How to deal with annoyance: tips to be patient in different situations


Recently, I have become often nervous. I react to trifles. I’m upset about the little things.

Even the wonderful orange color evokes no sunny emotions in me at all. Therefore, today I will write about what I am missing now. About patience. And how to deal with irritation.

Two legs of patience

Let’s figure out where the legs grow from patience. On the one hand, the ability to maintain self-control is associated with the type of temperament. Features of the course of nervous processes affect our relationships with the outside world. The unique speed and power of reaction to events is given to everyone at birth. According to various psychological tests, I get a mixture of temperaments of choleric and melancholic. Like a bottle of sparkling water. I sit quietly and calmly, I do not touch anyone. But if you shake well, then I will become 10 times more. And then emptiness comes. And so all my life.

On the other hand, patience is brought up in us as a child. Of course, we can say that such a passionate person like me can not do anything about himself. But adults taught us not to run out onto the roadway in front of the car, even if you really want to go to the other side of the street. And wait until the dumplings are cooked, and not eat them raw. Yes, and panties do not wet, and the majority got used to endure to the appropriate place too. So each of us can be patient when he knows that this is necessary. Personal growth involves the development of the ability to endure. The main thing is to know how to deal with impending irritation.

How to deal with irritation?

I decided to write my opinion on what is possible and what cannot be tolerated. Scribbled half a page. I got angry as it should ... And erased everything. It has become easier. So how to deal with irritation? Use neurophysiology. I wrote about this in detail in an article on how to relieve stress. And besides this, you can:

1. Write your feelings and feelings on paper. Or type on the computer. And then discard or erase. Turning emotions into words allows you to better understand your experiences. The habit of recording them reduces stress in a safe way. The result is only healthy grain.

2. Throw aggression into creativity. It is useful to have a first-aid kit on hand - a set for drawing. Mixing colors or portraying obscure characters is soothing. Also, a great advantage for those who love needlework or modeling. Any work with hands (the so-called fine motor skills) creates a new focus of excitement in the cerebral cortex. Nerve impulses begin to strive for it. Therefore, the old focus, which was responsible for irritation, is weakening.

3. Determine the exact cause. Each of us, deep down in our hearts, knows what exactly is driving him crazy. True, you don’t always want to admit to yourself. Usually our irritation is caused by real facts, often very insignificant. If you release pop using creativity or recording emotions, understanding the reason is much easier.

4. Shout out. Sometimes you just need to verbalize aggression in such a powerful way. True, there is a minus. Your irritation may pass, but those around you will most likely appear. So it’s best to scream in the deep forest. Alone. By the way, the scream massages the internal organs well, ventilates the lungs and relieves tension.

5. Make a small (!) Act of vandalism. Sometimes a broken cup in time can save peace of mind or even a relationship.

Outset, climax and catharsis

My daughter’s boiling point yesterday was the umbrella of my daughter, which she broke exploring in different ways. All the other nonslacks of the day were strung on the constant need to save either an umbrella from a child, or a child from an umbrella. Aliska flatly refused to part with the new thing. An umbrella chased me everywhere: both at home and on a walk. Feeling that I was already boiling, I calmly warned that if there was another throw with an umbrella, I would take it and throw it away. My daughter knows that I keep my word, but decided to check and repeated the maneuver. A moment later, the unfortunate was seized. And flew into the bushes.

Half a minute to catch my breath, while the child establishes a causal relationship between actions and reaction to them. And also feels all the sorrow of the world. Then removing the umbrella from the bushes with the adamant "I will not give", hugging and a truce. At home, the umbrella goes to the closet, and I sculpt terrible jagged dark dinosaurs from plasticine. And calm down.

I know the features of my temperament. This irritable period is never prolonged for a long time. Therefore, I simply smile at my spiritual weather. I know how to deal with my annoyance. I know it will be sunny soon. I am very patient, so I can easily wait for calm days and positive changes.

And I also know that then I will come completely calm and my desire to do something will disappear. This is inevitable, like a change of seasons. And then I will use other tricks to survive this period with comfort. Yes, and it’s a pleasure to work on lazy days.


Watch the video: Dealing With Difficult & Annoying People (July 2024).