Cleansing an apartment or house with a church candle: we get rid of negative energy ourselves


Since ancient times, housing has been associated with safety and comfort. It happens that the residents of the house begin to feel discomfort, often quarrel, while in the apartment - these are possible signs that too much negative has accumulated in the house, it is necessary to conduct energy cleaning.

Our ancestors believed in the purifying power of Fire and not in vain. One of the most popular ways to clean your home is with a wax candle. Let's see when it is necessary to conduct a rite of purification, how this is done.

When is home cleaning necessary?

First you need to find out in which cases the house needs energy cleaning, how the negative accumulated over the years is manifested. Read carefully, maybe something similar happens in your home. In this case, measures must be taken.

The main signs of the accumulation of negative:

  • quarrels, scandals began to occur among households, there is a constant misunderstanding;
  • Some of your relatives or all together often became ill;
  • problems of a different nature regularly arise;
  • children often have nightmares, inexplicable fears appear;
  • plants began to dry and even die;
  • dishes often beat, everything falls out of hand;
  • being at home, you and your loved ones feel tired, depressed, longing;
  • an unpleasant person came to visit you, after leaving you feel discomfort for a long time;
  • after a home holiday you are uncomfortable, the event does not give joy.

Interesting: believers noticed when a large amount of negative energy accumulated, the icons in the house darken, and the lighted lamps quickly blacken from soot and grease.

If you have noted for yourself at least 2-3 points, perform the ceremony of cleansing the house with a candle. So you probably exclude the likelihood of accumulation of negativity, feel relief, note the improvement in the atmosphere in the family.

How to prepare for energy cleansing

Cleaning the house should be comprehensive, preparation is needed, not only the premises, but also family members.

Most importantly, no one except the household should know about the planned ceremony.

Do not allow someone else's energy to influence what is happening. In addition, perhaps you and your family have ill-wishers who appear to you to be friends or good acquaintances - they could just cause damage or evil eye.

Believers can go to confession and take communion in advance - this will help to purify the spirit and thoughts before cleaning the house.


Before cleaning the house from negative energy, it is necessary to unload the room from objects that accumulate and emit negative. Even if you feel sorry for throwing something away, you keep a bright memory of things; there are those that cannot be kept in the house, no matter how expensive they are.

What to throw away:

  • cracked, broken and newly glued dishes, figurines, plafonds;
  • old, faded and thinned carpets;
  • damaged non-working household appliances;
  • torn, embroidered-sewn tablecloths and curtains;
  • old clothes that no one wears;
  • clothes and personal belongings of deceased relatives.

If you can fix a thing while maintaining its appearance and functionality, you can leave it. Only this is done before cleaning the house, and not after. If this is not possible, we throw it away without any regrets.

Wash the entire house, wipe off the dust everywhere, wash all surfaces. At the same time, the windows should be open, the room should be well ventilated - the bad energy accumulated in the trash and deposits of unnecessary things will not find a way out, it will remain, and then it will settle on objects again.

Get rid of the "energy vampires" in the house

It is, of course, not about people, but about objects. There are potentially dangerous things that can not be stored in the house under any circumstances, or their presence in the house is accompanied by certain rules.

Very often, “energy vampires” are items inherited with information accumulated in them, bought from hand, as well as mirrors, antiques, photographs of deceased relatives.

So, what items can be dangerous:

  • Photos of dead people. Of course, I want to keep the memory of relatives, respect my past. This must be done carefully and correctly. If photographs are displayed in a prominent place, they are like a funnel, absorbing live energy. Especially dangerous are photographs where the eyes of the dead are clearly visible. Put all the pictures in a separate album and store it in a closet or other specially designated place. Never place portraits of the living and the dead next to each other. If there are negatives and films with deceased relatives, we must throw them away.
  • The same goes for personal items, clothes of the dead. Do not store them in shared cabinets, put them in one box, hide it away. But it’s better to throw it away. We keep the memory of the deceased in the heart, not in objects - remember this.
  • Mirrors. It is known that mirrors absorb all the information and store it for a long time. However, this is not always positive energy; mirrors absorb everything in a row. A man came to visit you and envied you - the mirror absorbs the message, there was a scandal - everything went into reflection, will be there. The most harmless ones that have been in the family for several generations, they can still be cleaned.

