5 ways to enlarge breasts without surgery. But is it worth it?


The size of the mammary glands is largely due to a genetic factor. And in most cases, nothing but plastic surgery can change. But at the same time there are ways that are designed to help increase in size. Let's see what they can advise us and how harmless it is.

1. The most common advice is to eat more cabbage. Indeed, cabbage can help in this matter, but only for teenage girls and, sometimes not always. Adult ladies benefit from it even less. In theory, cabbage can only help breast augmentation by increasing total weight. With a kilogram gained, the breast will add about 20 grams. If you are going to increase your breasts by gaining weight, say goodbye to a figure. But before that, think - can you eat so much cabbage?

2. Exercise. If you pump up the pectoral muscles there will be big breasts. For some reason, women engaged in bodybuilding have no female breasts. Although, as in the previous method, this fairy tale also has some truth. If you systematically do not heavy exercises for the chest, you can slightly raise it, but first it will lose in size due to the burning of the fat layer.

3. Gels and creams for breast augmentation. Manufacturers promise breast augmentation and immediately begin to talk about the principle of action of their product, and how well hormones influence breast growth. Thus, distracting our attention, they seem to forget to say that the breast does not grow, but only acquires a swelling. It is worth stopping the use of this product and the chest will return to its original position. With such success, breast augmentation with bee therapy can be achieved. It hurts, but for that, unlike creams and gels, it is useful. Do not try dubious drugs on yourself. To feed this baby with this breast.

4. Vacuum will help to increase breasts. The device consists of funnels, worn on the chest, and a pump for pumping air. And even there are schemes for making such a device at home using improvised means. The sellers of the device say that this is the surest way to enlarge the breast without surgery and the only drawback is the long time during which their device should be used. The number of shortcomings is understated and the effect is exaggerated. It will not be possible to achieve breast enlargement due to its growth again, but it is quite possible to stretch and make saggy with excessive diligence.

5. Estrogen in tablets, dietary supplements and food. The female hormone that is responsible for breast growth is what will help to enlarge the breast. According to sellers of estrogen-containing products, this is all we need to know. But what about the fact that estrogen and thyroid hormone are opposite in their action? So do not be surprised if, starting to use these hormones, you will have weak hair and nails, overweight, depression, chronic fatigue. All this is a consequence of a violation of the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.

To summarize: all of the above methods are ineffective and harmful enough to refuse them. Few can boast that they have achieved tangible results using them. And those who have achieved, let them think, maybe the breast has grown on its own, and there is no merit of these methods.


Natasha 01/22/2016
Breast augmentation without surgery is worth it! Men are delighted with normal breasts, the size of the 3rd. There is a gorgeous resource on which everything about it is. morebreast.org. It helped me. And my friend too!


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