Pork Lagman at home - delicious and nutritious! The technology of cooking pork lagman at home


Lagman is both the first and second dish. Most often, it is served alone, as it is very satisfying and nutritious.

Lagman can be eaten for lunch or dinner, it is prepared from vegetables and various meats, but the pork dish is especially successful. In combination with homemade noodles it turns out just a fairy tale!

Pork Lagman at home - general principles of preparation

Lagman is always prepared in three stages: noodles, waji and directly the formation of the dish. Making real noodles for lagman is a delicate process, it requires special skills and knowledge. If you can’t pull out or roll the flagella, you can just roll out the dough and cut it into ribbons. Often use noodles for lagman bought in a store.

Waji is exactly what makes the dish special. For the meat part, you can use the pork pulp or ribs. The pieces are fried, then combined with the rest of the dish.

What is put in the lagman:

• potatoes;

• radish, turnip;

• pepper of different types;

• carrots, onions.

Tomato is always added. It can be pasta, sauce, canned or fresh tomatoes, it all depends on the recipe and the product available. Additionally, garlic, various herbs, spices can go to the lagman.

The assembly of the lagman is carried out immediately before use. Noodles are added to the bowl, waji, greens are added. Sometimes the broth in which the noodles are poured is poured. But sometimes all at once mixed in one bowl. This method is convenient if the dish will be consumed all at once and does not require subsequent heating.

Classic pork lagman at home

The recipe for a simple lagman at home from pork. It is desirable to cook the meat portion in a cauldron or in a stewpan with thick walls.


• 500 g of pork;

• 4 tomatoes;

• 1 bunch of jusai;

• 1 head of garlic;

• 1 pod of chili pepper;

• 5 sweet peppers;

• 2 carrots;

• 4 onions;

• 50 ml of oil;

• 1 radish or turnip;

• 3 sprigs of green celery.

For noodles:

• 4 eggs;

• 150 ml of water;

• vegetable oil;

• flour and salt.


1. Mix the eggs with water until smooth, add one teaspoon of the butter, add the flour and knead the steep noodle dough. Cover the bowl with a bowl, let it rest a little.

2. Cut the pork into slices. Put in a hot cauldron with vegetable oil or in another dish replacing it. Fry the pieces until brown.

3. While the meat is fried, cook the vegetables. Cut carrots, onions and turnips into strips, slices tomatoes. We chop the sharp pod.

4. Add carrots with onions to the fried pork, after a couple of minutes, toss the radish, fry everything together over high heat.

5. As soon as the vegetables are slightly browned, the onion slices will become translucent, we add the tomatoes and chopped sharp chili pod into the cauldron. Cook together.

6. Pour boiling water over the waji so that the water covers the food. We close the cauldron, simmer all together for a quarter of an hour, do not let it boil actively.

7. We chop jusai or use garlic greens. Add to the cauldron, salt, stir. Tomim over low heat for about five minutes.

8. Add chopped garlic, pour the celery greens on and off.

9. We take out the dough, generously grease with vegetable oil and begin to roll out a long tourniquet. We twist it in a spiral, leave it for 10 minutes. Then again we take in hands, grease with oil and continue to roll out, pull. As soon as the size of the bundle becomes uncomfortable in operation, you need to cut it into several parts. Then each roll out and stretch until it turns into a long noodle with the same thickness. Regularly wet the tows with oil.

10. Boil the noodles in boiling water for 3-5 minutes.

11. Put the noodles in a deep bowl, about 2/2 of the volume, add the soup ladle from the pot and pour the vaja. To taste, put dill and other herbs.

Pork lagman at home with potatoes

Potatoes are a common ingredient in homemade pork lagman. This vegetable can replace the radish, if it is not, or added with it.


• 400 g of pork;

• 5 tablespoons of oil;

• 4 peppers and tomatoes;

• 2 onion heads;

• 2 potatoes;

• 1 radish;

• garlic, herbs, hot pepper;

• homemade or commercial noodles.


1. We cut the meat into cubes no larger than five centimeters in size. Warm up a little oil, toss the pieces and start frying, pork is enough for 15-20 minutes.

2. Cut the onion in half rings, send to the meat. Lightly fry and run the chopped peppers and tomatoes, cook together for about ten minutes.

3. Peel the potatoes, cut into strips. Immediately cut and clean the radish, you can mix everything in one bowl. Pour to the pork.

4. Add boiling water, 3 glasses are enough or we watch that liquid covered ingredients.

5. Cook over low heat until the potatoes are soft.

6. Now add hot pepper, salt, simmer for another five minutes.

7. At the end, put the garlic and chopped herbs.

8. Boil the noodles, pour the vegetable mixture with pork. Done!

Pork Lagman at home with beans

To prepare such a pork lagman at home, you will need boiled or canned beans. We cook noodles according to any of the recipes or use purchased products.


