Stockfish in soviet cinema and animation


Oh, this dried fish! Amber, tender, resilient. And the smell! From him, a gourmet fish immediately salivates, and the stomach begins to tremble in a sweet anticipation! Such a delicacy must be sung in poetry, immortalized in movie masterpieces!

Some filmmakers do this, and scenes featuring stockfish become part of the story.

Take, for example, the old and good Soviet films.

"Wedding in Robin"

The young, charming and murderously beautiful hero of Nikolai Slichenko consoles a crying girl:

- Citizen, stop this wet business! Better try the ram - salty! You are her teeth, teeth!

This film has a famous dialogue in the pub (starring Leonid Kuravlev and Evgeny Leonov):

- Ram?

- Vobla.

- Fresh?

- Help yourself.

In the Soviet years, such an appetizer for beer could not be freely bought in a store, as it is now. And beer without a fish is like a wedding night without a bride. How not to share if such eyes are opposite?

You have to be an insensitive idol in order to enjoy such a product alone in the presence of another beer lover. To treat a roach is an act that is worth a lot. A response gesture followed: your roach - my vodka. This is how real male friendship is born.

Here, dried fish also got a star role.

The main director of the film, Vladimir Menshov, friends from Astrakhan sent a roach and a bream just before he was going to shoot the famous episode with Gosha and Kolya. And, probably, I thought about how to make the most artistic shots, where two men sit, drink and talk “for life”.

And here is such a gorgeous fish. Yes, it's brilliant!

Gosha and Kolya talked about events in the world, about the personal status of men. And they pounded the poor bream on the table so that the vigilant old neighbors cautiously peered into their room - would anyone be killed?

Connoisseurs understand that stockfish are beaten to soften. To make it easier to clean.

"Wait for it!"

This cartoon is loved by both children and adults.
The wolf sits in front of the TV and watches football. For complete happiness, he really wants to enjoy dried fish. She came across him too hard. He sees the eye, and the tooth is numb!

And he began to beat her like Gosha and Kolya put together. And on the table, and on the windowsill, and on TV. He arranged a rout, but the fish did not become softer. What to do, the fate of the Wolf is such. But he did not experience a more sophisticated mockery of himself in any series.

Dried fish is our everything.


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