Cupcake in the oven: a step-by-step recipe for a home miracle! Capital, chocolate, cottage cheese muffins in the oven (step by step recipes)


What compares to homemade muffins? They are so fragrant, tender and sweet! At the same time, this miracle is prepared very simply from the available products.

To your attention a selection of the best step-by-step recipes for muffins for the oven.

Cupcake in the oven - general principles of cooking

The basis of any muffin test is eggs and fats. Butter or vegetable oil can be used, sometimes there is margarine. In principle, butter can always be replaced with margarine, it will reduce the cost of baking, but choose a quality product with a high fat content so that the water in the dough is as small as possible.

What else is put in the dough:

• flour;

• cultivators;

• sugar;

• vanilla, salt.

There are recipes with the addition of chocolate, marmalade, raisins, zest and candied fruit. Very tasty turn out products from cottage cheese dough. Below is a step-by-step recipe for such muffins for the oven.

The finished dough needs to be laid out in molds. You can use now popular silicone or metal molds. Cupcakes are made small or they make one big cake, it all depends on the recipe and your own desire. The temperature is usually small in the region of 170-190 degrees, but in time the cupcake dough is baked for a long time, since it is heavy and oily.

The capital's cupcake in the oven: a step by step recipe

The present GOST step-by-step recipe for the Stolichniy cake. This pastry is rich in raisins, fats, it turns out incredibly tasty and aromatic. Capital cupcakes can be cooked in small tins or bake one large cupcake.


• three eggs;

• 0.7 tsp cultivator;

• 170 grams of oil;

• 0.2 tsp salts;

• 250 grams of flour;

• 170 grams of sugar;

• 1 tsp vanilla sugar;

• 150 grams of raisins;

• two tablespoons of powder.


1. That there was a lot of raisins, it did not turn out to be dry and hard, pre-soaked. First we sort through. Rinse a couple of times, then fill with warm water. It is not necessary to use too hot liquid or boiling water, grapes in this case become sour, they will turn ugly. Leave the raisins for thirty minutes, then pour into a colander, let droplets of water flow from it.

2. Remove the oil from the refrigerator in advance. In Gostov's step-by-step cake recipes, softened fat or melted fat can be used. Let's do the first option. Put the soft butter in a bowl, add sugar and vanilla sugar immediately.

3. We submerge the mixer and beat at the highest speed for about seven minutes. The oil should turn into a light and lush cream. To make it work, take a natural product with a fat content of 72%.

4. One egg at a time. In the process, salt, beat a little more.

5. Mix flour with baking powder, sift all together. If the flour can still be homogeneous, then lumps are often found in rippers, they will not be very pleasant to the taste, so do not neglect this step.

6. Add the flour, begin to mix gently and in the process pour the soaked raisins. Knead the metropolitan dough. It does not need to be disturbed for a long time so that splendor is preserved.

7. Spread in the molds, fill in 2/3 of the height. It is better to bake cupcakes in metal corrugated tins, then they turn out ruddy and beautiful from all sides. Do not forget to grease the forms before laying the test.

8. Put the future cupcakes in the oven, heated to 170 degrees. Small bakery products have enough 40-45 minutes. If the cupcake is prepared in large form, then the time may increase to 70-80 minutes.

9. Take out the baked muffins, cool a little. Shake out of the molds.

10. Allow the baking to cool.

11. Put the powder in a small strainer, sprinkle cupcakes on top for beauty.

Oven curd cake: step by step recipe

Another option for a very interesting step-by-step cake recipe in the oven according to GOST. Cottage cheese is added to the dough, the pastries are very fragrant, tender and airy. This cupcake is best prepared in silicone molds.


• 150 grams of flour;

• 130 grams of cottage cheese;

• 75 grams of oil;

• 0.5 tsp a cultivator from a bag;

• a pair of eggs;

• salt, powder;

• 0.5 tsp vanilla sugar.


1. It is better to prepare the cottage cheese first of all, so as not to be distracted later. Rub it well with a spoon so that there are no lumps left. If it is dry, then it is better to wipe through a sieve, the dough will turn out to be of better quality.

2. Soften the butter, put in a bowl. Add half the granulated sugar, leave aside for now.

3. Break the eggs into another bowl. If they are very small, then take one more. Add the second part of granulated sugar, immediately put a pinch of fine salt and beat together with a clean mixer until white and fluffy foam appears. At high speed, it will take about seven minutes. If the mixer is greasy, the process will be delayed, the eggs may not beat.

