About the benefits of vibroplatforms for the human body. The presence of contraindications when using a vibration platform for weight loss


Today, outlets represent a large number of various types of simulators, among which the vibration platform is very popular.

Judgments about it are very contradictory, therefore, the simulator should be given an objective assessment in order to decide on the purchase.

On the principle of operation of the vibration platform

This simulator is based on the effect of vibration: this effect affects the contraction and repeated relaxation of human muscles according to the principle of muscle stimulators. These fluctuations increase the efficiency of muscle functioning, which improves the condition of the tissues.

This technology also affects bones, tendons, and blood vessels. Vibration is active throughout the body. Nevertheless, she alone will not get rid of extra pounds; for the desired result requires active work, not a passive rack on the platform.

Vibro-platform and its benefits for human health

This product solves the problem of cellulite and extra pounds. Such settings are associated with the effect of massage on tissue systems, giving oxygen saturation, which positively affects both their work and appearance.

The device of the vibration platform eliminates the risk of increased stress on the heart. A person does not feel tired, even after hours of work, which will attract the attention of those who, due to health reasons, should not experience the corresponding loads.

In any case, a person exposes the body to a certain activity, without which weight loss cannot begin.

What harm can the use of the vibration platform

Of course, a biomechanical vibration platform is beneficial when used correctly. However, negative aspects are also present, and they are associated with the presence of certain conditions in a person:

1. Transferred operation. The effect of fluctuations on the internal organs prohibits training on the simulator during the rehabilitation period. There is also a potential danger of seam divergence.

2. Waiting for a baby and breastfeeding. Training on such a platform can affect possible detachment of the placenta and future miscarriage. And after the woman gave birth to a child, she needs to refrain from studying for another three months. Also, they are not advised to use the device for lactation due to its possible negative effect on hormonal production.

3. If there is a bypass the use of vibration platform eliminates its positive effect on the body.

4. For patients with epilepsy there is all risk of seizures.

5. If a person has replacement of some organs with artificial, then there may be problems with their functioning or even their complete failure.

6. In the presence of prostheses they must be removed. And the owners of metal products in the body can experience tissue damage, feel great brittle bones and some deformation of the joints. The device is also contraindicated in artificial joints.

7. Giving a full load on the muscles, diabetics provoke strong jumps in blood sugar.

8. The presence of various tumors, inflammation and fever they also make the use of the device impossible, because it is forbidden to heat them in any form.

9. If available kidney stones and gall bladder can negatively affect the clogging of the channels.

10. The use of the product is strictly prohibited. with brittle bones.

11. It’s important not to engage in people having a heart attack or stroke or having problems with a thrombotic condition.

12. If there is a hernia classes will aggravate the condition.

13. Those who suffer migraine or menstrual manifestations, the vibration platform will provoke more frequent and painful attacks during training. Moreover, there are cases when a break occurred during training. ovarian cysts.

14. If a person has eye retina problems, then in the classroom there is a risk of its exfoliation, then with a certain launch it will lead to loss of vision.

15. In the presence of skin lesions the surface of the simulator can become a provocateur of the further progression of diseases.

Therefore, before the desire to work on a new figure, it is necessary to consult with specialists.

About the specifics of occupations on a vibroplatform

Exercise on the simulator can be different. At the first stage of the familiarization plan - a quarter of an hour of action. A real useful lesson is a full half hour with a frequency mode of 30 Hz.

Possible option and load leisurely type. With this platform, you can engage in meditative sports. In general, exercises of a functional plan with the effect of vibration enhancement give many times more benefits, affecting the work of all muscles.

The following exercises are selected as examples:

1. To climb on socks in a leisurely way to work out the hips and lower legs.

2. Squat slowly while raising your arms up.

3. Lean to the side to work out the oblique muscles.

4. Conduct push-ups.

It is recommended that you study the basics of classical exercises on the floor and then transfer them already to the simulator. For classes, it is important to prepare clean socks and thin-soled shoes. For a greater effect, it is advisable to warm up in the form of squats and bends and place the simulator in a convenient place with enough space to perform workouts.

So, is it possible to avoid physical exercise by using a vibration platform? If you want to lose weight, this will not succeed, but if you only need toning, then the use of the product is possible only with a passive finding. There is also a massage mode, which, with a convenient position of the body, gives deep relaxation and a sense of peace.

It is also important to understand that it is impossible to solve the problems of excess weight with one vibration platform. Classes will not bring benefits without a healthy diet, and a slim figure is a work in a complex where the definition of fitness "for the lazy" is inappropriate.

Surely we will someday witness the opening of capsules of harmony for the quick transformation of the figure. In the meantime, it is necessary to follow the wise rule: food - less, and movement - more. In the latter, the vibration platform will help you.


Watch the video: Vibration Machine Review. 4 Thing You NEED to Know Before BUYING! (June 2024).