Apple diet for weight loss: how much can you lose? Proper apple diet for weight loss


Improper diet, abundant in fat, flour, spices, lack of proper rest, sedentary lifestyle - only part of the factors that can trigger obesity. It’s difficult to cope with excess kilograms, but it’s quite possible, and one of the effective ways is an apple diet for weight loss, which will perfectly cope with fatty tissues on the stomach, sides, hips.

Features of apple diet for weight loss

The main advantage of the apple diet for weight loss is harmlessness. Tasty fruits do not contain combinations harmful to the body, so you can resort to using juicy fruits even in the presence of health problems. Another plus of the diet is the huge assortment of apples in the markets and in stores that allows you to combine different varieties (sweet, sour, red, green). Not everyone is able to withstand a mono-diet, so the fruit variety will help to firmly make such a meager diet from one product on the table.

An apple diet for weight loss will not cause special difficulties for women who are planning to deal with overweight. The main thing is to gather all the will into a fist and arm yourself with patience, because in the course of a week you will have to eat only apples. Drinks are also limited - only water is allowed to drink. The results will certainly please - in a week it’s quite possible to lose up to 7 kg!

Active consumption of fruits during the week will affect not only overweight, but also the general condition of the body. Some elements contained in juicy fruits are able to remove toxins from organs. Along with weight loss, the body and vessels are cleansed.

A barrel of honey will not do without a fly in the ointment - apples tend to stimulate appetite. Nutritionists recommend that in cases where it is not possible to maintain a uniform diet for a week, resort to more sparing apple diets for weight loss - with the introduction of kefir, cheese, lean meat, green tea, bread rolls or brown bread into the diet.

Strict Apple Slimming Diet

The easiest, but also not easy for women who are accustomed to pamper themselves with goodies with a way to cope with hated kilos is to resort to a strict diet. It consists of a uniform diet - apples and liquids. Drink only water or green tea.

Starting a diet is recommended from Monday.

With an apple diet for weight loss, the menu looks like this:

• Monday, Tuesday - one and a half kilograms of fruit, one and a half liters of liquid;

• Wednesday, Thursday - two kilograms of fruit, two liters of liquid;

• Friday - one and a half kilograms of fruit, one and a half liters of liquid;

• Saturday, Sunday - a kilogram of apples, two liters of liquid.

Continuing the course is not recommended - if you strictly follow a diet, the extra pounds will completely go away. A repeated diet can be carried out only after 2-3 weeks - the body must rest, gain strength after mono-nutrition.

In the continuation of the apple diet for weight loss, it is recommended to reduce physical activity, abandon intense training, jogging. Athletes who are not able to take a break in classes, it is better to abandon the fruit diet - the body may not withstand scanty nutrition and heavy loads.

Apple and Kefir Slimming Diet

If a strict apple diet for weight loss does not have enough willpower or the body requires more substantial nutrition, it is recommended not to exhaust yourself with a monotonous menu. A fruit diet with the addition of kefir will no less effectively affect the state of fat deposits. The only rule is to use a fermented milk product with the lowest percentage of fat content.

The daily menu of the apple-kefir diet consists only of fruits and kefir. It is recommended to eat 5-7 apples, drink 0.5 l of fermented milk product. It is best to eat fruits several times a day a little, be sure to drink kefir (100-150 ml).

Do not limit yourself in liquids - drink water or green tea at least two liters per day. Abundant drinking helps to eliminate harmful substances that have accumulated in the body, prevents dehydration, and stimulates the burning of body fat. At the same time, you should not abuse the liquid - if you drink more than 2.5 liters per day, there is a risk of causing swelling.

Delicious apple diet for weight loss

The mistake of many women who did not bother to carefully understand the features of the apple diet for weight loss - they begin to actively consume fruits in their raw form. It is not necessary to do this - there are many delicious dishes that will allow you to add variety to the diet and not suffer too much from a uniform diet.


The easiest way to prepare a meal that actively burns body fat is to peel the fruits, grate them on a fine grater, or kill them in a blender. It is not recommended to add sweet ingredients (honey, sugar), which will certainly reduce the effectiveness of losing weight. You need to use mashed potatoes immediately - even a short storage in the refrigerator may be enough to reduce the amount of nutrients.

