Look at the sight with different eyes!


What in us is the most attractive, the most significant, the most charming? ... A look. We work or have a good time, eyes always work, resting only in a dream. And therefore no other organ needs as much energy as eyes! The heart is beating, the brain is thinking, hands and legs are moving - but for all this and so on, only 50% of the energy produced by the body is used. The rest goes to the sight. In general, the eyes deserve to make their lives easier!

What is nice to the eye?

What allows you to preserve the vision and beauty of the eyes, is easy to do. The main thing is to know what they like.

Eyes like walking in the fresh air, the contemplation of the water, sky, trees and spacious meadows. And not only in summer, but in winter.

Do not load your eyes with reading or watching TV immediately after waking up. It is better to do this in about an hour. Until dusk, the eyes are capable of very different work, but in light it is necessary to avoid eyestrain as much as possible, especially in combination with mental and mental.

Visual work after eating does not benefit, especially “sedentary” work. The same applies to physical activity.

Tight clothing contributes to a rush of blood to the head and, consequently, to the eyes, and this is harmful for them. So you should not get involved in jeans, which are dug into the body and corsets that have become fashionable again.

If you had to be in a dusty or smoky room for a long time (or your eyes just got tired), you need to make lotions for the eyelids with a weak solution of tea, and for the eyes - baths from it. The bath is done this way: pour a cup of cool tea and touch the liquid with an open eye so that the eyeball bathes in it, blink several times and do the same with the other eye. This will prevent inflammation and relieve fatigue. Billiards has long been considered the best game that relieves eyestrain.

Raise my eyelids!

The best rest for the eyes is sleep. By the way, if you cannot fall asleep, there is a very simple way to “tire your eyes” - rotate them under closed eyelids until they get tired. But if you want to sleep in the wrong place and at the wrong time, you need to do this exercise with your eyes open: look left-right, straight, up and down, and so on. Then rotate the eyes in both directions and squint at the tip of the nose. All this will take just a few seconds, and sleep will disappear. In addition, the rotation of the eyeball strengthens the eye muscles and optic nerves.


Watch the video: TESTING OUT EYETRACKING (June 2024).