Why do you dream of coins: new, old, foreign? The main interpretations of different dream books - why coins dream


Dreams may not visit you every day. In order to interpret them - it is necessary to pay attention to each of them, even the most insignificant nuance. What are the coins for? How to interpret such a dream?

What coins dream of - the main interpretation

A lot of money is a real joy for many. Who would not dream to win a significant amount of money and thus solve many of their life problems? Why do you dream of coins if you collect them from the ground - such a dream does not promise you much profit. You will have to be content with the small, otherwise you will not get this either. Such a dream can also indicate insignificant income precisely because the person is not too keen on them.

In order to fully interpret the dream - you need to delve into all its details:

· Which coins you saw in a dream;

· How many coins have you seen;

· From what metal they were made;

· Where exactly did you see the coins.

If you saw coins in a dream that have the same value - such a dream promises you the opportunity to choose from several options of the same type. Perhaps you wanted to purchase something, now you will have such an opportunity. If you dream that you have not been able to find a coin in your pocket for a long time - in reality you will also not be able to make a decision for a long time.

What will stop you from doing this? Most likely, you will not be able to concentrate on an important matter and simply will constantly postpone it. It will be difficult for you to decide to take active actions and the point is not at all that you are afraid of the consequences, you do not know how to implement the plan.

A dream in which you have been looking for coins in your pocket for a long time and find that these are not the ones you need - you should stop. If you decide to undertake something, for example, to invest money, to conclude a contract, this will be a losing business that is not worth your attention.

A dream in which you cannot get a trifle for a long time in your pocket and finally find the keys - suggests that you can invest money very profitably and get the desired result. Such a dream can also indicate that you have a huge number of opportunities and prospects, you only need to more actively achieve your goal. Try to set yourself even the most unusual and extravagant goals that you will achieve very easily.

A dream in which you see someone paying with coins for an expensive purchase indicates that you will have the opportunity to improve your material well-being and, if you were petty before and did not allow yourself much. Now you will have the opportunity to earn a lot and spend a lot. But make sure that your expenses do not exceed revenues.

The dream in which you work as a cashier and you are brought a whole package of coins that you have to count - says that soon you will receive quite tempting offers, by accepting them you can greatly improve your financial situation. But look at each of them, because you can rush and miscalculate.

A dream in which you have been trying to get a coin from your wallet for a long time speaks of a difficult decision, of a conflict that is brewing between you and a loved one. If you throw coins in a dream, then you should think about what exactly you want from life. Perhaps you want a holiday and happiness, perhaps you have enough of what you get from life. You may be trying to understand your true feelings and needs more and more, but you are not doing so well.

If you throw coins over the heads of the newlyweds, it means that you will have a life surprise, joy and happiness await you. Try to more actively monitor everything that will happen in your life and do not miss the happy moments of life.

The dream in which you see silver coins speaks of the difficulty in your financial and spiritual condition. It will be difficult for you to live and enjoy life. You will become so lost in yourself that even close people will hardly please you.

The dream in which you count gold coins speaks of improving your health, of those opportunities that will allow you to improve your life, make new friends, get support and help.

A dream in which you see that the coins are copper and you put them in a vase - indicates the complexity of your financial situation. You can work hard for a long time, but you won’t get a result that would satisfy you. A dream in which you have several handfuls of coins indicates that you have to share your success and fame with your colleagues.

If in a dream you bury coins in the ground - this is a very negative dream, which portends you failure and negative thoughts. You should keep track of expenses and predict them, otherwise instead of a joyful and successful life, you will start living difficult and moneyless.

The dream in which you see how a man gives you coins - says that your chosen one will be stingy and rude. If you want to build a family with such a man - the dream book advises you to rely only on yourself, but if you want to build a family with a loving and sincere man - you need to look at other gentlemen. Because this young man cannot make you happy.

Why dream of coins according to Freud's dream book

In Freud’s dream book it is said that gold coins dream of luxury and joy, which can reign in your personal life soon. Your joy and happiness will be connected both with your friends and with you personally. Someone will delight you very much and will give you a lot of positive emotions and feelings. Try to indulge all this person and not enter into conflicts. Then happiness will last a long time.

If in a dream you don’t have enough coins to pay off - you don’t have enough little things to build a relationship for life. You should understand what it is about. Perhaps you are too categorical towards a partner, perhaps you allow yourself too much.

If in a dream you exchange coins for paper money, you will want to change relationships that have long pleased you with something new. You can meet a new man and it may seem to you that he is truly worthy of your attention. Do not change partners so drastically. Think about whether it’s worth it.

Why dream coins on the Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric dream book it is said that the coins that you count in a dream promise you poverty and difficulties in life. The coins that you give to someone indicate your wastefulness. And now, even if someone needs your financial support, you should refuse, otherwise you yourself will be left with nothing.

A dream in which you see how children play with coins and scatter them - says that you will be negligent in your earnings, you will not look for additional sources of income, although you need them. In reality, you will increasingly rely on intuition, and it will let you down.

A dream in which you will be trying to lift a coin from the floor for a long time indicates that your loss will seriously affect your future life. You will be trying for a long time to restore your image, your previous reputation and you will not succeed in this.

Try to work more actively on yourself after such a dream. A dream in which you have been trying to figure out for how long how many coins you need to pay for a purchase - means that you won’t be able to figure out your plans in reality and will recount money for a long time, trying to figure out how much you need to spend.

Why do you dream of coins in other dream books

In the dream book, Grishina says that coins in a dream do not always promise prosperity and joy in reality. Try to be more attentive to your needs and understand what exactly you want and what exactly you are striving for.

The dream in which you bury coins indicates that you have put a lot of effort and now you need to wait for the result. If you do so, he will not be long in coming. But after a positive result, it is important not to lose ground.

In the dream book of Aesop it is said that coins dream when a person wants to achieve something new in life. This desire can be fully justified; it is important not to back down from your goals and your positions. It is important to understand the new opportunities that life will open before you. The dream in which you lost coins promises you disappointment in loved ones. Do not expect much from them. Just be happy with them.


Watch the video: What does coins dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (June 2024).