Plots to remove the evil eye from a child


Has your baby drastically changed behavior and become capricious for no reason? Did he have a fever and sleep? Take the child to the doctor and describe the symptoms: the specialist will determine the cause and select the treatment. But it often happens that medical intervention does not bring results. In this case, there is a reason to think about whether your child was not jinxed. If such doubts exist, the question arises: how can one understand whether the evil eye was made on the child or not?

How to understand that the child was jinxed?

With the exclusion of medical reasons causing changes in children's behavior, the surprise factor is the main symptom. If crises, screams, and deterioration in well-being have appeared abruptly, this is an alarm bell. The child is more sensitive to dark energy than an adult, and therefore responds to it faster. But to find out when and who exactly caused damage, it is unlikely.

For the evil eye it is not necessary to speak bad or, conversely, flattering words out loud: it is enough that an evil thought originates inside and thus acquires a material form.

A bad prizewinner has a period of validity, it is short-lived. Unfortunately, even a short period of time is often enough to damage the immune system or mental health. But it is not worthwhile to prematurely cause a panic either: children have special cycles in the formation of their personality, which are periodically repeated every 1 to 3 years. At these moments, they behave unevenly and often make tantrums. That is why, for the beginning, we advise you to resort to the help of specialists (pediatrician, child psychologist or neurologist, etc.) to make sure that there are no health problems.

The evil eye or ailment? How can a parent understand on his own where to look for the cause? The child is rarely able to clarify what specifically bothers him. Look closely if he has the following symptoms:

  • Worse appetite;
  • Temperature jumps (heat is replaced by chills and vice versa);
  • General nervous condition;
  • Fearfulness;
  • Loud screaming and crying, which can not be appeased by ordinary means;
  • Increased tearing;
  • Sweating;
  • Gratuitous yawn;
  • Constant drowsiness or extremely restless sleep;
  • Change in relation to relatives (refusal to contact);
  • Indifference to toys.

All of these symptoms may be evidence of the presence or precursor of the development of a serious illness. That is why we repeat again: first contact MEDICAL HELP! If the situation does not improve even after the medical intervention, also act in a different direction.

The quickest way to determine the evil eye is with the help of holy water. Wash her baby and see how he behaves. If the signs of bad behavior become more intense, most likely, this is a trace of damage. You can get rid of it using special rituals and conspiracies.

Rituals for defining the evil eye are performed using eggs, wax and coal. Plots are read on water and candles.

On egg

Take the chicken egg. Pour water into a transparent glass and hold it over the child’s head. Ideally, you should put a glass on top of it, but the baby is unlikely to stand still. Break the egg and pour it into the water. Protein and yolk preserved structure? So, the cause of the trouble is health. If the content falls apart, changes the texture and color, it is a sign of extraneous exposure. But you should always consider the option that you just got the spoiled product.

On beeswax

Melt a small amount of natural wax in a saucepan and pour it into a saucer with cooled water. A minute later, look at the size and shape of the formed frozen figure. If she has smooth edges and outlines, everything is in order. Vague incomprehensible education, which does not have the correct boundaries, indicates the presence of a bad conspiracy.

On coals

Fill a faceted glass with clean water. Dip three small pieces of coal into it. The bars remaining on the surface are a sign that it is time to calm down and pay even more attention to the treatment approach. But if the coal sinks to the bottom, it indicates the presence of black energy. Start reading special plots.

Water plot

Ordinary raw water speaks like this:

"You are water, the current from Jordan, created from the Lord, you wash the fields, forests, shores and meadows, stones and roots - wash, cleanse the soul and body of God's servant (name of child). Amen (three times)!"

The spell is read three times, and the water is baptized three times.

Then the ritual itself is performed:

Seven small spoons (suitable for tea) are taken in the left hand. Take a glass of conspired water in the other hand. Bring the spoons to the plate and start pouring water on them. As long as it flows, you need to read our Father three times. Water from the plate wash the face and hands of the child.

Conspiracy on the candle

Consecrate the wax candle in the church at a distance from the child, along the body from the back (from the back of the head to the heels), while reading the 90th psalm (download the full text here). Prayer is spoken 9 times. Every fire, set fire and postpone one match (there should be nine of them altogether). Watch the flame. If it cracks, jumps, and the candle smokes - this is a sign of a strong evil eye, induced specially. At the end of the ritual, a candle is placed near the icon.

If there is no candle in the house that is consecrated, just drive in the same direction with your palm. The text of the plot changes (read 9 times):

"For the first time, the first hour (each new time uses a number going in order) you look at the eyes (list all possible eye colors), masculine or female, drive away. You and I drive, send, through forests, dale, fields and mountains , rivers and lakes, to a swamp, to a deaf swamp, where a person does not walk, but doesn’t see the human eye. You don’t have to drink, don’t drink the blood of God's servant (baby’s name), don’t break your teeth, don’t take the stomach off, bones do not break. Amen (3 times). "

The plot of the evil eye with a child

If it was necessary to apply a conspiracy against the evil eye and remove from the child the evil influence of outsiders, it means that initially no protection measures were taken. Preventing a problem is easier than fixing it. In order for the evil eye not to touch the children, the mother must follow simple rules:

  • Before the year, try not to show the baby to strangers. Even a mother should not look at him too intently, and even more so if at that moment she is restless in her heart;
  • It is impossible to give someone else’s things or show photos and videos of a child
  • Hang a transparent tulle over the cradle, protecting the child from negative energy;
  • Older children are told that taking any objects, edible and inedible, from strangers is prohibited. This rule applies not only to the evil eye, but also to avoid other dangerous situations.

