Beach or Beach Wedding


In the summer, each couple wishes to celebrate their wedding in a special way. For this case, a great idea would be to organize a holiday on the beach or shore. Such an original and romantic wedding has its own subtleties and nuances of holding, which cannot be ignored.

Wedding at the sea: the pros and cons

Before you start organizing such a wedding, you must carefully weigh the pros and cons. Only after that it is possible to plan a celebration and begin to prepare it.

Benefits of a beach wedding:

  1. Originality of the idea.
  2. Unforgettable holiday atmosphere. The wedding ceremony will take place in a pleasant place, which is romantic.
  3. This is a great opportunity for those who want to have a wedding for two.
  4. After the ceremony, the newlyweds can stay in their chosen country for their honeymoon.
  5. The photo album will replenish with vivid pictures from the wedding ceremony on the background of the sea coast.
  6. A wedding celebration can be easily organized independently or with the help of specialists. Wedding agencies will help the couple make a bright and unforgettable holiday, taking into account all the wishes and tastes of the young.
  7. The bride and groom can abandon the official style and choose comfortable clothes.
  8. The invited guests will have a choice of entertainment.

Disadvantages to pay attention to:

  1. Weather on the coast is unstable. There is no guarantee that the storm does not clear up on the wedding day.
  2. For a wedding you need permission.
  3. A marriage certificate obtained in another country may be invalid in Russia. Because of this, upon arrival home, official registration of marriage at the registry office will be required.
  4. Not all invited guests will be able to attend the wedding due to financial difficulties.
  5. The cost of the holiday. The price tag directly depends on the venue of the celebration and the wishes of the young. A celebration will require large financial investments, since a wedding abroad is an expensive pleasure.
  6. Gusts of wind can ruin the holiday, so you have to constantly monitor so that everything remains in place.
  7. A beach or beach may be polluted.

Where can I have a wedding?

Choosing a place to organize a holiday is necessary based on your financial capabilities. Only in this case, the wedding will not hit the purse of the bride and groom and leave pleasant memories of this day.

Beach Wedding

A celebration in your hometown is the easiest and most budget option for organizing a wedding buffet. In most cases, local beaches are equipped with gazebos, barbecue places or beach cafes. The main thing is to find a flat area with a hard surface, on which it is convenient to set tables for guests, musical equipment and an entertainment area.

Advantages of the idea:

  • the wedding does not require large financial investments;
  • invited guests can visit the celebration without any problems;
  • young people will not have problems with contractors.


  • city ​​beaches are not clean, because of which the territory will need to be cleaned of garbage;
  • problems with connecting the power may occur;
  • on the city beaches there are other vacationing companies of people.

Wedding by the sea

The sea beach is the perfect place for a wedding. The holiday can be organized at a recreation center or in hotels by the sea. Some hotels provide services for decoration, preparation of musical accompaniment and development of a festive menu for the celebration. As an alternative, you can rent a landscaped area for a small buffet and a romantic photo shoot by the sea.

Advantages of the idea:

  • pleasant atmosphere;
  • beautiful landscape, against the background of which excellent pictures are obtained;
  • young people will not have problems with holding a wedding.


  • high costs of moving, accommodation and meals for guests;
  • not all hotels can organize a celebration;
  • during the summer, a well-maintained beach can be occupied by other wedding couples.

Wedding on an exotic island

This idea is a real dream for most couples. In popular resorts there are many companies that will take care of organizing a holiday on the beach and help with the registration of marriage. They provide their services at a high level, so the young can be calm for their holiday. At the same time, the bride and groom will be able to sign, both in European and local traditions.

Advantages of the idea:

  • the couple will be able to spend a honeymoon in a warm exotic country;
  • beaches are not crowded with a lot of people;
  • variety of leisure and entertainment.


  • high costs;
  • not all guests are ready to fly to the island;
  • instability of weather conditions.

Beach or Beach Wedding: Organization Nuances

When planning a celebration, it is recommended to consider the following points:

  1. A wedding ceremony is best done in the afternoon. In this case, you need to take care of canopies and sun protection.
  2. It is necessary to think of ways to deliver guests, equipment, products and decorations to the venue.
  3. If the holiday continues after sunset, you must definitely prepare lighting for the territory.
  4. The couple must take care of the comfort of the guests. They should be warned in advance about the venue of the celebration, so that they choose convenient images and take the necessary things.
  5. So that no one spoils the holiday, the amount of strong alcoholic drinks should be minimal.
  6. At the time of registration, you should not use a lot of scenery.
  7. It is necessary to provide for the availability of drinking water and a restroom.
  8. To avoid accidents, it is recommended to exclude contests and games in the water from the scenario.

A beach wedding is a great celebration idea with which a young couple will be able to fulfill their desires. This option is ideal for those who want to spend an original and unique holiday.


Watch the video: BEACH WEDDING W A LIT RECEPTION! Belle Beauty (July 2024).