Cedar tincture on vodka: benefits for the body of a healing potion. Preparation of cedar tincture on vodka, harm and contraindications


The alcoholic beverage infused with pine nuts not only differs from the bored liquor in its unusually pleasant taste. Such an elixir is endowed with a mass of useful properties, therefore it is effectively used to treat various diseases both internally and externally. And the main plus of such a medicine is that it is easy to prepare it yourself from cedar seeds at home.

Features of cedar tincture on vodka, the benefits and composition of nuts

The main ingredient in a fragrant and healthy tincture is pine nuts. It has a rich and rich composition of useful substances and minerals, which includes:

• micro and macro elements;

• amino acids - most of them are irreplaceable or conditionally replaceable. Among them there are scarce ones, the value of which is very high - these are lysine, tryptophan, methionine;

• B vitamins, which normalize metabolic processes occurring in the body;

• Vitamin D - the body needs to ensure bone strength;

• vitamin K;

• carotene - is responsible for normal blood formation and vascular wall strength;

• Vitamin E is involved in the transport of nutrients in the body, helps to better absorb other vitamins, acts as a strong antioxidant and reducing agent. This is an important detail for women's health;

• high-quality oil occupies a share of 63-64% of the kernel;

• Easily digestible proteins occupy 17% of the core mass. They are represented by arginine, lecine, alanine, glycine, proline, serine, tyrosine, valine, glutamic acid and other amino acids;

• in small amounts, the composition includes titanium, silver, cobalt, sodium, aluminum;

• carbohydrates are represented by such substances as sucrose, fructose, glucose, starch, dextrins, fiber, pentosans.

It is enough to eat 100 g of raw nuts to replenish the daily norm for the body of useful minerals and vitamins.

The nutshell, which contains a lot of fiber, tannins, sugar, amino acids, and valuable trace elements, also has value. Of the total mass of seed, the shell occupies a large part - 60%. Elixirs useful for the body can also be prepared from unsuitable shells for food.

Helps to overcome radiculitis shell powder (200 g), filled with vodka. The mixture must be tightly corked and insisted for 1 month, then strain. You need to drink medicine on an empty stomach for 2 tbsp. l before eating.

To create a means to strengthen immunity, you need to fill a jar with a capacity of 0.5 liters of nutshell and pour alcohol. After three weeks, the liquid must be filtered and poured into a dark bowl. Before meals, you will need to take 1 tsp daily. composition.

Cedar tincture on vodka: the benefits of treating internal problems

For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, the nut mixture is prepared for alcohol, not vodka. Alcohol and nuclei dissolve better, and makes the medicine more effective. To create an infusion, you need to place 1 liter of alcohol in a glass bowl and add 2 cups of dried nuts to it along with the shell. Before adding nuts, it is recommended to hold 2 times for 5 minutes in boiling water to eliminate the bitterness present in the shell, which also appears in the finished product.

After 2 weeks, the treatment fluid will be ready. Before use, it is necessary to strain it and add boiled water to it in a ratio of 1 to 3. For preventive purposes, take 1 tsp daily. facilities. If desired, you can dilute the tincture with water and drink the product or add the elixir to tea. Internal application solves a number of such problems:

• provides prevention of atherosclerosis;

• improves overall health, normalizes sleep;

• has a cleansing effect on lymph and blood;

• responsible for the strength of the walls of blood vessels;

• increases the protective abilities of the body and strengthens the immune system;

• increases sharpness of vision and enhances hearing;

• provides the fastest recovery of the body in the postoperative period or after diseases;

• maintaining strength in moments of intense physical activity;

• protection against the occurrence of diseases in the female part;

• prevention of the development of cancerous tumors;

• normalization of high cholesterol in the blood;

• providing men's health.

Cedar tincture on vodka: the harm and benefits of external use of the drug

To prepare the product for external use, you should slightly change the recipe. It will take half a kilogram of pure pine nuts and 0.5 liters of vodka. The drug should be infused for 14 days in a dark place. Then you need to drain the liquid, add the same amount of fresh vodka to the same nuts and insist this time the mixture for three weeks. The liquid collected from two times must be mixed and stored in a dark place, best of all in a glass container. For external use, the infusion is suitable in such cases:

• if there are diseases of an orthopedic nature, including age-related transformations;

• in the presence of diseases in the rheumatological part that are in remission;

• for the rehabilitation and restoration of the integrity of the skin after injuries, burns, open wounds;

• to eliminate dermatological problems.

As a means for compresses, the cedar tincture should be diluted with purified water at least in a ratio of 1: 2 to avoid the appearance of a burn on the skin. It is permissible to apply a compress to previously cleansed skin, on which there are no wounds that bleed. In the solution, you need to moisten a piece of bandage or cotton wool according to the size of the damage and put it, covering it with oilcloth on a sore spot. You can apply such compresses for existing diseases of the throat and to warm the joints, they will be highly effective.

Cedar infusion can also be used for grinding. The liquid must first be warmed to room temperature. To grind it is enough just to moisten clean hands in the product and apply massage to the problem area with massage movements until there is warmth on the skin. At the end, the crushed place needs to be wrapped with dry material.

Side effects from the use of cedar tincture on vodka, harm to liquids

Along with the mass of positive aspects, cedar tincture has several contraindications, which must be taken into account when using the medicine:

1. There may be individual intolerance to cedar fruits or allergies to their components, as well as alcohol intolerance.

2. Do not use tincture or you need to limit its intake into the body in the presence of liver diseases. The thing is that any nuts give a serious load on this organ, and during periods of exacerbation of diseases this is fraught with serious consequences.

3. Because of the alcohol component that is part of the tincture, it is not recommended to use it for children, women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Cedar tincture can not be considered a panacea, but it copes with many diseases that it can do, more than effectively.


Watch the video: Cedar infusion preparation and the use of Kedrovka perfect drink. Cognac on cedar nuts. (June 2024).