Is the diet going bad? Cheating will help you!


Dieting, which gradually ceases to be fashionable and turns into a lifestyle, is undoubtedly not the most exciting thing to do. After all, there are so many temptations around: cakes, sweets, and for whom sandwiches with sausage or a hamburger. How hard not to break! But there is a way out. It consists of a curious word of reading ...

Cheating (English cheating - cheating, deception) is an alternative to fasting days, in which you can eat a portion of the coveted forbidden food in the minimum amount.

While cheating, you can treat yourself to a yummy and therefore many supporters, including strict diets, do not bypass it with their attention. This is not only a salvation from hard food restrictions, it is also a psychological relief, the opportunity to get out of the frame of "tasteless" food, into which a person has been driven by a state of health or a desire to acquire a beautiful figure.

Unfortunately, often dropped kilograms practice to return, you only have to stumble once, give up the slack, eat something unnecessary and now, the scales have treacherously stopped, and after a couple of days God shows that they know what. What can cheating help?

First, let's figure out what is slimming. Whatever the diet, it is based on one single initial postulate: the less you eat, the faster the kilos go. And no matter what you choose - a mono-diet or a sharp reduction in the amount of food, the body experiences a shock. The energy that he used to receive at the expense of food and which was used for physical activity is now taken from fat reserves. The waist gradually becomes more delineated, as shown by the scales and the mirror. However, everyone losing weight once faced with a terrible phenomenon: the scales freeze.

A person panics, thinking that he is doing something wrong or just not enough. Despite severe restrictions in food and physical activity, weight does not decrease, but irritability, indifference, fatigue, and depression appear.

What is the matter? Yes, everything is simple! Accustomed to starving the body, not hoping that its owner will feed him in the near future, begins to store nutrients received in small quantities. Naturally, there can be no question of any energy or good mood. To all this, physical loads are added, which simply kill the body weakened by starvation.

Unfortunately, most people losing weight do not know about it. With a vengeance, they begin to cut back on their diet. Metabolism gradually slows down, the body gradually stops responding to food restrictions. And it is at this very moment that a person realizes that he is dead tired. Tired of everything: he is constantly chasing the cherished figure on the scales, from tasteless, cloying food, from exhausting workouts. But there are so many delightful things around, so many enticing smells and gorged people who are satisfied with life. And then ... A slice of sausage, soft white bread, a small cake ... Hello, the breakdown of the diet! Everything for which they fought so much, comes to ashes, and losing weight turns into gradually getting fat.

What happens to the body? And he is again in shock. What should he do with the long-awaited food, stuffed with fats and carbohydrates? Of course, store them! Suddenly, the owner will go crazy again and will begin to deprive the stomach, which has yearned for tasty things, of such wonderful food.

What do we have as a result? Weight not only returned, it increased. To this has added the depression. As the saying goes: "Work has given me a lot: I used to have nothing, but now nothing and a twitching eye."

So that the diet does not end so pitifully and cheating will help, which is a kind of "programmed breakdowns." Having decided that you have a cheating day today, treat yourself to small portions of your favorite foods. But remember, even such a "relaxed" has its own rules:

  • You can eat anything, but it is desirable that the food was less fat and sugars.
  • If you consider a diet in calories, then to a normal diet, say, in 2000 kcal, while cheating, you need to add 10-20% of the usual daily diet.
  • If you set yourself a mini-cheating, which will last 1-2 days, then the number of calories can be increased by 1-2 thousand. In other words, eat what you want.
  • The frequency of cheating is once every 1-2 weeks. Its duration is individual.

Remember that the main task of cheating is not to saturate the body with food for which he has yearned, but to give your psyche a positive attitude, creating a feeling of satiety, and therefore long-awaited gastronomic happiness.


Svetlana 11/07/2016
"How" works "in the body ED"
Imagine a "perfect" organism ... It receives a balanced diet - with the right amount of ingredients and in the quantity necessary for its normal operation. In this organism, the metabolism is optimally carried out, nothing superfluous accumulates, everything useful is assimilated. The question is: will such an organism have excess or missing weight problems? The answer is no.

Since our food is far from perfect, the metabolism in the overwhelming majority of people is disturbed. The result: diseases, weight problems, rapid aging.

In order to optimize nutrition, you need to completely change your life, become your own nutritionist, calculate the required number of calories, look for the “right” foods ... And spend a lot of time on it. Like? Not! There is a better option - Energy Diet.
Read more here ... //


Watch the video: The Science of Cheating (June 2024).