Easter cake in the oven: recipes for festive muffin. Technology, step-by-step cooking, detailed recipes for Easter cakes


Kulich is an obligatory attribute of the festive table for Easter. Baking is not only elegant look, but also amazing taste.

Of course, if it is prepared according to a proven recipe. Now you can find ideas for bread machines, slow cookers, but the most delicious muffin is obtained in the oven. Bake it?

Easter cake in the oven - general principles of cooking

• Yeast. In the classic Easter cake recipes, pressed live yeast was always used. But if you can’t get them, you can take a dry concentrate, reducing the amount by 3-3.5 times. You can follow the instructions on the packaging, usually there is a conversion to flour.

• Flour. Top grade white flour is always used. Be sure to sift, keep warm.

• Liquid. Milk, water, sour cream, kefir, it all depends on the recipe. Since the dough is yeast, all the ingredients are heated to 40 degrees. Sour cream can simply be kept warm.

• Fats. Easter cakes are cooked in butter. But more and more often you can find recipes with vegetable oil and even margarine.

• Glaze. You can cook according to any of the recipes. Classic - whipped whites with sugar. 2 pcs. 1 cup of powder, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. You can sprinkle cakes with pastry sprinkles or colored sugar.

Easter cake in the oven: recipe for sour cream

A variant of a simple but very tasty Easter cake in the oven, a recipe for dough on sour cream, raw pressed yeast is also used, but you can take 17-20 g of dry yeast.


• 250 g of sour cream from 20% fat and above;

• 300 ml of whole milk;

• 60 grams of yeast;

• 4 eggs;

• 200 grams of sugar;

• 120 grams of raisins;

• 120 grams of butter;

• 900-1000 grams of flour;

• 1 tsp salts;

• vanillin.


1. Rinse the raisins, you can take other dried fruits, leave on a napkin to dry.

2. Heat whole milk, add to it two tablespoons with a sugar mound and all the yeast. Dissolve, add 4-5 tablespoons of flour to make a chatterbox. Remove to heat for 25-30 minutes.

3. Melt and cool the butter, you can mix immediately with sour cream. Break the eggs into a bowl, add salt and beat with a whisk or just shake with a fork.

4. Add sour cream, butter, eggs to the yeast and milk mash. Add flour, add vanilla, raisins or other dried fruits, knead soft but not batter.

5. Cover, put in a warm place, stand until a good lift.

6. Separate all the dough into pieces, roll the balls, put them into prepared tins. It is not necessary that the dough exceeds half the volume.

7. Let the Easter cakes rise. As soon as the edge of the dough and the shape is even, carefully put in the oven. Bake until cooked at 180 degrees.

8. We take out, cool, decorate with fondant and colored dragees.

Easter cake in the oven: recipe with cottage cheese and candied fruits

A variant of cottage cheese cake in the oven, the recipe is simple, but the pastries are unusually tasty and fragrant. Vegetable oil can be completely replaced with butter. From these ingredients you will get 2 large Easter cakes or several small ones.


• 150 grams of cottage cheese;

• 100 ml of whole fat milk;

• 2.5 cups flour;

• 50 grams of vegetable oil;

• 5 tablespoons of granulated sugar;

• vanilla, salt;

• 70 g candied fruits;

• 1.5 tsp cultivator;

• one egg.


1. Grate the egg with sugar and a pinch of salt until white and light foam.

2. Separately, rub the cottage cheese, add to the egg, stir and pour the milk and butter.

3. Mix the flour and baking powder, immediately add vanilla and candied fruit to them. Or use raisins. Knead the curd dough.

4. In general, the mass does not need to stand, but it is better to leave it for 30 minutes so that the flour swells. Stir again, sculpt a ball or several pieces, put them in molds.

5. Bake immediately. Since the dough is on the ripper, he does not need to approach. Cook at 170 degrees for 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the size of the cakes.

6. We take out, decorate with glaze.

Simple Easter cake in the oven: a recipe for milk

Milk for this Easter cake should be used whole with a fat content of at least 3.2%. Yeast dough, knead it at least 4 hours before cooking.


• 500 ml of milk;

• 1 pack of butter;

• 250 grams of granulated sugar;

• 50 grams of raw yeast;

• 1 packet of vanillin;

• 4 eggs;

• 1 tsp fine salt;

• 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• 130 grams of raisins.


1. Combine the milk with all the yeast, add half a glass of sugar, mix thoroughly and leave to activate for fifteen minutes.

2. Break the eggs into a bowl, beat together with the remaining sugar until light foam, add fine salt, stir.

3. Melt the butter and cool.

4. Combine milk with eggs, mix, pour in cooled oil, stir again.

5. Add vanillin (you can vanilla sugar), add flour with raisins, which must be washed and dried in advance.

6. Knead the dough. At the end, pour a couple of spoons of vegetable oil. Rinse the mass until smooth, put in a large basin or in a saucepan. Cover with a towel.

