Aries - warrior and pioneer


The planet of Aries is Mars - the patron saint of warriors. Therefore, this zodiac sign can be considered a symbol of activity and strength. People of this sign are influenced by the archetype of the ancient gods of war - Mars, Ares and Amon-Ra, depicted in the form of a lamb with horns, between which the disk of the Sun was located, completely coinciding with the diagram of the constellation Aries.

Features Aries

The influence of Mars is directly related to the field of natural instincts and a strong manifestation of rage, anger, jealousy, which is why Aries can be called the most passionate sign of the whole zodiac circle. The god of war gives Aries incredible confidence and perseverance. This helps Aries to stand firm in life and implement ambitious plans, but, on the other hand, makes them prone to aggression, selfishness, and “ahead of the curve” actions, without taking into account the interests of other people.

Aries character

The dominant feature of the people of this sign is extraversion - the orientation of emotions and behavior to the outside world. By temperament, Aries is most often choleric, prone to impulsivity and spontaneous action. He is characterized by temper, indifference to the opinions of others and experiences. Often takes the initiative, acts mainly in a straightforward manner, choosing the simplest and most effective solutions, even if they can cause inconvenience to other people.

Aries are also prone to victory at all costs, but the fact of participation is more important for him than the result. Faced with something, subconsciously rejoices to show fighting qualities and plunge into the atmosphere close to him of Mars, the god of war. When Aries is obsessed with something, it is impossible to stop and reason, but after the goal is achieved, it may lose interest in it.

Positive side

The main advantage of this sign is the ability not to get lost in an unfamiliar environment, to quickly find and make decisions. Therefore, Aries can be relied on in a difficult situation. The positive manifestations of Mars in this sign are similar to the image of a knight standing on the defense of the weak, fighting against injustice and evil.

Negative side

The energy of Mars, which is endowed with all Aries, gives the ability to influence people and situations, but with negative manifestations it leads to interference in other people's affairs, the distribution of advice and the desire to order. In this case, Aries can behave provocatively, provoking others to conflict, judges everything subjectively, oversimplifying the situation and choosing extreme solutions.

The impatience and stubbornness of Aries does not allow him to carefully consider his actions and minor nuances; he rushes forward, ignoring the warnings and possible consequences.

How does Aries achieve success in life?

Mars gives strength to achieve success in the conditions of intense struggle and fierce competition, but makes Aries unsuccessful in areas where sensitivity, dimension, and gradual harmonious creation are required. Therefore, Aries can be a successful businessman, for example, in the construction industry, but you rarely see him with an easel or musical instruments.

Faced with a difficult and potentially conflicting situation, representatives of this sign are often tempted to immediately rush into battle, even when this is not required. Therefore, one of the main problems for Aries is self-control, the ability to control emotions and desires. If this cannot be dealt with, then excessive fervor can easily destroy it, having faced a stronger person or insurmountable circumstances, with which Aries will “fight” until its strength is exhausted.

For Aries who have career and material ambitions, it is necessary not only to master the profession and the chosen field, but also learn to work with other people, respecting the opinions of others. Otherwise, it will not work to be subordinate, but for many it is for the best - having tried themselves in wage labor, many Aries leave to build their own business precisely because of the unwillingness to obey and put up with other people's interests.

The struggle against egoism is given to Aries with great difficulty, but if he succeeds in defeating his negative sides, then he can become an excellent leader and favorite of the team.


Watch the video: Aries: Warrior, Pioneer, Lone Wolf, or Self-Reliant (June 2024).