What to do when a mercury thermometer crashes. How to collect and dispose of mercury from a thermometer?


Despite the recent popularity of electronic and infrared thermometers, a mercury thermometer remains in every house, because its measurements are considered the most accurate. But this type of measuring device contains mercury, the vapor of which is harmful to human health.

In order to break a thermometer it is not necessary to drop it. If the thermometer is several decades old, then with shaking the tip may break off, while the contents will scatter in different directions.

But, and if the thermometer crashed, what should I do?

First of all, do not panic. You can contact the Ministry of Emergency Situations or eliminate the consequences of the incident yourself.

If a decision was made on self-cleaning, then you need to carefully prepare for this:

• at the time of cleaning, it is necessary to bring the people there to another room;

• put on shoe covers or shoes that you don’t mind throwing away;

• wear rubber gloves;

• prepare a soap solution with soda, in which soda should be at least 3 tablespoons per liter;

• put the remains of the thermometer in a glass jar of water.

In the event that balls of mercury get on carpets, clothes or soft toys, you will have to part with things for good. You can of course try to weather the mercury, but it will take 2-3 months. Moreover, this should be done in a well-ventilated area, where people are rarely. So the balcony is not suitable for these purposes.

Mercury balls are removed from a flat surface using sheets of paper. They must be rolled up to each other, so that one big one is formed and rolled it onto a sheet of paper, carefully transferred to a jar, where the remains of a thermometer already lie. All flat surfaces in contact with the hazardous metal must be treated with soapy soda water or diluted manganese. The room needs to be aired and it is not recommended to go there for 2-3 hours.

How are thermometers disposed of?

The thermometer should never be disposed of on its own, or even thrown into containers with garbage. You must contact the Unified Rescue Service at 112, and they will tell you where you can go, depending on the locality.

If you still have doubts about the presence of mercury vapor in the apartment, you can contact the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology. Specialists will come and take measurements.

When the thermometer crashed, it is necessary to act quickly, to clean thoroughly and then it will be possible to avoid the unpleasant consequences of poisoning with mercury vapor.


Watch the video: What to do if a mercury thermometer crashed thermometer broke How to collect mercury (June 2024).