7. Soak the dough until a good rise, then mash with your hands, let go again.

8. Arrange in tins, leave for another 35-40 minutes, until Easter cakes rise.

9. Bake in the oven until cooked. The optimum temperature for the pastry is 180-1790 degrees.

Chocolate cake in the oven: recipe with orange zest

A variant of an amazing chocolate cake in the oven. A recipe with orange zest, but if desired, this ingredient can be excluded or replaced with vanilla, saffron.


• 40 grams of raw yeast;

• 0.25 liters of whole milk;

• 0.5 standard packs of oil;

• 3 eggs;

• a slightly incomplete glass of sugar;

• about 5 glasses of flour;

• 6 tablespoons of cocoa;

• 1 tsp with a mountain of chopped zest;

• a large handful of raisins or candied fruits.

Glaze for Easter cakes: 150 g of chocolate, 60 g of butter, 2 tablespoons of fat sour cream.


1. Beat eggs and granulated sugar, add two pinches of salt, warm whole milk and yeast. Thoroughly dissolve everything, you can let it stand for about ten minutes.

2. Introduce the oil, previously melted and cooled to body temperature.

3. Four cups of flour mixed with cocoa, chopped zest and immediately add raisins.

4. Knead the dough from two mixtures. In the process, add plain flour without cocoa.

5. Thoroughly knead until smooth, send to a warm place for 3-3.5 hours. During this time, you need to at least once hug the rising mass.

6. Fold the chocolate dough into molds, leave to rise for about another hour.

7. Bake chocolate cakes in the oven at an average temperature of about 180-190 degrees.

8. The baking is good to cool. Then cover with glaze.

9. To prepare the glaze, melt the chocolate with butter and sour cream in a water bath. You can only cover cold muffin, otherwise chocolate will flow.

Poppy seed cake in the oven (recipe for another milk test)

Poppy cake - this is unusual, but amazingly tasty and festive! Together with poppy seeds, you can add a little nuts, seeds.


• 2 glasses of whole milk;

• 50 grams of yeast;

• kilogram of sifted flour;

• 7 eggs;

• 200 g of sugar;

• 7 spoons of poppy seeds;

• salt, vanilla;

• 150 g of oil.


1. Heat the milk in a bowl, add sugar and yeast to it. Bred.

2. Separately, beat the eggs, add to the milk.

3. Melt butter, add dough for Easter cakes to the future. Mix everything well and put salt for taste, a partial teaspoon is enough.

4. Combine poppy with half a kilogram of flour, put vanilla to them, put it in the dough.

5. Stir and add more flour, as needed. Knead to elasticity, put the dough for Easter cakes in the heat, wait for the full rise.

6. We squeeze, let rise again.

7. Divide the poppy seed dough into pieces, round it and send it to the molds. Place on a baking sheet, waiting for a new rise.

8. We bake aromatic cakes in a conventional oven at 180 degrees. Grease with protein or any other icing.

Butter cake in the oven: an old recipe for dough

The old recipe for Easter cake in the oven, the dough is prepared in a doughy way. There will be a lot of Easter cakes, you can reduce the number of products.



• 700 g flour;

• 100 g sugar;

• 1 liter of milk;

• 100 grams of yeast.

In the dough:

• 5 eggs;

• 3 glasses of sugar;

• 500 g sour cream;

• 300 g of raisins;

• vanilla, salt;

• flour;

• 250 grams of margarine / butter.


1. Heat milk for dough, add sugar and raw yeast, mix well, add flour. It will take about 600-700 grams. It should turn out to be a little thicker than the test for fritters.

2. Cover, leave for half an hour.

3. Beat the eggs and the rest of the sugar. The sand will not completely dissolve, but you need to dilute it as much as possible. Add 0.5 tablespoons of salt, stir.

4. Enter sour cream from the egg, then melted butter, mix.

5. Combine the dough with the rest of the ingredients, stir until smooth.

6. Introduce vanillin, washed raisins and flour until a smooth, soft dough is obtained.

7. We send it to heat, do not forget to cover it. We withstand until a good lifting of the mass for about two and a half hours.

8. Next, we will dissolve the Easter cakes, put them in the molds. Let's wait for a good lift.

9. Bake in the oven, the temperature for Easter cakes is 180 degrees. Decorate the finished muffin.

Kulich in the oven - useful tips and tricks

• The smaller the Easter cake, the higher the temperature in the oven should be. And vice versa. Large baking is baked for a long time, so the temperature needs to be reduced.

• Do not put forms with the dough close to each other. They should stand on a baking sheet freely so that the cakes are evenly baked from all sides.

• It is not necessary to bake cakes only with vanilla. There are many interesting spices that will change the taste of holiday muffin. The most common: saffron cinnamon, cloves, ginger, lemon and orange zest.
