Why dream of fog


The haze, dreamed in a dream, as a substance non-permanent, has a large number of interpretations. Each of the interpretations is directly dependent on the combination with which the person has a whitish veil.

However, this phenomenon in almost all dream books is considered to be a bad sign, predicting a person coming trouble, deception, problems with money and health.

Dreamed fog - what does it mean

  • Millerovsky dream book fog explains as an omen of trouble or deception. If in the darkness your friends are clearly distinguishable, then failures are waiting for them, and you will most likely use their misfortune.
  • If a haze dreamed about the road, most likely it is a projection of your soul-throwing and uncertainty about the future life path.
  • If the fog is dreaming over the river, it is interpreted as a bad sign. The most common interpretation of the river for dream books are considered someone else's conversations. And other people's conversations shrouded in mist of obscurity can bring anything from evil gossip to real problems in communicating with others.
  • Dream interpretation thick mist outside the window is interpreted as a looming threat, picking up the sleeping misfortune. If he has time to close the window on time and do not let the transparent tentacles into his house, he will be able to confront problems even in his life.
  • If the milk haze swam into the room, and the sleeper failed to prevent his entry into the house, the person will soon have to face the intended troubles in the near future.
  • If the darkness dreamed of black, the dream book interprets this as a threat not only to a disease, but to an imminent death.
  • If the black substance surrounds the sleeper and it’s not possible to get out, you should seriously take care of your health before it’s too late.
  • The haze seen from the window is seen as the shadow of a distant threat, unobtrusively looming on the horizon. It can bypass the party, and sooner or later get to the person. It is necessary to prepare for everything, but such a dream often promises problems with the material state.

What dreams of fog on the road

  • Dream interpretation fog on the road treats as confusion, the upcoming throwing and the upcoming difficult choice. Depending on the density of the substance, one can judge the seriousness of the upcoming changes. The denser and opaque the haze, the harder the person is given the first step in the direction of the chosen direction and the more will lie on the scales.
  • If you have seen a substance in the mountains during the ascent, the dream books interpret this as difficulties at the last step before reaching an important goal.

What dreams of fog in the city

  • The dreamed fog in the dream book is interpreted as a symbol of one of the most terrible states of man - uncertainty. A person who is lost in a haze is destined to become confused not only in himself, but also in the machinations of those around him.
  • If you see a friend retiring in a haze, most likely you have subconsciously calculated a deceiver and soon he will be exposed.
  • The fog in the city seen in a dream can be interpreted as partly a good sign. After difficult thoughts, you will make a final decision that will give you room for later life.
  • Fog on the sea dreams of the impending serious change in life, which should be more careful. Possible to change the place of residence or to travel.

If a thick fog is dreaming - what does it mean

  • The density and consistency of the substance is of paramount importance. The denser the haze, the more uncertain the situation in your life, the more you lose yourself and get lost in the labyrinths of your own soul.
  • If the haze is a rich milky color, it can only be interpreted as a cruel deception.
  • Dirty, ragged mist is seen as a harbinger of betrayal by a loved one.
  • A red haze means a growing internal alarm.

What dreams of fog in the forest

  • The dream in the forest seen in the dream is interpreted as dirty talk among strangers.
  • You will meet with a large number of strangers, you may get a new job, so the discussion can not be avoided.
  • Dream interpretation treats mist over water as a slight ambiguity in other people's gossip. If the water is dirty and carries trash, the conversations will be negative.
  • If the water is clean, you will simply become popular in the good sense of the word. An event will happen in your life that will make you famous.
  • To see in a dream the haze above the cemetery is interpreted as betraying a partner and your broken heart.


Watch the video: What does fog dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (June 2024).