Salad "Parus" - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook salad "Sail".


It is undeniable that salads must necessarily be present at the festive feasts. However, it is not recommended to cook the same dishes for each event. New and unusual salads for the hostess, this is the path in which she can feel her superiority. New and unknown to anyone until this day salads will allow her to get a certain recognition in the culinary circles. Now, when acquaintances plan the menu for the upcoming holidays, they will certainly dial your number and ask you to share some interesting and unusual recipes for making salads. That is why it is necessary to improve in the field of culinary knowledge, to discover new salads, which once were known and irreplaceable, but over time have lost their popularity. And we are talking about the Parus salad.

The history of the Parus salad stretches far from the past, but by this day, like any dish, the Parus salad was slightly improved. First, why "sail"? The thing is that before the chips, and this is one of the essential ingredients, stuck in the salad and formed a kind of sail. Today, chips prefer to chop up. Secondly, the role of sails today is performed not only by chips, but also by seafood, for example, you can form a sail attached to a toothpick from a red fish fillet plate.

Salad "Sail" is a flaky dish, in which each layer is spread with mayonnaise. For the diet option, you can take yogurt or sour cream with a low percentage. Salads are often meat, often used chicken fillet, boiled or smoked, as well as pork, which gives the dish a very interesting taste. The dish includes eggs and canned corn, and chips are used as decoration. They can either crumble, or arrange the sails of the fictional ship.

Sail Salad Recipes

Recipe 1. Smoked Breast Sail Salad

We note immediately that the described salad recipe "Parus" is quite calories and will not suit those who are used to monitor the number of calories and the beauty of their figure. If the cooking method came to your liking, you can easily replace some of the ingredients.

Ingredients Required:

• 3 pcs. - carrot;

• 300 g - canned corn;

• 1 pack. - chips;

• 3 pcs. - egg;

• 300 g - smoked breast;

• 100 ml - mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

Korean carrot is used in the salad. It can be cooked at home, rubbed carrots on a special grater and seasoned with a set of spices for Korean carrots. You can also take 150 grams of finished carrots in Korean in supermarkets and then use it for this Parus salad.

Next, cut the chicken breast, it is smoked meat, which is cut into cubes. To reduce the calorie content of the salad, you can replace the smoked breast with boiled meat.

The third thing with the corn is draining the liquid, and hard-boiled eggs are diced. When everything is ready, you can put the salad. So, this is a flaky dish: first layer of meat, then some mayonnaise. The second layer is Korean carrot smeared with mayonnaise. The third one is corn, on top we put mayonnaise with a net. Fourth - eggs - smeared with mayonnaise. Finishing touch - lightly chop the chips and decorate the Parus salad with a thick layer.

Recipe 2. Salad "White Sail" with melted cheese

Quite an interesting solution to the preparation of salad "Parus". The list of ingredients includes pickled cucumbers, which indicates the unusual taste of the dish. You need to cook such a salad just a few hours before serving the table.

Ingredients Required:

• 2 pcs. - processed cheese;

• 3 pcs. - egg;

• 2 pcs. - potatoes;

• 3 pcs. - pickles;

• 1 PC. - bow;

• 300 g - pork;

• 150 g - mushrooms;

• 100 ml - mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

As you can see, quite a rich set of products, which indicates the richness of the taste of the recipe "Sail". First, prepare all the products, boil potatoes with eggs, and then rub them on a coarse grater. Marinated mushrooms, namely, these need to be taken for a given salad, cut into strips. Pork is also boiled and cut into cubes, as well as pickled cucumbers.

We decorate, the first layer is the mushrooms, and on top finely chopped onions. We coat with mayonnaise, but lightly. Next come pickled cucumbers, and pork is laid on top of them. Carefully smear with mayonnaise. Next come the potatoes with melted cheese, work on top with mayonnaise. The last layer goes to the eggs, and on top of the salad we decorate with a mesh of mayonnaise. In the dish you can put several plates of chips.

Recipe 3. Salad "Red Sail"

An interesting set of products, and the decoration of the sails is also very original.

Ingredients Required:

• 1 b. - tinned pink salmon;

• 2 pcs. - tomatoes;

• 100 g - cheese;

• 150 g - crackers;

• 100 ml - mayonnaise;

• 100 g - salmon.

Cooking method:

So, pink salmon is cut, tomatoes are also crushed, while cutting, you need to remove all excess liquid. We put the ingredients in layers. First, pink salmon, we coat with mayonnaise, then crackers and sliced ​​tomatoes. It remains to sprinkle salad with grated cheese, and make mayonnaise with a net. We take lightly salted salmon, cut into pieces and string on a toothpick. Get the original sails!

Salad "Parus" - secrets and tips from the best chefs

Salad "Parus" is a nourishing, multi-flavor and multi-layered product, which still has something to compete with modern salads. The ingredients included in the dish can be replaced, which gives the field for the realization of fantasy.


Watch the video: Satisfying Salads That Don't Suck (June 2024).