How to quickly help with high temperature? Overview of the best antipyretic drugs


Elevated temperature is a common symptom in both adults and children. This is due to the penetration of infection into the human body and the emergence of an island-inflammatory process.

To eliminate the high temperature, antipyretic drugs are used, but a strictly attending physician should deal with their appointment.


This medication is characterized by analgesic, antipyretic and not pronounced antiflogistic effects. It acts indirectly through the centers of pain and thermoregulation. This is the best antipyretic which does not contain additional preservatives and dyes.

Adults are advised to buy the drug in tablets; for children, candles are preferable. The dosage is prescribed by a strictly attending physician. Strictly follow the doctor’s instructions and do not exceed the dosage, as toxic disorders in the liver can develop. It is forbidden to take the drug in case of impaired liver and kidney function, in case of chronic alcoholism and in case of excessive sensitivity to the components in the composition.


Capsule formulations are provided for continuous use. Related to symptomatic remedies for colds, SARS and flu. Helps to quickly cope with high fever, rhinorrhea, pain. Children over 12 years of age and adults are shown one dosage. Take 1 capsule every 12 hours for up to 5 days.

The active substance in the composition is the same paracetamol. But this medication has a large number of contraindications. These include:

• diabetes;

• chronic alcoholism;

• impaired renal and hepatic function;

• severe atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries;

• arterial hypertension;

• pancreatic disease;

• angle-closure glaucoma;

• severe diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladder, heart.

With such ailments, taking the drug is strictly prohibited.


The drug is related to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The medication does not irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. It is also characterized by a pronounced anti-allergic, analgesic, anti-radicardin effect. It is distinguished by good tolerance.

But doctors advise resorting to therapy with this drug only if Paracetamol is ineffective. It is possible to conduct therapy only under the strict supervision of a specialist. The usual dosage of the drug can cause a sharp drop in temperature. It is recommended to start taking with a half dose. It is forbidden to give to children under 12 years old, since the drug is very aggressive on the liver.


This is the best remedy for temperature and very safe for human health. The composition is not only ibuprofen, but also paracetamol. The double exposure drug is characterized by an analgesic effect. Easily normalizes the temperature of an adult. The product is in the form of tablets. They soak for 40 minutes. It is prescribed not only at high temperature, but also with toothache, bruises, neuralgia.

After taking the pill, the natural temperature persists for 6 hours. It is forbidden to carry out therapy when carrying a baby and breastfeeding. The drug quickly normalizes the temperature.


The drug belongs to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Released in the form of candles. The main substance is diclofenac sodium. This component not only quickly normalizes body temperature, but also helps to cope with pain. It is characterized by a very powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Candles are very quickly absorbed and begin to affect after five minutes.

This drug is recommended to be used even with the most severe pains. But the remedy has a lot of contraindications, which include asthma, proctitis and others. Compared to other medicines, this remedy is quite expensive.


Panadol is the best cure for children. He copes with headaches, with teething, fever. It is characterized by rapid antipyretic and analgesic effects. It is released in the form of a suspension with a very pleasant aftertaste. The active substance is paracetamol.

The drug begins its effect 40 minutes after its administration. Keeps a normal temperature for 4 hours after administration. Pediatricians are allowed to prescribe the drug to children, starting from the age of three months. But to carry out therapy only after consulting a specialist. It does not adversely affect the baby’s stomach. Very quickly and effectively relieves pain and temperature.


This is the most popular and best antipyretic for babies. Dropped in the form of a suspension, which is taken orally. It is prescribed to lower the temperature in infectious processes, flu, respiratory ailments. It also helps to cope with pain in the muscles, ears, and migraines.

A variety of tastes are available. Each parent will choose the taste that the baby prefers the most - strawberry, orange and others. It can be used by children from three months to 12 years. The size of the dosage and the frequency of administration depends on the age of the baby. Children are given 2.5 ml three times a day. A child at three years of age is shown a double dosage. The dose is indicated on the package, but it is still recommended to consult a specialist. For the convenience of parents, a measuring syringe is included. But the drug has a large number of contraindications, which include renal failure, diathesis, allergy to fructose, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Many third-party effects can also occur.


Watch the video: Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs NSAIDs: Mayo Clinic Radio (July 2024).