Why dream of a knife?


The knife is both a harmless kitchen stock and dangerous edged weapons. Therefore, the interpretation of a dream about him will be ambiguous. Each dream interpretation interprets what they see, depending on the details, the day of the week, and even the date of birth.

Dreamed of knives what it means

Miller states:

  • Knives are dreaming of something unfavorable. The dreamer is waiting for separation from a loved one or loss.
  • If in a dream the blade is rusty - the dreamer does not like the atmosphere in his family.

Dream Azara states:

  • When dreaming of a big knife, some person craves to see a dreamer. In the near future, your meeting will take place.
  • I dreamed of a broken blade - wait for disappointments. A French dream book says that such a dream seems to be a family quarrel.

Dream Vanga He speaks:

  • To injure oneself, preparing food - for family conflict. If the knife fell out of hand, wait for the guests.
  • And if you received it as a gift from friends - beware of cheating.
  • Also, the dream Vanga treats a dream about a bloody blade as a generic curse.

Freud's dream interpretation gives the following meaning:

  • The cut is treated as a complex. His interpretation is that the dreamer should get rid of old fears and embarrassment.
  • The knife dreams of a woman to betrayal, quarrel with a loved one, or betrayal, and a man dreams of losing important partners or a loss in business.
  • I dreamed of a pen-blade - soon your enemies will become more active and try to substitute you.
  • Dreamed of folding closed - wait for treason.

What dreams a knife in a dream for a woman

  • If the knife dreams of a woman - she should be wary of enemies and betrayal.
  • The rusty blade indicates dissatisfaction with the existing relationship and can mean a quick break with a man.
  • Dreamed sharp - to alarm, dreamed broken - dreams will not come true.
  • If in a dream you are attacked from behind and hit with a blade - this is a warning about betrayal.
  • And if you yourself are trying to hit a person, then soon you will commit a low deed.
  • A dream about a blade can talk about a woman’s desire to find a fan.
  • If a man pursues her in a dream with a blade, then in reality you should expect to meet with a passionate lover.
  • And if a woman was being pursued, the interpretation would be unfavorable.

What dreams of killing a man with a knife

Such a terrible and unpleasant dream is an auspicious sign that will promise financial independence.

  • The murder with a knife of a person who is an enemy in reality is a dream - you will triumph over the envious.
  • But if in a dream they kill you, it means that life will be long and health will be strong. Another dream book may portend that in reality you will lose in the fight against enemies.
  • To dream of being hit with a blade in the heart - to anxiety about family problems or to poor health.
  • If you happen to cut a person to them - this is a positive symbol that brings material stability.
  • If they cut you - do not trust your friends, they are hypocritical.
  • Dreamed a blow to the throat - your reputation will soon be attacked.
  • I dreamed of a stab in the back - the dream book portends unexpected problems, and if you stabbed in the stomach, then your life is in danger.
  • Pregnant such a dream will talk about childbirth in the near future.
  • I had a dream about the murder of a man in front of my eyes with a knife - the overcurrent depends on the circumstances.
  • If the blade is stuck into the enemy, a white stripe is waiting for you. Especially if you had to see the blood and get dirty with it.
  • But the murder of a defenseless person in a dream carries a negative value, including the loss of a loved one.
  • Killing a snake promises difficult obstacles in life that will be crowned with success.
  • A dream about killing yourself, in which you are dead, the dream book calls very joyful. He foreshadows good health and long life.

If dreaming of an attack with a knife to what it is

  • If I’m dreaming of an attack with a knife on me from a stranger, then you’ll have a chance to meet a good person, with whom even love relationships are possible.
  • If you dream in the hand of a man who is unpleasant to you - the interpretation depends on the outcome of the situation.
  • Your victory means reward for your work, moral and financial well-being.
  • But if the enemy succeeds in killing you, wait for trouble.

Why dream of cutting raw meat with a knife

  • Meat itself is a positive symbol associated with prey, victory and prosperity.
  • Cut into pieces of fresh raw meat - to recover or improve well-being.
  • If you cut a lot - a big piece promises a successful deal.
  • But if you dreamed of a dull or rusty blade with which you cut the meat, you should be more attentive to your health.

Dreams of sharpening a knife to what it is

  • Sharpening on a special professional machine is a sign of trouble and even danger.
  • Dreamed a grinding stone - you will find troublesome business that will bring profit.
  • If you dream that you are asking for a stone from someone, the dream book advises tempering your character, otherwise people around you will use your weakness for their own purposes.


Watch the video: What does knife dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (June 2024).