How to make plants give beauty longer


For decorating the room, you can use any transparent vessel filled with fruit or flowers. And for the kitchen is quite suitable vegetables.

So that the fillers do not deteriorate and do not lose the “presentation”, they must be “mothballed”. For this treatment is used any substance: vinegar, strong brine, alcohol, glycerin.

A fixed composition on a winter window looks charmingly, like living plants against a dusty street.

Glycerin preservation method

Glycerin will help stop the wilt from the original appearance of flowers. Plants, even after cutting, perfectly absorb moisture, which is why its hydrophilic solution will do. Glycerin replaces the liquid in the bud and leaves, absorbing all the moisture. But for the desired result, avoid young and pale colors, as well as damaged and battered. In these cases, the preservation of glycerol will not give the desired effect.

Provide adequate solution access to the flower. The best effect will help to achieve a cut of the lower part of the stem obliquely, with a sharp object at a height of 8-10 centimeters. This will allow better and deeper penetration of glycerin.

The composition is prepared as follows: 1/2 part glycerol, one part hot water. We connect everything so that the liquid twice the height exceeds the split part of our stalks (about 15-20 cm). The level of the solution in an open container must be maintained at the same level.

After that, place the plant in a glycerin solution.

The period of saturation of colors with such a composition can take from 15 to 60 days. It all depends on the plant itself, its size and structure. Some of its parts - the leaves, are preserved much faster. By the time it is about two or three weeks. The proportions in this case vary slightly - 1: 1. Ideally saving the form of a bud, stalks, glycerin unreliable "friend" in the preservation of the color palette. Therefore, you need to resort to an additional procedure. For example, add dyes to give the desired color (acrylic, silver, zelenka)

Gelatin solution with sugar, cooked stronger, also amazing composition for canning.

Tip: Do not stack the ingredients "to the eyeballs" or "to the very neck". From this, the feeling of lightness and weightlessness is lost. Flowers, fruits or vegetables in containers should move slightly in a transparent vessel.

Salt preservation method

Flowers, preferably roses, cut so that the stem remains. Scatter the bottom of the tin can with ordinary table salt, previously calcined in a pan to a fine powder.

The buds are laid out on top of the salt carefully, avoiding contact with each other. The next salt layer completely covers all flower buds. The can is sealed. Getting them out of necessity, they can be easily revived: it is necessary to cut the stem left in advance and, as usual, put them in a vase with water.

There is another option to extend the floral life. We put our "blanks" in a box with calcined salt. Wrap in polyethylene or wrap with cling film and put in the cold.

If necessary, it is enough for them to spend an hour and a half in warm water to rejoice in its beauty.


Watch the video: 26 BEAUTY HACKS TO MAKE YOU BELIEVE IN WONDERS (June 2024).