What are dangerous nymphomaniac?


Every third man wants to meet with a lady who is not able to control their sexual passions. Such a woman squeezes out all sexual juices from her partner and, without hesitation, switches to a new “victim”. But young people are not afraid, neither the sexual aggression of the nymphomaniac, nor the threat of “being thrown overboard” after 2-3 hot nights. Doctors and psychologists strongly recommend men not to mess with nymphomaniac, because they represent a certain danger.

Who is a nymphomaniac?

When a lady loves sex very much, it does not mean that she is oversexed. Experts note that about 2% of women in different periods of life may experience excessive sexual desires. But in most cases, this is a consequence of the transitional age, which after some time passes, and the sexual behavior of the ladies is normalized.

A woman can quite easily control her sexual desire, which is exacerbated under certain circumstances. In nymphomaniac desire intimacy appears regardless of the circumstances. Such persons cannot suppress their sexual desire even when they are at work.

Frequent sex is a necessity for a nymphomaniac. She may have several connections with men, even if she has a regular partner.

Signs of nymphomaniac

A woman may refrain from sexual contact for a long time, for example, when her spouse is on a business trip. For a nymphomaniac, this is an impossible task.

  • Hypersexual woman is not capable of a long and deep relationship.
  • The main purpose of her life - the satisfaction of their sexual needs.
  • Sexual contacts become impersonal to her.

Nymphomaniac women are more likely to become bipolar with a disorder that causes a strong sexual desire. The causes of female hypersexuality can also be brain injuries, Pick's disease, Alzheimer's disease, taking drugs or certain medications.

Why do men crave nymphomaniac?

Psychologists have identified the main reasons why sensible men go in search of hypersexual women.

  • The desire to carry out their secret erotic fantasies.
  • The ability to make love in the most unusual positions and circumstances.
  • The tender age of hypersexual ladies.
  • The desire to get the most out of sexual relations without giving anything in return.

For a nymphomaniac, the main thing is not the material situation of the man, but his sexual potential.

Danger nymphomaniac

Female hypersexuality is attributed to pathological diseases. In most cases, the nymphomaniac is a young or young person up to 35 years. Sexual perversion develops in adolescence and adolescence, and then goes into adulthood.

Nymphomaniac poses some danger for men. Firstly, they are often carriers of sexually transmitted diseases. And secondly, such women can destroy not only the family life of men, but also their psyche.

Hypersexuality is dangerous for the nymphomaniac themselves. They are prone to multiple sexually transmitted infections. Excessive sexual activity leads to the physical exhaustion of a woman and the birth of her psychological problems.

Drugs and homogeneous approaches to the treatment of nymphomania does not exist. Specialists prescribe such women psychotherapy and drugs that suppress sexual desire.

Text: Svetlana Ahi
