Beetroot soup: a step-by-step recipe for the brightest soup. Cooking classic cold and hot beetroots (step by step recipes)


Borsch is not the only first dish with beets. There is no less tasty soup, which is cold and hot.

Beetroot soup is a very interesting, bright and easy to prepare dish. It will help diversify the diet without hitting the family wallet, as it consists of the simplest products. Here are the best step-by-step recipes for hot and cold beetroots.

Beetroot soup - general principles of cooking

Hot beetroots are cooked on water or in broth, they also make vegetable dressings, as for borsch, but do not add cabbage. The soup tastes completely different, but very bright and beautiful. Cold beetroots there are two warrants. You can cook a dish on beetroot broth or on kefir. All cold beetroots are similar to okroshka and products in them add similar ones.

What is put in a cold beetroot:

• cucumbers;

• a lot of different greens;

• eggs;

• vinegar or lemon juice.

Very often add radishes, to improve the taste put different spices. Beetroots are sold with sour cream, if they are not cooked on kefir. Hot soups can be reheated, kept in the refrigerator for several days. In the old days in Russia, this dish was even frozen. Cold beetroots do not really like storage, since fresh cucumbers and greens lose their taste, so it is undesirable to cook for the future.

Classic hot beetroot: step by step recipe with pork

In fact, in a step-by-step recipe for beetroot, you can replace pork with beef, but the broth will be cooked a little longer. For a diet option, chicken or turkey will do. For fasting, the soup is prepared simply on water or on mushroom broth, it also turns out delicious.


• 500 g pork on the bone;

• 300 g of raw beets;

• 20 g of lemon juice;

• 30 ml of vegetable oil;

• 400 g of potatoes;

• 100 g of onion;

• 80-100 g of carrots;

• 70 g of tomato paste;

• three liters of water for the broth;

• herbs, spices.


1. If beet pulp is used for beetroot, it can be cut into several parts. We lay the whole bone. We pre-rinse the meat, no need to dry. Fill with water, put on the stove.

2. When boiling, you need to catch the foam with a slotted spoon. After boiling, reduce the heat and cook the broth for about an hour and a half. We focus on meat. It should become soft. We take it out in a bowl, let it cool.

3. Cut the potatoes into cubes. Throw in the broth. At this stage, add 0.5 tablespoons of salt to the pan. Cook the potatoes almost until ready.

4. Peel raw beets, rub coarsely or cut into strips.

5. Pour half the oil into the pan, spread the beets, fry for a couple of minutes. Then add lemon juice. He will not allow to lose color, and pour a little broth from the pan. We cover the pan, simmer the beets until soft, it will take about fifteen minutes, depending on the size of the slices.

6. Pour the remaining oil into another pan. But you can take any fat that you like or butter, passerovka it turns out even tastier. We put the pan on the fire.

7. Dice the onion, toss it into the fry.

8. Peel the carrots, three and add to the onion. Cooking a regular vegetable dressing together.

9. Add tomato paste to the onion with carrot. If it is thick, then first dilute with water. Stir, fry for about five minutes, so that the color is bright and saturated.

10. Put the beets in the pot pan first, let the beetroot boil, boil for two minutes.

11. Now add the sautéed vegetables with the tomato. Stir well, after boiling the soup in a saucepan, reduce the heat to a minimum.

12. We try the beetroot soup, season with salt, pepper, and if necessary, throw other spices. We simmer on low heat for about ten minutes, so that the tastes of the products merge.

13. Cut the boiled meat, put it in the pan. But, if desired, it can be added individually to each plate.

14. We cut greens, we throw. Add a bay leaf and the soup is ready!

15. Hot beetroot served with sour cream, garlic, crackers.

Classic cold beetroot: step by step recipe

Very bright, tasty and refreshing summer soup, which can replace the usual okroshka. The step by step recipe for cold beetroot does not indicate the type of greens. Since you can put everything: dill, parsley, cilantro, green onions and even lettuce.


• 0.45 kg of beets;

• 0.3 kg of cucumbers;

• 0.5 lemon;

• sugar, salt, pepper;

• two bunches of greenery;

• 50 g sour cream;

• 4-5 eggs;

• two liters of water;

• mustard at will.


1. Contrary to all the rules, beets are cooked in a peeled form. Therefore, thoroughly rinse the root crop, remove the thin skin, put in a pan. Fill with cold water. If time is not very long, then beets can be cut into several parts.

