Female opinion: A real man does not have to be able to cook delicious


In Uzbekistan and other countries of Central Asia pilaf is not trusted to cook women. In the Caucasus, cool khinkal dough is rolled out with strong male hands. The best chefs in the world are men.

Despite the deep-rooted stereotype that a real peasant has no place in the kitchen, the stronger sex often reaches for this ancient female art. However, some men, on the contrary, consider it a humiliation of their dignity not only to fry fried eggs, but also to prepare tea for their wife.

The Women's Opinion portal decided to find out what women themselves think about this. Should their handsome prince one day take off his armor and put on an apron and a cook hat?

The overwhelming majority of Russian women consider the man’s ability to cook as a pleasant addition to the main positive features. But optional. This answer option was chosen by 67.7% of respondents. Wives do not demand culinary masterpieces in the spirit of Alexander Seleznev from their husbands and even agree to simple dishes like fried potatoes or stews.

26.5% see cooking as the holy duty of any real man. True, some care primarily about his own well-being. “So that in case of something I didn’t eat at public catering, but I could make a good dinner for myself, and even my wife,” as one of the survey participants put it.

"A real man has no place in the kitchen!" - categorically stated 5.9% of Russians. They consider cooking lovers mattresses. However, no one began to doubt the masculinity of great chefs and cooks on ships, apparently because this is their profession and way of earning, which has been considered manly for centuries.

Thus, Russian men were lucky in this regard. Women are ready to forgive them for their inability to cook something more complicated than a cheese sandwich. However, due to the fact that both a wife and a husband often work in a modern family, ladies give preference to those gentlemen who do not make a mines when asking to cook something to eat if they are late at work.

The survey was conducted among 3550 women from 116 cities of Russia. The age of the respondents ranged from 20 to 45 years.


Watch the video: Cooking with Jack - Your Opinion Is NOT in the Recipe (June 2024).