken phone and sms Stas most likely would not get to her.


Watch the video: Kristin Chenoweth and 17 year old connect flawlessly on an unrehearsed duet of For Good. Amazing! (July 2024).