Several times a year, rearrangement of furniture is done, and a change in the color scheme or lighting is possible - so we do not allow the energy in the room to stagnate, forcing it to move.

What items are needed to clean the house

To carry out the rite of purifying the house from negative energy, you will need several items. All of them are available, it will not be difficult to find them.

So, to clean the house you need:

  • Three church candles. We initially talk about cleaning the room with a candle, we always take church wax, paraffin wax will not work. Why exactly three? If the candle suddenly goes out, the wick goes bad or you don’t have to light it in any way, take another. We take thick candles so that they do not go out during the ritual.
  • Lighter or matches. After you light a candle, carry them with you so that you can re-light if it goes out.
  • Three large circles cut from A4 paper. We make small holes for candles in them.
  • A bag that is not a pity. In it we add the remains of the candles and throw it away.

That's all! We have prepared everything you need, now you need to choose a day. It is best to conduct a purification rite on a waning moon, the period from 19 to 29 lunar days is ideal. True, there are nuances.

The most suitable days: 19,23,26,29. At the same time, if you are going to choose the last day, look what is next.

If there is a 30 lunar day, everything is in order, if the first - the ceremony cannot be performed.

Cleansing the house with a church candle

A few hours before the start, take a shower, wash yourself well, the body should also be clean. After we put on washed clean clothes with at least one pocket to put matches in it. Remove all jewelry, you can leave only a pectoral cross.

Open all the windows wide, in the winter you can slightly open, we also leave the door to the house or apartment open, if possible. Nobody should be in the house except you, send everyone for a walk.

Lay out all the items necessary for the ritual near the entrance to the house on a stool or table.

So let's get started. We light a candle, and leave matches or a lighter with us. If the candle goes out, light it again. We hold the candle with our right hand at the lower tip, put a circle of paper on it.

Important: do not let the wax fall on your hands or drip it on the floor or furniture - it accumulates all the negativity that we collect from the room.

We begin to slowly move around the house from the front door, first we draw a candle on the outside of the door, then we cross the door itself, the lock and the eye - we do everything three times. In this case, you can say the following: "All negative energy, all evil, all evil eye goes away!". After we process the inside of the front door.

Then we go around the house clockwise, going around all corners, all rooms and corridors. You need to go through all the rooms, even the pantry, bathroom and toilet, but you can not go to the balcony if it is open.

All corners are processed three times, most of the negative accumulates in them. When you pass by windows and mirrors, do not look in your reflection - turn away or close your eyes.

Important: if you notice that the candle started to crack, the flame smokes and rushes in different directions, it may be about to go out — you have found a place for the concentration of negative energy. We stop and repeat the circular movements until the candle flame calms down.

Thus we go around the whole apartment, we finish by returning to the front door.

How to finish the ritual and throw out the candle

So, we were again at the front door. Again, we hold the candle three times from the inside, mentally drive away all the bad away from the house. Close the front door and extinguish the candle. If it was closed, slightly open, hold the candle and expel all the bad.

We put the rest of the candle with the paper circle in the bag that we talked about above. It is advisable to immediately throw it in the trash, do not throw it in the bin.

We get rid of the remnants of the candle within an hour after the rite of purification.

Now you can be congratulated, you have successfully completed the ritual. Take a bath or shower, add sea salt if possible, wash your hair and rinse with running water all the rest of the bad energy. Wash clothes in which you cleaned the house.

Almost immediately after the ritual of purification, you and your relatives will feel relief, as if the load would fall from your shoulders, your mood will improve, you will become more comfortable and comfortable.


Watch the video: How to use Sage to Purify your home smudging (July 2024).