2. We put cook on the stove. Squeeze out the juice of a half or at least a quarter of a lemon. Cook until the beets are soft.

3. We take out the vegetable from the pan, send it to cool.

4. The broth should be filtered through a strainer or folded gauze. We measure one and a half liters and also leave to cool completely. Then put it in the refrigerator. It is more convenient to cook beets and a base for soup in the evening, so as not to wait.

5. Pour eggs with cold water, boil after boiling for eight minutes, cool, clean. You can chop them and add to the total mass, but it is better to use when serving, that is, add each to a plate.

6. Rinse cucumbers, cut off the ends and chop with straws.

7. Chop all the greens that are.

8. The cooled beets are rubbed or cut into strips.

9. Mix cucumbers and greens, add the prepared beets.

10. Pour vegetables into the broth from the refrigerator, add salt, pepper, stir the beetroot until dissolved. For spiciness, you can add a little mustard.

11. We taste. Beetroot is better when sour. If necessary, add another lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. A wonderful addition will be sorrel leaves, which also give acid.

12. The last time we stir, put in the refrigerator for half an hour. Let the soup infuse.

13. Pour into plates, add eggs, cut into halves or quarters, season with sour cream.

Delicious cold beetroot: a step by step recipe for kefir

Another classic step by step recipe for beetroot. On kefir, the soup turns out to be incredibly tasty, pleasant, somewhat reminiscent of okroshka. For cooking, you can also use fermented baked milk, it tastes delicious with yogurt. In general, any sour-milk drink will do. We also use any greens, even sorrel will do.


• liter of kefir;

• two beets;

• two bunches of greenery;

• two cucumbers;

• three eggs;

• 10 radishes (optional);

• lemon juice or vinegar to taste;

• salt pepper.

Additionally, beetroot will need 0.5 liters of water. You can take a mineral water with gas or ordinary drinking water. Some housewives prefer to cook on ayran, then you do not need to add anything, we just use more than half a liter.


1. Brush the beets, put in a saucepan, add water, set to cook. The peel does not need to be removed, it will retain the brightness of the root crop.

2. Pour boiled beets with cold water, let it cool. In general, the root crop can be boiled for 30-40 minutes, then put under a stream of cold water, and it will reach full readiness.

3. Eggs are also boiled until hard-boiled and ready to fill with cold water, they must be completely cooled.

4. Wash the cucumbers, cut them into small strips or thin slices, throw them into a saucepan.

5. Optionally, add a little radish to the beetroot. Rinse, cut into thin slices, cutting off the tips and tails. Pour the vegetable to the rest of the ingredients.

6. We clean the boiled beets. We cut in the same way as cucumbers or rub coarsely with straws. You can use a figured grater, the soup will turn out even more beautiful.

7. Sort the greens, rinse, chop with a knife. Add to the total mass. Stir the products together.

8. Eggs to clean. In this recipe, it is better to add them immediately to the total mass, as in okroshka. Therefore, cut into small cubes, pour.

9. Mix the dry ingredients together.

10. Pour kefir from the packet into a convenient dish, add salt, pepper, stir well. If you add everything at once to a pan with dry ingredients, then the eggs will stretch due to long stirring.

11. Pour kefir with spices to the rest of the ingredients.

12. Add plain or mineral water. Stir.

13. To taste, season beetroot with lemon juice or vinegar. If kefir is sour, then this is not necessary.

14. Pour the soup into plates, serve beetroot immediately or insist an hour in the refrigerator.

Beetroot - useful tips and tricks

• If green onions are added to the cold beetroot, then it is better to cut it, pour it into a separate bowl, add salt and mash with your hands. The product will release juices, give the dish a very pleasant aroma.

• It is not necessary to breed the whole beetroot at once. It is wiser to store food without liquids; they will stand perfectly in the refrigerator for two days. If necessary, you will only need to dilute the soup.

• No lemon juice? When cooking beets or stewing, you can add any vinegar or grains of dry citric acid. They will also help preserve the color of the root.

• Potatoes, sausages or other meat products can be added to cold beetroot for satiety. For example, it turns out delicious with boiled chicken.

• No desire to boil beets? You can use fresh root vegetables for cold soups, but you need to rub it finely or grind it with a blender. Such a dish will be even more useful.


Watch the video: Borscht Borsch Russian and Ukrainian Beet Soup Recipe (June 2024).