How to eat smokers


As you know, getting rid of smoking can sometimes be very difficult. That is why you, as a smoking woman, need to stick to a diet and take vitamin complexes that take care not of weight, but of chemical compounds and poisons that enter the body when inhaling cigarette smoke.

Some recommendations

Try to eat right. A large amount of vitamins, dairy products, seafood, legumes and nuts will help to compensate for the lack of vitamins, try not to eat fatty foods, which adversely affect the stomach and the body as a whole.

Fresh juices have excellent intoxication properties, do not forget that they should be drunk immediately after they have been made. The use of Jerusalem artichoke will neutralize heavy metals and remove toxic substances, regular use of red grapes can purify the blood, naturally it is worth thinking about the complex of vitamins that the attending physician will recommend after the examination.

Here are some more products that will help the body cope with cigarette "sabotage".


It is advisable to use cabbage in raw or poorly processed form, so that it can retain all its properties, including anticarcinogenic ones. The optimal amount of use is five. Add it to salads or vegetable stews, in addition to traditional and familiar to us white cabbage, you can use asparagus or Peking cabbage, which practically do not differ in their beneficial properties.


Tomato juice after boiling is doubly useful because it absorbs lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant. Diversify your meal with this product and you will significantly reduce the risk of lung cancer. Lycopene, like cabbage, can block and protect the body from metastasis.


Fresh carrot juice three times a day on an empty stomach can prevent the development of metastasis. It has excellent properties, which are laid not only in the root, but also in the leaves and seeds.


Or rather, its seedlings have a large amount of vitamins that can strengthen the immune system and allow it to fight against various diseases. Germinated seeds can be added to salads or soups before consumption.

As you can see a set of products is not at all exotic, but ordinary. He is always on the shelves of markets and shops, so worry about food is not worth it. In addition to a good diet rich in vitamins and trace elements, you need to take care of your skin. To regularly clean the face and body, apply cosmetics, which include antioxidant vitamins C, A and E.

Do not be lazy to regularly visit the beautician and improve the blood circulation of the face in order to avoid early wrinkles.

As a last tip, it is worth recommending that you find strength in yourself and stop smoking. It is difficult, but understanding all the consequences you can make an attempt and not even one.

Be beautiful and healthy.

Text: Ksenia Alexandrovna


Watch the video: CDC: Tips from Former Smokers - Anthem Ad (July 2024).