April 4 love horoscope + astrological luck index


Spring is the main time of the year, intended, according to esotericists and poets, for love. The presented horoscope reveals the essence of one day in the sphere of love for the signs of the zodiac, encouraging, comforting, admiring and indicating the right path to personal happiness and harmony in relationships. And at the end of the article there is a “luck index” - which tells you what level of luck and luck you can count on that day.

Aries: Spend this day, first of all, for yourself - to dissolve in love for another person is dangerous by the loss of your own personality. Do not be afraid to tell him everything that worries - today he will surely sincerely listen to you and the relationship will lead to greater mutual respect and understanding when two separate persons are really half of one embodiment of happiness in the Universe.

Taurus: Sometimes it’s useful not to ignore the once broken heart, but to courageously analyze the relationship that has gone away — what was wonderful in them, what caused the fall, and what — a life lesson. Today it’s good for you to succumb to surging memories. And if there are none, just don’t think about love at all. She is somewhere very close, but excessive zeal may frighten her.

Twins: Expand your boundaries. Whether it’s a new perfume that impresses others, its smiles or bold dreams of love as if it were already a reality, every little thing will become a “brick” for the embodiment of the best air castle on earth. But run away from those who mask the demanding tyranny for love - freedom is the most precious thing.

Crayfish: More than ever, the chances of a romantic adventure and new acquaintance are high. Definitely - your self-esteem and exactingness to the partner should be at the highest level. The desire to receive more in an amazing way will teach you and give more.

A lion: Time to shine, charm and slip away under the motto "first earn such happiness as I do!". If you are single - this is only temporary. If you are not free, you can have a little fun with your partner, and relaxing is harmful. But do not forget to award him a declaration of love.

Virgo: There are days for passions, and there are days for quiet happiness. And today is just that, the last option. The very combination of circumstances will push you to devote more time to your loved one. And there is no doubt that one of these watches will remain in memory as a bright, life-breathing picture, and after many years.

Libra: Be careful - love is really a fragile miracle, which should be handled more carefully than with crystal and pink buds. But something today will push you to do the opposite. To avoid bitter mistakes, try to remember what is really important to you in your relationship.

Scorpio: On this day, as never before, it is important to trust a loved one - perhaps sometimes a misunderstanding happens to him ... But it’s time to finally admit that he knows your needs better than you do. And please your soul mate with something small and sweet - a compliment, a treat, emotional support - today it is more responsive than ever.

Sagittarius: Sometimes love is a struggle in which one, already knowing its depth, proves to the partner his feelings and advantages of the union. Make up your mind to the "final battle" today - do not be a person who has enough half tones and understatement in love. With great likelihood, your happiness in someone's face will finally respond with complete reciprocity.

Capricorn: Enjoy love without really thinking about it. Just let this feeling accompany you and guide you. And in no case do not keep emotions in yourself - this is harmful from the point of view of doctors and psychologists. But to feel that you can be yourself with your loved one is useful and contributes to greater spiritual and emotional closeness.

Aquarius: In fact, although it may seem today that without love it is impossible to simply exist normally, try to accept that it is not the only value in life. This is a good time to discover other sources of joy and inspiration in the Universe, to find a goal in life and to feel like a self-sufficient person and without a second half.

Fish: Set aside this wonderful day to learn how to accept your partner’s shortcomings and decide which of your own time to leave in the past. If this is definitely not your person - decide how painless it is for both to part. In any case, the time has come for serious decisions and big changes.

"Luck Index" for all the signs of the zodiac on Thursday, April 4, 2019


1-2 points: It’s not the best day to focus on only the main thing, and the rest is to let go and postpone, in order to avoid trying on yourself different shades of failure. If, contrary to the will of the stars, something works out fine - there is a considerable merit of a unique personality and luck, predetermined by Fate itself.

3 points: where, with equal probability, there may be a result with a plus or minus sign - it is better not to risk it. Luck is ready to slip away, but theoretically, a person who is confident in himself and accurately calculating the likely options may succeed.

4-5 points: luck on this day blooms and shines, everything develops magically successfully. Therefore, do not sit still - life provides rare lucky chances. However, relaxation and spontaneity are also, in a way, great activities for a good day.

Your mark: Aries: 3.6 Taurus: 2.1 Gemini: 4.9 Cancer: 3.3 Leo: 5.0 Virgo: 3.7 Libra: 2.9 Scorpio: 3.8 Sagittarius: 4.2 Capricorn: 4.0 Aquarius: 3.6 Pisces: 3.2

Total: This is the rare day when each of the signs of the Zodiac reveals its own “love” in all the variety of its elements that can only exist in the Universe. It’s difficult to stay away, and it’s not necessary - love, even if we discard the pompous reasoning of the creative geniuses of the past, today can really change something in the life of each of these symbols of the Western horoscope.


Watch the video: Swetta Jumaani - 2019 for numbers 4, 5 and 6 (June 2024).