4. Transfer the mixer to a bowl of oil. Beat it with granulated sugar for about five minutes, then add vanilla sugar to them. If it is not, then throw a pinch of plain vanillin. By the way, curd muffins with lemon or orange zest turn out to be very tasty, the aroma will be just magical. But before adding to the dough, the zest must be chopped very finely.

5. Add cottage cheese to the oil, interrupt another minute.

6. It's time to pour the prepared eggs. You can continue to stir the dough with a mixer, but only by lowering the speed. Speed ​​should not be high. Pour the eggs slowly, mix thoroughly.

7. Combine the flour and the recipe amount of the cultivator immediately in a sieve, sift in a bowl with the dough. Mix.

8. Prepare the form. If it is made of silicone, then lubrication is not necessary. If a metal mold is used, then we must work it out from the inside with fat. Otherwise, the curd dough may stick.

9. We spread the dough, level it with a spatula, make the layer the same in thickness.

10. Put in the oven, which at this point should have warmed up to 170 degrees. Cooking a cupcake for 40-45 minutes.

11. You can put the dough in small molds made of silicone. In this case, fill approximately 2/3 of the height. Small cupcakes are best baked at a temperature of 180-190 degrees so as not to overdry in the oven. In time, the process will take about 20-22 minutes.

12. Ready-made gostovskie cakes from cottage cheese dough are also sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Oven chocolate muffin: a step by step recipe for milk

A step-by-step recipe for a chocolate-flavored cupcake. Cocoa powder will be added to the dough. Choose a dark product without sugar, nuts and other substances that unscrupulous manufacturers add. Otherwise, there will be no chocolate flavor and aroma.


• 200 grams of oil;

• four eggs;

• 120 ml of milk;

• 300 grams of wheat flour;

• 1 bag of vanilla;

• 30 grams of dark cocoa powder;

• 5 grams of baking soda (or 10 g of ripper);

• 100 grams of granulated sugar.


1. Cut a packet of butter with a knife, leave it in a warm room for an hour, the way it will soften well.

2. Pour flour into a sieve, immediately add cocoa powder to it. It often contains lumps that dissolve very poorly in dough and remain in baking. Therefore, we sift it together in a clean and dry bowl.

3. We take another bowl and break the chicken eggs into it, immediately pour the recipe sugar to them. Fans of more sweet pastries can increase the amount by 20-30 grams, but not more. If you add more, you will have to add other ingredients, change the recipe.

4. Beat eggs with sugar for several minutes until all the grains dissolve in the mass. Lush foam can not be achieved.

5. Beat with a mixer the butter, which should soften well and add milk to it dropwise. If you pour out all the liquid at once, the oil will exfoliate. We do not need this, it should turn out a creamy consistency.

6. Next, add beaten eggs with sugar, continue to stir the dough for the chocolate cake, but do it at medium speed.

7. Now you can add flour. We take out the mixer, shake the dough with a whisk. Add the flour. If a ready-made baking cultivator will be used, then pour it immediately to the flour.

8. If baking soda will be used. As originally stated in the recipe, it is best to pay off. We dilute a teaspoon of table vinegar with the same amount of water, mix with the prescription amount of soda, pour into flour.

9. Take a spatula or a large spoon and stir the dough. Raising the mass from the bottom. Bring to homogeneity.

10. We shift the chocolate mass into one form or scatter it in small tins as you like.

11. If the cake is baked common, then put it in the oven at 170 degrees, cook for about 35-50 minutes, depending on the resulting thickness.

12. If there are a lot of cupcakes and they are shallow, then the temperature can be added up to 190 degrees. We put the products in a heated oven for 17-20 minutes.

13. We take out the finished cupcakes, leave them in the mold for several minutes. Let them cool a little.

14. We take it out of the mold, cool it down and sprinkle with powder at will. It looks good on a chocolate background. For a more interesting baking design, you can use stencils.

Cupcake in the oven - tips and tricks

• If the form is in doubt, then after greasing it is possible to sprinkle it with flour or semolina, then the cake will definitely “pop out” after baking.

• The simplest cupcakes can be turned into chic desserts if you grease them with icing, chocolate, sprinkle with colored sweets or small dragees on top.

• If the oil does not want to soften and become soft, you need to cut it into small pieces, cover it with sugar, leave for a few minutes.

• You can’t sprinkle hot muffins with powdered sugar, the products will get wet, they will be sticky and ugly. Let the pastries cool before decorating.

• Muffin powder can be mixed with vanilla, cinnamon or cocoa powder, the decoration will be fragrant and interesting.


Watch the video: Tin Can Chocolate Cake Recipe. Yummy PH (June 2024).