A more complicated way to make mashed potatoes is to use baked fruits. Under the influence of hot temperature, acidic compounds in the fruits are destroyed, so the dish will be sweeter than when using fresh apples.

The recipe is simple:

1. Peel the fruits, remove the core, cut into halves (you can not peel, but in this case, the peel will have to be removed after heat treatment).

2. Arrange the fruit particles in one layer on a baking sheet previously covered with parchment.

3. Bake at a low temperature (about 150-170 degrees) for a quarter of an hour.

4. Blend in a homogeneous mass.

Unlike mashed potatoes with fresh fruits, a dish of baked fruits can be stored in the refrigerator for about a half day.

Baked Cinnamon Fruits

For lovers of cinnamon, it is recommended to cook baked fruits with the addition of this aromatic powder. It will take a little time to prepare a dessert that is healthy and ruthless to fat deposits:

1. Peel the fruit, remove the core.

2. Cut into small pieces, place in a deep baking sheet.

3. Sprinkle liberally with cinnamon powder, shake the baking dish, allowing the spices to evenly coat the apple particles.

4. Bake in the oven (temperature 150 degrees) for 25 minutes.

It is better to consume apple particles after complete cooling.

Three Day Apple Slimming Diet

It often turns out that you need to lose only a few pounds. A quick apple diet will help to quickly and effectively cope with 3-5 kg, for losing weight only three days are enough. The main thing is to strictly follow the recommendations of nutritionists, withstand food restrictions, and forget about snacks.

The first day

It is recommended to take food in five divided doses. A break between eating meals is at least three hours.


• an Apple;

• cottage cheese grated into a homogeneous paste (30 gr.);

• a slice of yesterday’s black bread.

On lunch only one apple and a small loaf of bread are allowed.

At lunch It is recommended to treat yourself to a light salad:

1. Boil sea fish (200 gr.), Cut into small pieces.

2. Grate apple, celery.

3. Cut the peeled orange.

4. Season with natural yogurt (without adding sweet ingredients).

On afternoon tea eat apple and cottage cheese (120 gr.). Day finish a small sandwich of brown bread and hard cheese.

Second day

On breakfast mix the apple (rub, without removing the peel), oatmeal (30 g.), a small handful of raisins, warmed milk (100 ml). It is recommended to combine milk with cereal in advance and leave to swell.

On lunch eat one small apple. You can drink it with green tea or plain water.

Dinner more nutritious - allowed to feast on pancakes. Cooking a dessert that is good for the waist and hips will take a little time:

1. Beat a chicken egg, 50 ml of milk (with the lowest percentage of fat content).

2. Pour in flour, the mass should resemble liquid sour cream.

3. Bake 3-5 pancakes.

4. Prepare a filling of apples (grate peeled fruits, mix with raisins).

5. Wrap the fruit filling in the pancakes.

At noon allowed to enjoy natural yogurt (150 gr.), in which add pieces of apples.

On dinner boil some rice, to which you add chopped fruits.

Day three

Have breakfast cottage cheese (100 gr.) with the addition of an apple chopped together with a peel. Drink with rich green tea or plain water.

On lunch to make a cocktail - beat an apple, kefir (100 ml), juice from one lemon slice with a blender. Before use, add a few grains of cinnamon to the drink, mix.

Have lunch lean beef. Serve boiled meat with apple sauce:

1. Cut the sweet and sour apple into small cubes, add chopped red pepper.

2. Season with sugar (15 g.), Juice from two slices of lemon.

3. Send to the fire, boil for a quarter of an hour, grind through a sieve.

4. Add a few crystals of salt.

At midday do not spoil yourself strongly - it is recommended to use only one apple. Drink kefir (no more than 100 ml).

Have dinner salad - grate carrot, apple, season with low-fat cream. If you feel severe hunger, you can add a slice of hard cheese or raisins.

Apple diet for weight loss - an effective way to deal with excess weight. We should not forget that only strict adherence to all recommendations will achieve satisfactory results. Another important tip for those who are just planning to start losing weight with fruits is to go to a dietitian consultation first. Only a specialist is able to determine how necessary it is to resort to a diet and whether it will cause undesirable processes in the body.


Watch the video: The Weight Loss Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar (June 2024).