Candied ginger is a universal “pill” for colds and a healthy treat. Simple recipes for making candied ginger


Ginger is an amazing product with an incredible mass of beneficial properties.

It was and remains the main healing plant used in oriental medicine and not only for its ability to:

• strengthen immunity;

• treat a cold;

• regulate lipid metabolism and thereby reduce weight;

• relieve constipation;

• relieve intoxication of the body;

• improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;

• slow down the aging process;

• improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;

• increase stamina.

Ginger is part of a comprehensive treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system: rheumatism, arthrosis and arthritis. It also tends to slow down and stop the growth of malignant neoplasms.

Candied ginger: benefits

Ginger is an excellent seasoning used in many cuisines of the world. But candied ginger is a novelty, but also possessing:

• painkillers;

• expectorant;

• decongestant;

• disinfectant;

• diaphoretic and warming effect.

Pale yellow candied slices preserving all the properties of fresh ginger can be taken with you on a long journey and sucked like candies instead of expensive pharmacy counterparts. They will relieve symptoms of a sore throat, emerging cough, chills, and sore throat. Here are just the severity of boiled and dried pieces less pronounced, as it is softened by sweetness and long cooking.

Candied ginger - effective and safe anthelminticremoving parasitic worms from the body. They stimulate appetite and secretion of gastric juice, and also relieve belching.

In addition, they:

• strengthen blood vessels;

• remove excess cholesterol;

• cleanse the blood;

• add strength;

• normalize blood pressure;

• help with atherosclerosis.

They are also useful for women's health, as they relieve pain during menstruation, help in the treatment of infertility, and eliminate signs of toxicosis during pregnancy. In addition, ginger is also a well-known aphrodisiac that increases libido.

Candied ginger is good for fat burning. With them, appetite decreases, metabolic processes accelerate, and internal organs begin to work like a “clock”. The main thing is not to abuse the sweet product, so that the arrow of the balance does not turn back.

But the main thing is that candied ginger is absolutely natural and safe. Someone likes to drink strong coffee or tea with them, someone uses baked fragrant pies and rolls for baking. With them in the cold manages to warm up faster and cheer up. They improve the taste of jams, compotes and liquors, and are used as an excellent preservative.

The energy value of 100 g of the product is 216 kcal. Therefore, do not abuse candied candied fruits, otherwise the gingerol from their composition, designed to provide harmony to the figure, will be useless. It accelerates the metabolism and prevents the degeneration of healthy cells.

General principles for making candied ginger

To make candied fruits you will need: water, sugar and ginger. Depends on the age of the main ingredient, how pungent “pills” for colds will turn out. The older the root, the more acute the medicine will be. The severity also depends on the thickness of the slices.

Bitterness will go away if the ginger root is soaked in cold water. The procedure usually lasts three days. During this time, it will take up to 6 times to change the water in which the ginger is aged.

The root should be fresh with a light and smooth skin. For the convenience of cleaning the root crop, it is better to break it into small pieces. The peel can be removed with a teaspoon or a special device.

There are several recipes for making candied ginger. They are not significantly different. Here are the most popular ones:

The simplest recipe for candied ginger


• ginger root - 200 g;

• sugar for syrup - 6 tablespoons;

• water for syrup - 3 tablespoons.

Cooking method

The root must be cleaned by peeling off the peel, because all the most valuable ginger is located just under it, then cut into thin plates. The last to lower in a pan with water and cook until soft for 0.5-1 hours. Cool the resulting product.

For a sweet dessert, syrup is separately prepared. When boiling, dip the cooked ginger slices into it. Further cooking continues until the water evaporates and the candied fruit acquires light transparency. So that the product does not burn, you must carefully monitor the process, stirring regularly.

Drying is carried out outdoors without additional heat treatment. Candied ginger can be rolled in sugar. To do this, you can use a baking sheet covered with parchment and sprinkled with granulated sugar.

