How to save on utilities: expert advice


In the current environment, people have to give a lot of money for utility bills. Every day, tariffs for electricity, water, heat and gas only increase, and for some reason, the speed of filling the wallet with money is only decreasing. In such a situation, you have to think about saving your own money. Why not? Moreover, to reduce the cost of utility payments is real. The main thing is to know how to do it correctly.

Electricity saving rules

If everything is done taking into account the recommendations given below, the energy savings can reach 20-30%:

- no matter how trite, but always turn off the light, leaving the room. No matter how difficult, develop in yourself such a useful habit. Forget? Nothing wrong. Over time, this will be done automatically;

- do not be greedy money and buy high-quality energy-saving light bulbs. It is not necessary to buy lamps in all rooms at once. You can set yourself a goal to cover one room per month with a housekeeper. It will not be so costly for the budget. Such lamps can operate for more than three years and save up to 80% of electricity;

- give preference to class A electrical appliances (they consume less electricity). In this case, the installation must be performed strictly according to the recommendation of the manufacturer;

- after using any device, be sure to turn it off. Standby mode is your money. For example, included in the outlet (but not working) TV, computer, slow cooker, microwave oven in the amount of "eat" a considerable amount.

Water saving rules

Payment for water is the "lion" share of expenses in utility bills, so you need to use it rationally and follow a number of very useful rules:

- Of course, you need to install a meter on the water - this is your savings. It is enough to carry out simple calculations to understand how significant the economic effect from such costs will be;

- plumbing should be kept in perfect condition. There should be no leakage from pipes or toilet. Even from a small trickle, hundreds of liters of water can run up;

- install the mixer "lever" type. Its advantage is that it mixes water much faster than a classic mixer with faucets. Thus, there is a chance to save well on water;

- on the toilet bowl there should be an economical drain button. In the "less expensive" version, only six liters of water are poured instead of the twelve. The result - a significant savings. If you do not want to spend money on the button, then you can drop a full two-liter plastic bottle into the toilet bowl;

- do not keep water open while brushing your teeth - shut off the taps. Consider that in one minute you can lose up to 15-25 liters of water;

- If you can buy a dishwasher - do it. Thanks to this technique you can save hot and use only cold water. If you don’t have enough money to buy money, then at least close the drain plug and wash the dirty dishes in the same water;

- bathe in the shower, not the bathroom. Consider that about 150 liters of water go to the bath. When bathing in the shower consumes 40-50 liters.

Heat saving rules

In the cold season, the main costs go to heat. But here there are a number of recommendations that allow you to save well:

- as in the previous case, the installation of meters for heat (for your apartment) is highly desirable. So you will know exactly what to pay for. Of course, in an apartment building such an event is unlikely to be done, but to install the counter on the porch or on the house is quite possible;

- house or apartment need to warm. In this case, the heat will last longer indoors;

- Change the windows in the apartment. The best option is to install three-chamber metal constructions. The peculiarity of such windows is that they do not let in the cold and effectively retain heat inside the room;

- no need to air a long apartment in the winter. Maximum allowed to open one section for several minutes;

- install a special temperature regulator at the entrance to the battery. If the winter is warm, you can always save by reducing the temperature;

- If a heat-reflecting screen is installed behind the radiator, the heating efficiency will increase, because all the heat will now go inside the room, and the walls behind the battery will stop warming.

Gas saving rules

Another problem is gas tariffs. They are constantly increasing, so ordinary people are forced to look for effective ways to save. And they exist:

- put on the burner exactly the power that you need to prepare the planned dishes. As soon as the water reaches the boiling point, the fire can be reduced several times. Make sure that the flame was clearly in the center of the dish. So you can speed up the process of cooking and save gas;

- if you need to cook a small dish, it is better to do it in the microwave oven. To heat the oven for the sake of something insignificant is absolutely pointless;

- when heating a gas boiler it is necessary to take care of the insulation of the attic and walls;

Be sure to use these tips and in a month you will notice significant savings.


Watch the video: How to Save on Utility Bills. First-Time Buyers. Top Tips from Phil Spencer (June 2024).