Also, the baby should know that it is not worth picking up coins or other items on the street, no matter how attractive they are to him. In such a thing, the energy of the previous owner definitely remained, which can turn out to be bad.

Conspiracies against the evil eye for children will act faster if properly prepared for them.

Preparation for the ceremony

When a plot is read by an adult, it is not very difficult to prepare him for the process. Another thing is a child. Children are constantly on the move, they are quickly bored with one lesson, and they are looking for new entertainment. If the kid has the evil eye, everything becomes more complicated. But There are general rules by which a spell is cast to remove the evil eye from a child:

  • The conspiracy is pronounced on the waning moon. However, if the child feels very bad, you should not wait for the change of the lunar phase and you need to start the ceremony immediately;
  • A woman must read the spell. This may be a mother, grandmother or older sister, if she has come of age;
  • All outsiders leave the room where the ritual is performed;
  • If there is a dog in the house, remove it from the room for the duration of the ceremony. Cat and other pets can stay.

Try to calm the baby, hug him and explain briefly the essence of what is happening. He should not fall into even greater panic. Wash his face with clean water. Remove from the child all foreign objects (chain, watches, hairpins, etc.).

The text of the plot from the evil eye of the child

If the situation looks hopeless, use the following prayer. This is one of the strongest conspiracies, but only the mother can pronounce it, for she has the most powerful bond with the child:

"Blessed Matrona of Moscow, let my soul be tormented by doubts, but I save the soul of my child (name) from the evil eye. Let go of my sins, restrain confusion, go to Orthodoxy zeal. You save in ailments, heal in agony. Help me heal, but as it ate voditsy get drunk. The evil eye with the child (name) will evaporate, grace will dwell within. For all that, thy will, amen! "

To strengthen the plot, it must be read in the temple in front of the iconostasis.

How to talk the amulet to protect the child?

It is useful to have a talisman helping to minimize or neutralize the effects of detractors. For a child to make and speak amulet is easy. Tie a red string on your wrist to your son or daughter. This method is used for the smallest, including infants. Those who are older are pinned with a silver or steel safety pin. To enhance the effect on it hang green glass bead. At night, the pin is removed and placed under the pillow. You can not lose it. Activate the strength of the amulet need a conspiracy. To do this, the pin is lowered into a glass of water, the words are pronounced:

"The edge, sharp, thin, save me from the eye of a bad, demonic offspring and other evil spirits!"

Mom can independently make a protective amulet for the child from improvised means:

From mountain ash

The leaves or berries of the plant are folded into a canvas bag. The charm is placed under the mattress in the children's bedroom. When a candle is lit, the plot is read:

"Ryabinushka is red, I beg you, I want to protect the child. You save it from evil, save it from your life! Let my child grow up, grow up, let it fly in a peaceful sleep. Bypass its trouble, and envy does not knock on the gate. Let joy find it, let all the dashing leave. So I command, let it be done so! "

Of laurel

Laurel leaves are laid out in the corners of the child’s room, on the windowsill and in the headboard. The child can carry them in a woven pouch. Pre-read on the amulet this text:

"Laurel is strong and glorious, with whom this bag will be, let evil not destroy. Let bad things go, dark thoughts pass. My child will be protected, the power of laurel will be with him! Amen!"

An amulet of bay leaves must always be kept in front of the child: in a wheelchair, bed or school backpack.

From the toy

You can talk as a new toy from the store, and the one that was sewn with your own hands. Protective plots against the evil eye for children are also written on a piece of paper, which is placed inside the toy mascot.

From shell

Ideally, one should take not a shell, but a pebble with a hole - a chicken god. But if this is not the case, the shell will do, but the hole in it should be of natural origin. Read the plot three times:

"Water and earth, protect (baby's name). Trouble will be devoured, misfortune will be banished. Stand on guard (name) with one force, save from (list of potential misfortunes, including the evil eye)! invincible. So be it! "

The shell is hung on the thread, the knots are tied at the sides, and the beads are strung from the side (an odd number). Putting on each bead, speak, from what it protects (from damage, disease, evil prizor, etc.). When finished weaving a bracelet or necklace, say:

"I close my work with a knot, I save from troubles and hardships (child's name). Amen!"

Every three months, the amulet is placed in water brought from the sea or in sea salt. It protects especially well from the eyes of children born under the sign of water or living near it.


Watch the video: Prayer To Cancel Evil Plan Of The Enemy - Prayers Against Evil Plans (July 2024).