Stress and immunity - what is the effect of stress on the immune system. How to overcome stress and increase immunity at the same time


From time to time, all people experience negative emotions and are stressed. Stress has a powerful negative effect on the human immune system, and the degree of this effect depends on how much a person is subject to emotions and can control himself. When overcoming stress, the load on the immune system decreases, and, accordingly, the body's resistance to the effects of adverse external factors increases, i.e., the immune response is enhanced.

The effect of stress on immunity - consequences

If a person is under constant stress, in a state of depression - this condition has a continuous effect on the immune system. As a result, there is an increased susceptibility of the body to the effects of various adverse factors, including infectious agents. Such a condition leads to the development of various serious diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular systems, metabolism, etc., or increases the risk of their occurrence. Cancer, diabetes, hypertension, bronchial asthma are a far from complete list of such diseases.

Stress - an inextricable relationship with immunity

The relationship of stress and immunity, the effect of stress on the immune system has been proven by many studies. There is a whole science - psychoneuroimmunology - that studies this relationship.

Stress is a certain state of the body that is a reaction to a powerful external stimulus. Stress triggering factors are life threatening for every person. Any life situation is perceived by people differently, depending on the type of nervous system and its lability.

The body's response to stress immediately manifests itself in the activation of the sympathetic part of the nervous system. It consists in the maximum stimulation of all organs and systems. Under stress, an imbalance in the body occurs - this is the basis of stress. These processes require a large amount of energy, which is not infinite. Therefore, the body does not have the opportunity to be in constant stress: the parasympathetic part of the nervous system is turned on, which is trying to return the body to a calm, balanced state.

A large number of energy resources are also spent on these compensatory actions. As a result: changes in the nervous, endocrine and immune systems - short-term or long-term, leading to consequences that worsen the general condition of the body. Stressed people get sick more often, and illnesses are more difficult to tolerate.

Immunity - what is it

To understand how stress is associated with immunity, you need to remember that immunity is the body’s ability to protect itself from foreign objects and environmental factors. The meaning of immunity is to preserve the physiological norm of organs and systems. The immune system consists of two parts: central and peripheral.

The central one is the thymus and red bone marrow, the peripheral one is the spleen and the lymph nodes. In this case, directly involved in ensuring the safety of the body are cells - lymphocytes. Some of them (T - lymphocytes) destroy microbes and damaged cells, others - B - lymphocytes are involved in the production of antibodies to a foreign protein (antigen). There are also lymphocytes that destroy tumor cells in the body (helpers).

Foreign proteins (antigens) are viruses, bacteria, some substances of plant and animal origin, and donated blood. There are a number of diseases (autoimmune) when antibodies are formed in the body against its own cells, which become antigens, that is, foreign proteins, for their own body.

Acute stress and immunity - the effect of short-term stress on the immune system

Stress suppresses the body's immune functions. But, depending on the manifestations, there is a positive effect of short-term stress on the body. Short-term acute stress mobilizes all body systems to protect against external factors, has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. In such cases, short-term stress works like immunity. An example of such a positive effect of stress on the immune system is unprofessional sports.

Chronic stress and immunity - the mechanism of the influence of stress on the immune system

The consequences of chronic stress can be not only the development of psychosomatic diseases, but also an increased risk of autoimmune and infectious processes.

This is especially evident with viral diseases that occur during stress. There are many viruses and microorganisms that are in the body in a "sleeping" state, without manifesting themselves. But under stresses that reduce the immune status, they are activated, causing all the signs of the disease.

The mechanism of this activity is that during stress, certain parts of the cerebral cortex are excited. Under the influence of the hypothalamic - pituitary system, the adrenal hormones release “stress” hormones (cortisol is secreted by the brain, and catecholamines are secreted by the adrenal cortex), which suppress the activity of the immune system.

A significant increase in corticosteroids in the blood leads to the death of lymphocytes (cells - protectors: B -, T-lymphocytes and helper cells). That is, there is a sharp decrease in the lymphocytes responsible for the body's response to the introduction of a foreign factor, the possibility of antibody formation is reduced. Such changes lead to the fact that it is not possible to timely recognize and destroy a foreign protein or undifferentiated, actively growing and multiplying cell, leading to the formation of a tumor. For many centuries, cancer has been called the "disease of sadness", bearing in mind that the oncological process occurs in many cases as a result of the effects of chronic stress on the immune system.

The effects of chronic stress and immunity

Stress and immunity are closely related, but the effect of stress on the immune system does not always lead to the development of cancer. Against the background of chronic stress, any disease can develop. A classic example: the state of "constantly cold". It also refers to the effect of stress on the immune system when it is impossible to cope with a cold for a long time, despite active treatment.

In many, even a minor disorder can lead to a sharp decrease in immunity, which results in the activation of "dormant" viruses, for example, the herpes virus present in the body of almost every person. In such cases, even in the absence of a catarrhal disease, herpetic "rashes" occur, most often on the lips, causing a lot of discomfort.

As a result of any stress, favorable biochemical changes occur for viruses and bacteria, which allow them to multiply freely.

Stress is manifested in anxiety, anxiety, fear, which leads to suppression of immunity even in healthy people who do not have chronic diseases. The effect of stress on the immune system can manifest itself in the development of a completely healthy person with psoriasis, dermatitis, etc., which are subsequently difficult to treat. A little stress can eventually turn into depression, which, in turn, will lead to a sharp decrease in immunity and the emergence of a variety of somatic diseases, and over time - to the development of cancer.

Relieve stress - boost immunity

Stress and immunity are so interconnected that one can confidently say: stress is the most dangerous enemy of immunity. Therefore, to increase immunity, you must first get rid of stress.

If you follow simple rules, you can ensure that stress ceases to overwhelm life.

1. A healthy lifestyle with good rest and positive thinking, timely relaxation.

You need to learn how to relax, relax and think positively - these are important points in the fight against stress. Simple physical exercises, running - this will help prevent the development of chronic stress, will make the reaction to any stress more adequate.

2. Nutrition under stress.

As a result of complex biochemical reactions under stress, there is a loss of substances important for normal functioning of the body, including many vitamins. First of all, there is a loss of B vitamins, which take part in the activity of the nervous system. Important anti-stress vitamins are also vitamins A and E, which take part in the activity of the thyroid gland; vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

Therefore, it is necessary to establish nutrition in such a way that it compensates for the arising deficiency in vitamins and microelements. Be sure to include in the diet such products as cauliflower, pumpkin, greens, fish, cottage cheese, liver, berries (black currant, sea buckthorn, mountain ash). The strongest stimulant of immunity is carrots - a source of beta - carotene, due to which there is an increased formation of lymphocytes.

Limit sweets, because white blood cells lose their ability to protect when using a large amount of glucose.

3. Admission of adaptogens to enhance immunity: tinctures of Eleutherococcus, ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, Echinacea.

4. Drinks to boost immunity: green tea reduces stress and boosts your immune status. The magic tea of ​​rose hips, lingonberries and nettles will help to cope with stress and increase immunity.

5. Sleep is one of the main remedies for stress. Fall asleep no later than 23 hours, sleep at least 8 hours - this will help to overcome stress and increase weakened immunity.

If you try to follow these tips, try to be positive, get rid of bad habits - this will lead to a positive result in the fight against stress and, of course, increase immunity.


Watch the video: The Immune System (July 2024).