The best varieties of radishes for growing in Russia. Overview of the best varieties of radishes of different ripening


Radish is a culture that was grown back in the days of Kievan Rus. With the advent of other vegetables, the popularity of radishes has declined significantly. Nevertheless, planting this root crop in a summer cottage is definitely worth it.

Only 200 g of radish provide a person with half the daily norm of vitamin C. In addition, root crops contain a unique substance that prevents the formation of intestinal cancer cells, anthocyanin.

Radish classification

This culture is most popular in China and Japan. Asian breeders bred purple and yellow radish varieties. There are root vegetables of white color.

This culture is classified by maturity:

• in the early;

• mid-season;

• late grades.

In Russia, radish is one of the first to appear on the shelves. It is a cold-resistant crop, therefore, all its varieties withstand spring frosts. Early varieties of radish are planted in open ground on March 15–20, and the first crop is already harvested on April 4–9. Harvesting root crops is completed in the second half of May.

Mid-ripening and late-ripening radishes are harvested after 60-65 days. The yield of mid-season radish varieties is significantly higher compared to early varieties. The best varieties of radishes of medium and late ripening have no darting and flowering, so they have a large root crop.

Radishes can be sown in open ground in the second half of July or in the first ten days of September. This radish practically does not give arrows and is suitable for cultivation for the winter. It is well stored and highly portable.

Also, do not forget about hybrid varieties. Some of them are intended for early harvesting. All hybrids have increased large-fruited and resistant to fungal diseases.

By taste, radish varieties are divided into two groups: sharp and gentle varieties. Vegetables from the second group are usually hybrids. Such varieties have been developed for people suffering from diseases of the stomach. Root crops of gentle varieties contain less vitamin C than spicy radishes, but are characterized by a high content of silicon and other minerals that improve digestion.

The best varieties of radish early ripening

The earliest variety of radish - grade "16 days". It got its name because 16 days pass from sowing seeds into the ground until the first root crops appear. The maximum size of the radish reaches 21 days after sowing seeds on the bed.

The variety belongs to the gentle radish group. "16 days" is great for vegetable salads. Its flesh contains a lot of moisture. Its color is white. The taste is gentle refreshing. Even with poor watering in the radish, bitterness does not form.

The shape of the root crop is round, the color is pink. The size of the radish is about 5 cm. The tops are not high. The root is small, 3-4 cm long.

A feature of the variety is that overripe root crops become watery, so you need to harvest a crop 3-4 days after ripening.

The variety is suitable for both planting in the garden and for growing in a greenhouse. With spring planting in the second half of March, it matures before the manifestation of fungal diseases, and with autumn - before the onset of frost. Radish "16 days" can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two months.

The best varieties of radish: photo varieties "16 days"

The best varieties of radish include early ripe grade "Heat". The first crop is harvested already 20-22 days after sowing in open ground. Radish forms rounded root crops. Their diameter, usually, is 3-4 cm. The radish weighs, on average, 28-30 g. It has a bright red or raspberry color, depending on the planting site.

The pulp is dense and white. The taste is slightly spicy. Voids in the root crop do not form, it remains juicy even a week after ripening.

The variety is not affected by fungal diseases, does not form a shooter and does not bloom. The tops are low, about 8-10 cm in height.

The variety got its name because it is resistant to abnormally high temperatures. However, frequent moderate watering before cotyledon leaves are required. Regular watering is especially important when growing this variety in a greenhouse to prevent the formation of bitterness in root crops.

Variety "Heat" is better suited for sowing in open areas. The advantage of the variety is the uniformity of its root crops. The size and shape of the whole radish are the same. "Heat" has an excellent trade dress.

Photo radish "Heat"

Variety "French breakfast" perfectly established itself on the territory of Russia. The shape of the radish is cylindrical. The diameter is 2-2.5 cm, and the length is 4-6 cm. The color of the root is bright red with a white color at the root. The root is long, 6-8 cm deep into the soil. The plant forms a powerful rosette, so thin out radishes more often than other varieties.

Root crops of the French Breakfast variety are ripened for a month from the moment of sowing on the garden bed. For this variety it is very important to choose a sunny, sheltered from the wind place. In partial shade, root crops will become bitter, their size will be smaller than the standard.

The taste of root vegetables is a bit spicy. The radish pulp is dense and juicy; voids do not form in it. "French breakfast" is well kept and does not lose its taste for three months.

Radishes are grown throughout the season from May to September.

Early variety of radish "French breakfast"

The best mid-season radish varieties

The Red Giant is one of the best varieties of radish with a medium ripening period. This is a variety of Japanese selection, which is widely used in Russia due to record yields.

Radish matures in 35 days after sowing in open ground in a warm climate. In the middle lane and northern regions, radish ripening occurs 10-15 days later. From 1 planting area, you can collect up to 5 kg of crop per season.

The plant does not form a shooter and has good immunity, therefore it is not susceptible to fungal diseases. The root crop has a powerful root, which deepens into the soil by 6-8 cm. Thanks to this, the radish receives all the necessary nutrients for the formation of large root crops.

The average weight of radishes is 40-45 g. Its shape is elongated, the color is red, very saturated. On a mature root crop, bright pink grooves are clearly visible. This is a hallmark of the variety.

The advantage of the variety is that it can be planted in partial shade. The plant withstands low temperatures, so the "Red Giant" is great for winter planting. The shelf life of its root crops with such a growing technology is 30 days, and with spring sowing - two to three months.

The best varieties of radish: photo varieties "Red Giant"

Grade "Ice Icicle" is the best variety of radish for the northern regions of Russia. The color of the root is white. The shape is elongated. Radish reaches a length of 10-15 cm. Ripens in 40-45 days from the moment of sowing in open ground, and with greenhouse cultivation - in 30-35 days. The mass of the root crop is 35-50 g, depending on the composition of the soil and the content of nutrients in it.

The variety is very cold-resistant. It forms a crop at a temperature of +8 ° C and can withstand a prolonged decrease in temperature.

The taste of radish is sharp. The pulp is juicy and dense, without voids. The grade "Ice icicle" can grow in partial shade with a short daylight. Well suited for winter sowing in central Russia.

The best cold radish "Ice Icicle"


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