Combined facial cleansing: how is it carried out, who needs it. Features of combined facial cleansing, contraindications


Clean, healthy skin gives you beauty and makes you look younger. That is why deep skin cleansing is necessary at any age.

When choosing a salon procedure, it is worth paying attention to the combined facial cleansing. It combines the benefits of aggressive mechanical and safe ultrasonic exposure to the skin.

What is it - combined cleaning

The essence of the procedure is to use the opportunities that mechanical manual cleaning provides, but to exclude skin injury. Combined facial cleansing is suitable even for those customers who are forced to abandon aggressive, but effective methods of facial care due to excessive skin sensitivity. The procedure is characterized by increased comfort, since the client practically does not feel pain.

Manual massage and cleansing can achieve complete cleansing of pores from sebaceous plugs, and the use of an ultrasound apparatus helps to avoid redness of the face, the appearance of bruises and painful areas. The rehabilitation period after the procedure is minimal. As a rule, the appeared redness disappears without a trace in 3-4 days, a maximum of a week.

It is important that you can cleanse the skin locally, that is, work with individual areas. Manual cleaning, for example, is carried out where comedones, wen, pustules, miliums (millet, or whiteheads) formed. On healthy skin, an ultrasonic manipulator is used, which completes the cleansing of dirt and accumulations of sebaceous secretion. Due to the ultrasonic effect, no swelling is observed, scars do not form, and redness quickly passes.

Thus, in one session, the client receives two types of cleaning. So, the efficiency of visiting the salon doubles. The cosmetologist selects an individual care plan, performs mechanical removal of purulent and greasy secretions only in those places where it is really needed. The rehabilitation period lasts 2-3 days.

Indications for combined facial cleansing

The procedure can be performed at any age regardless of the time of year. In this way, it compares favorably with chemical peels that cannot be carried out during the period of active sun, that is, in spring and summer.

Indications for combined facial cleansing are the following skin defects:

• oily skin with enlarged pores;

• acne, acne;

• black and white eels (comedones and miliums);

• inflammatory elements;

• uneven skin texture;

• gray, unhealthy complexion;

• The first signs of age-related aging of the skin.

usually, prior consultation is not required. However, there are a number of contraindications that the beautician is obliged to tell about.

How is combined cleaning done?

Combining two different procedures in one cleaning session makes a visit to the salon long. Combined facial cleansing is carried out in seven stages.

1. Preparing the face for further manipulations - makeup remover. A beautician must clean it using a soft milk according to the type of client’s skin.

2. Easy scrubbing to open pores and increase the efficiency of the procedure. This stage is not always carried out, the cosmetologist takes into account the skin condition of the client and the need to solve a specific problem. The scrub removes dead epithelial cells, particles of street dirt and dust.

3. Light manual massage to relax facial muscles and increase skin sensitivity.

4. Steaming the skin with jets of warm water vapor. Due to this effect, the contents of the clogged pores are softened, and it is easier to remove them. Steaming is not carried out with severe rosacea, hypersensitivity or dry skin, as well as bronchial asthma. In these cases, chemical cold steaming becomes an alternative. A special gel is applied to the skin, which opens the pores, makes the stratum corneum more loose.

5. Removing the contents of clogged pores and pustules with a special spoon Uno. Inflamed areas are not treated, since there is a high probability of spread of infection. If the spoon does not cope, the beautician can remove everything that needs to be removed manually. Squeezing is safe, since the doctor works in sterile conditions and knows the manipulation technique very well.

6. Ultrasonic cleaning of the skin is the main manipulation of combined face cleaning. It is carried out using a special manipulator spatula. The skin is periodically moistened with gel during the procedure.

7. Additional care after completion of the procedure is the treatment of the skin with agents that narrow the pores, relieve inflammation, moisturize. As a rule, a lotion is applied to the face, then a mask is applied, at the final stage the cosmetologist uses a cream according to the type of skin - moisturizing or nourishing.

Some salons replace ultrasonic laser skin treatment. This is also acceptable. The laser beam destroys the upper stratum corneum of the skin, causing cells to actively regenerate. An additional advantage of the laser is the stimulation of the production of its own collagen fibers. Thus, such a cleaning helps to increase the elasticity of the skin, which means rejuvenation of the face.

In any case, both ultrasound and laser act delicately, do not injure the skin. No scars and scars are formed. Moreover, the existing old lesions are smoothed out, the skin smoothes out and looks smoother, fresher and healthier.

Combination Cleansing Results

Compared to conventional mechanical cleaning, the combined version is more delicate, gentle. At the same time, all the advantages of manual removal of sebaceous plugs and acne are preserved.

The results of combined cleaning will please any woman:

• the skin is deeply cleansed, accumulated sebaceous secretion is removed from the pores;

• normal blood circulation and oxygen supply to cells are restored;

• contracted enlarged pores;

• the normal process of sebum secretion is restored, the skin becomes less oily;

• improves complexion;

• the face is cleansed of acne and comedones;

• small wrinkles disappear;

• the oval of the face is tightened, the skin becomes more elastic.

After combined facial cleansing, a woman looks younger, fresher, feels more attractive. Of course, you have to watch out after the procedure:

• about a week you need to avoid high temperatures, that is, do not visit saunas and baths, beaches and tanning salons;

• you can not bask in a hot bath or take a hot shower (you can cool or warm);

• during the same week, no additional aggressive facial procedures can be done, that is, scrubbing and peeling are prohibited;

• it is better not to use decorative cosmetics in order to allow the pores to recover naturally;

• sweating is undesirable, so you need to wait a bit with intense training and heavy physical exertion.

Manual squeezing of acne and comedones injures the skin, no matter how steamed it is. If after a visit to the beautician there was a slight swelling and redness, this is a normal reaction. To help the skin recover faster, you can use soothing, anti-inflammatory cosmetics (tonics, masks, lotions) containing medicinal herbs.

You can’t forget about daily skin care. In the morning you need a moisturizer, in the evening nourishing. It is good to switch to medical cosmetics for the period of rehabilitation or to treat individual affected elements with disinfectants and wounds.

Combined face cleaning is carried out once, it can be repeated after two to three months, depending on the condition of the skin and its needs. During this time, the purity resource that the skin receives during the procedure is lost, and it must be replenished.

Contraindications for combined facial cleansing

As with any cosmetic procedure associated with a violation of the skin, combined face cleansing has contraindications. They are mainly associated with skin diseases or dermatological problems. Contraindications are:

• psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis;

• hermetic rashes;

• furunculosis and acute inflammatory processes on the skin;

• rosacea;

• vitiligo;

• demodicosis;

• large moles;

• skin injuries (burns, scratches, wounds);

• rosacea.

The procedure is not carried out in the acute period of an infectious disease, accompanied by high fever, malaise. You can not do the combined procedure for some other diseases, acute or chronic:

• hypertension;

• violation of blood coagulation and other problems associated with hematopoietic organs;

• circulatory disturbance;

• neuralgia, epilepsy;

• bronchial asthma;

• myoma;

• oncological diseases;

• disturbances in the endocrine system;

• the presence of metal implants.

The procedure is not performed for pregnant women. Do not do cleaning during critical days, because at this moment the body reacts to damage to the skin with severe bleeding. If a woman has a very low pain threshold, she should also think about the advisability of any traumatic skin manipulations.

A contraindication is allergy and generally the tendency of the skin to react violently to some cosmetics, temperature changes, etc. In addition, if the dermis (upper skin layer) is too dry, then you should abandon the procedure. She will become too much stress.


Watch the video: High Frequency Facial For Clear Skin. Beauty With Mi. Refinery29 (July 2024).