How to report your pregnancy at work?


Work becomes our second home so much that the question of how to report a pregnancy to the boss has become no less exciting than preparing for the immediate paternity of your spouse. As colleagues will perceive this news, would it not be better to keep their mouth shut while a lean mill allows or should the management be immediately informed of the need to find a worthy replacement?

There is no consensus here. Some consider the lingering secret incorrect and dishonest in relation to the employer. After all, the team has the right to prepare for the upcoming changes and the long absence of a colleague. Others urge you not to rush to tell employees about future motherhood - in the end, this issue directly relates only to your family. In addition, the employee is obliged to inform about the usual dismissal no earlier than 2 weeks before, and the personnel department will cope with the quick selection of a replacement. Russian legislation is also silent, according to which a woman goes on vacation from the 30th week of pregnancy, but official documents are silent about the periods in which she is advised to notify about her situation.

Since the question lies entirely on the shoulders and conscience of the future mother, it is worthwhile to approach its solution in a balanced and practical way. Much will depend on the situation in the team and on the intentions of the woman herself. If the atmosphere is warm, the authorities treat motherhood with understanding, and the woman herself plans to continue to work within the walls of her native institution and after the end of the parental leave, you can tell the good news in advance. After that, all planned visits to the antenatal clinic, coinciding in time with the working day, can be done calmly, without coming up with excuses and fables.

In case of a difficult work process or hazardous production, it will be necessary to inform about pregnancy in advance, regardless of how well management will accept this news. Prepare the necessary medical certificates in advance on the transfer to easy work and resolve the issue officially, through the personnel department.

If a woman has neither the desire nor the mood to share her interesting position with her colleagues, she has the right not to do this until the maternity leave. The unwillingness to inform about the most intimate can be justified by the physical condition of the woman. Those who survived the loss of a baby in the early stages, or simply fear for an unsuccessful outcome of pregnancy, prefer to keep this news secret even from their relatives and friends.

What is important to remember for every woman expecting a baby? The law is completely on your side, protecting the pregnant worker from dismissal and any violations, pressure or excesses. However, do not abuse your position by covering your own laziness with motherhood. This will cause fair anger and resentment from colleagues.


Watch the video: Healthy Pregnancy Tips From the CDC (July 2024).