• 0.5 kg of meat;

• 2 onions, carrots, peppers;

• 4-5 tomatoes;

• 1 cup boiled beans;

• 2 radishes;

• butter, garlic, seasonings.


1. Cut the meat into slices that you like. Throw in oil, start frying. If the pork is not young, then you can cover for a while, let it stew a little in its juice.

2. Peel, cut all the vegetables into large strips. Tomatoes can be chopped finely or chopped with a blender.

3. Add onions, carrots to the fried meat, cook for ten minutes.

4. Next, we throw the pepper and tomatoes, and begin to fry until the color becomes more pronounced.

5. At the end, we throw the prepared radish and boiled beans. If the beans are in tomato, then pour it all together. If in its juice, then the liquid from the beans must be removed.

6. Add water, simmer for a quarter of an hour over low heat.

7. Add garlic, herbs, pepper and salt to the lagman, cover, turn off. Let the dish soak in the aromas of spices, then combine with boiled noodles.

Lazy pork lagman at home

To prepare this lagman you will need a minimal set of ingredients. The main thing is meat and lecho.


• 400 g of pork;

• 3 potatoes;

• 2 onion heads;

• 1 can of lecho (0.5 L);

• spices, oil;

• 0.3 kg of noodles.


1. Cut the meat into cubes, send it to fry.

2. As soon as the pork is browned, add the onion to it, and after a couple of minutes, chopped potatoes.

3. Pour a glass of water, cover. Stew potatoes with meat for about five minutes.

4. Add a jar of lecho, taste it, season the dish with salt, pepper and cover. Stew together until tender.

5. Separately, cook noodles or spaghetti, but do not digest.

6. Combine the ingredients of the dish, sprinkle with herbs, fresh garlic and serve.

Pork Lagman at home in a slow cooker

To cook pork lagman at home, you can use a multicooker of any model, but in some cases you will need to change the time.


• 0.5 kg of pork;

• 400 g of noodles;

• 3 tablespoons of oil;

• 1 eggplant;

• 2 carrots;

• 3 potatoes;

• 3 tomatoes;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• 2 carrots;

• 3 peppers;

• 3 onions.


1. Boil lagman noodles in a saucepan, do it on the stove.

2. Turn on the slow cooker, set the baking program. Pour oil, put pieces of meat and fry for about fifteen minutes, do not forget to stir occasionally.

3. Cut the onions, chop the garlic, transfer to the meat, fry further.

4. The rest of the vegetables are cut into large strips, you can put them in one bowl. Mix.

5. We put everything in a slow cooker, pour hot water so that it completely covers all the products.

6. Close, set the quenching mode and cook for about 35-40 minutes. Then try, if necessary, add salt. If necessary, increase the quenching time.

7. In the finished lagman, lay out the boiled noodles, mix. Close the slow cooker, keep the dish for several minutes, so that the noodles are soaked in sauce.

8. When serving, sprinkle lagman abundantly with herbs.

Pork Lagman at home with champignons

A variant of a delicious lagman with mushrooms, for which champignons are best used. They do not need to be boiled in advance and rice is minimal poison.


• 200 g of champignons;

• 400 g of pork;

• 100 g of pepper, onion, carrot;

• 250 g of tomatoes;

• butter;

• 2 radishes;

• 1 hot pepper;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• a bunch of jusai, any other greens.


1. Run the chopped meat into a cauldron with warmed butter, fry almost until done.

2. Shred large strips of bulbs and carrots with bell pepper. At once, we throw everything to pork.

3. Wipe the tomatoes, run into the cauldron as soon as the vegetables are fried.

4. Add coarsely grated or chopped radish with the same straws.

5. Salt the dish, throw the chopped hot pepper pod, add boiling water. Cover, simmer for 10-20 minutes until tender.

6. At the end, add chopped jusai and other greens, stir and turn off. Combine with boiled noodles.

Pork Lagman at Home - Useful Tips and Tricks

• If the noodles are tough and the water is already drained, you can add hot meat with vegetables and broth, cover and leave for 10-15 minutes.

• A lot of different vegetables are added to the meat and it is very important that they are not digested, the slices retain their shape. That is why it is not necessary to let the dish boil very much, if it is better it slowly simmers on the smallest fire.

• If fresh tomatoes are replaced by canned ones, then remember the presence of salt, acid, try the dish more often so as not to spoil it with an abundance of spices.


Watch the video: To Fry or Not to Fry? Chinese Style Eggplant with Minced Pork 鱼香茄子 (June 2024).