Sprouted wheat: benefits, how to use it correctly. Sprouted wheat: contraindications, possible harm


Sprouted wheat has a lot of useful properties for the body, however, many do not even know about it. When the seeds come to life, they begin to produce substances and enzymes that start a process similar to digesting food. If you include this product in the diet, you can arrange the work of the digestive tract and digestive processes. Sprouted wheat will not harm the body if you use it correctly and do not overdo it with the amount.

Sprouted Wheat: Beneficial Properties

During the germination of grains, an incredible amount of useful substances accumulate in them, which strengthen the immune system and restore the body. After using the product, the human body receives a boost of strength and energy, which favorably affects the work of all internal organs.

Sprouted wheat has huge benefits. It makes up for the deficiency of vitamins, normalizes the acid-base balance, and improves overall well-being.

Sprouted wheat has a lot of useful properties, the following deserve special attention:

• normalizes intestinal motility, removes stagnant fecal stones;

• cleans the body cells from toxins;

• removes accumulations of toxins from the body;

• characterized by anti-aging effect;

• increases the level of hemoglobin;

• strengthens the cardiovascular system.

The product contains a lot of fiber, which not only normalizes metabolism, but also helps a person to lose weight. Germinated wheat strengthens the nail plate, hair, restores its natural volume and shine. Regular use of it allows you to improve vision, strengthen the nervous system, as well as stimulate brain activity.

Calorie content and composition

There are 198 kcal per 100 grams of product. For this reason, it is recommended to include it in the diet of those who want to lose weight.

The composition of the product is not much different. But, the seedlings contain vitamins in such quantity as to provide the body with their daily rate.

The composition of germinated wheat is:

• folic acid;

• vitamin E (tocopherol);

• B vitamins;

• from minerals - phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron, potassium.

Despite the fact that sprouted wheat has a lot of useful properties, do not forget that it contains lectin. If this substance enters the body in large quantities, it disrupts the functioning of the ECT organs, which negatively affects the functioning of the endocrine system. So that sprouted wheat does not harm a person, it can be consumed no more than 3 tablespoons per day.

How to sprout wheat yourself at home

Sprouted wheat can be purchased ready-made, however, it is still recommended to cook it yourself at home. This is not difficult to do. You only need to buy wheat grains. When buying, be sure to clarify that they are not thermally processed and refined.

How to germinate grains on your own

1. Wheat grains must be washed well under cold water 3-4 times. For the fifth time, they are soaked for half an hour (also in cold water). This will remove as much residual dirt as possible from the product.

2. Now you need to prepare a plastic small container. At the bottom is laid a piece of gauze, folded 4 times. Previously, it is wetted with boiled water at room temperature.

3. Wheat grains are distributed in a thin layer over the fabric so that there is not the slightest gap between them.

4. Gauze is again placed on top, only now folded 2 times, moistened with warm water.

5. This is not the end of the process. For three days, the grains must be washed with warm water, then put them back into the container between the layers of gauze (the fabric also changes).

Germinated wheat will be ready for use on the 4th day. Defining it is simple. Sprouts are slightly elongated, grains can increase in size. Cooking too much is not necessary. It is enough to sprout half a glass of grains - this is just enough for 3-4 days, for which the next portion is prepared.

Sprouted wheat: contraindications to use, important nuances

Do not wait for the effect of using the product the very next day. The result will be at least 2 weeks later, maybe even in a month. Daily use of the product should become the rule, only in this way it will be possible to achieve positive changes in your body. Despite the benefits of sprouted wheat, one should not forget about its contraindications.

Sprouted wheat: contraindications and nuances of using the product

1. Women during pregnancy are not forbidden to use the product, the permissible daily dose is 1 tablespoon. Sprouted wheat should not be added to the diet for up to 12 years.

2. After operations and the presence of diseases of a chronic nature of the digestive tract, germinated wheat is prohibited, nor is it recommended for stomach ulcers.

3. If you are allergic to gluten, it is strictly forbidden to introduce the product into the diet.

4. Grains cannot be combined with dairy products, as this can provoke strong gas formation.

Germinated grains must be chewed very well, the better the product is ground, the more benefits it will give the body. If it’s hard for a person to survive the grains, they can be passed through a blender, a meat grinder. The product is recommended to be used on an empty stomach, after which a glass of clean boiled water is sure to be drunk.

Ways to consume germinated wheat

It is optimal to consume pure grains on an empty stomach. However, they have a specific taste, so not every person will master such a "meal". It’s not worth worrying, germinated wheat can be consumed differently.

Other ways to eat grains

1. You can squeeze juice out of germinated wheat. The permissible daily norm for an adult is 30 ml. If the body is sensitive - no more than 15 ml.

2. It will be very useful porridge from germinated wheat. 3 tablespoons of the product are poured with warm water (not boiling water), left for 20 minutes. It will be the perfect breakfast. A person will immediately receive a daily norm of useful substances, he will feel great throughout the day. You can’t add honey to porridge, grains do not mix well with it. To improve the taste of the dish, a pinch of cinnamon is allowed to be added there.

3. Grains are allowed to be added to fruit smoothies, the main thing is not to include dairy products in the drink. Smoothies can be made from bananas, plain water, and other fruits. Various sweeteners are not allowed.

Sprouted wheat is very valuable for the body. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount and remember about contraindications.

Daily introduction of germinated wheat into the diet will positively affect the whole body. However, you do not need to focus only on this product. Fruits and vegetables must be present in the diet. A properly constructed diet will strengthen the immune system, even slow down the aging process of skin cells. Sprouted wheat will be in this excellent assistant.


Watch the video: Sprouts- Side Effects And 5 Health benefits. Dr. Vivek (June 2024).