After 24 hours, the finished product is transferred to a glass jar, closed with a lid or placed in a plastic bag. You can use the "medicine" as necessary for 3 months. A few candied fruits in the bite with tea will help strengthen the immune system and thereby resist pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

Ginger Candied Citric Acid Recipe

Candied fruits according to this recipe are obtained with a pleasant sourness.


• chopped ginger - 200 g;

• water - 2 glasses:

• sugar - 200 g;

• citric acid (¼ tsp) or juice of one lemon.

Cooking method

Pour ginger with water and cook for an hour. Water can be changed during the cooking process if candied fruits are used as a sweet dessert. Syrup is made from sugar and 0.5 cups of water. Already soft boiled ginger is placed in the syrup. Cooking lasts until the syrup thickens and candied fruit is transparent.

Candied fruit roll with a mixture of sugar (2 tbsp. L.) And citric acid. The sour taste of the final product can also be achieved by adding one lemon juice to the syrup.

Candied instant ginger


• ginger root - 200 g;

• water for syrup - 3 tbsp. l .;

• granulated sugar - 6 tbsp. l

Cooking method

Chopped ginger is boiled for half an hour. After transferred to a container with syrup and cook over low heat until the water evaporates completely. In the hot form, the candied fruit is sprinkled with sugar and sent for drying.

Long-Cooked Ginger Candied Recipe


The same

Cooking method

The product obtained according to this recipe resembles candy, it is devoid of bitterness due to prolonged soaking and prolonged heat treatment. Soaking is carried out for 3 days. Ginger slices are cooked three times for 20 minutes, each time, pouring it with fresh water.

After cooking, ginger is poured into a colander, allowing excess water to drain. The dried mass is weighed to determine the required amount of sugar. Observe a ratio of 1: 1. The volume of water for the syrup should be half the mass of sugar. Sliced ​​ginger is boiled in syrup for 20 minutes and is not removed until completely cooled. The procedure is repeated twice.

Candied ginger with salt


• salt - 1 tsp;

• granulated sugar - 250 g;

• ginger root - 250 g.

Cooking method

Cooking begins with chopping the roots. After slicing, fill with ice water, add salt and cook for 30 minutes. Cooking is repeated 2 more times, but it has been going on for 20 minutes and each time in fresh saline. After boiled ginger is combined with sugar and 1 liter of water. Simmering in an open pan lasts another 1.5 hours. At the end of the slices, ginger is sprinkled with sugar and dried in the fresh air.

Variety of candied ginger with clove and cinnamon

Spiced candied fruits according to this recipe do not differ in cooking technology.

The difference is in additional ingredients, such as cinnamon (0.5 teaspoon) and cloves (2 buds).

Spices are added to the syrup, and there they give their flavor to ginger slices for an hour.

Tips & Tricks

• Finished pieces of ginger are conveniently dried on a wire rack located on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Drying is carried out at room temperature.

• For drying in the oven, open the door and set the temperature to 60-70 ° C.

• Drying in an electric dryer is carried out at a temperature of 50-60 ° C with a rearrangement of the grids every 1.5-2 hours.

• Do not pour out the remaining syrup. It can be added to tea for an amazing finish and incredible aroma.

Contraindications and harms of ginger candied fruits

The resulting product is useful to many. It can be given even to the smallest sweet lovers, but the rich composition of ginger persists even after heat treatment. It is contraindicated in patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, which can not be used candied fruits. Those who do not tolerate ginger will need caution in handling candied fruits, otherwise allergies cannot be avoided.

Patients diagnosed with gastritis, peptic ulcer and gastric bleeding should also be cautious. Otherwise, candied ginger will irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive canal, which will only increase inflammation.

Candied ginger is also not recommended for kidney stones and bile ducts. Stimulation of contractile activity in these organs causes pain due to movement and stuck stones, which ultimately will require surgical intervention. Contraindication is also an elevated temperature.

Candied ginger can not be consumed in parallel with taking a number of medications, in particular, against hypertension and arrhythmia, to lower blood glucose levels, to thin the blood, etc.

The action of candied ginger is much weaker than that of a fresh product, but their benefits are not less, the main thing is to cook them correctly according to any of the proposed recipes, and you will be in good health.


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