Flax jelly from seeds and flour with berries, oats, chicory. What is the use of flaxseed jelly, how to cook and use it


Flaxseed has a powerful healing effect on the human body. The composition of this inconspicuous, but very useful plant contains many vitamins and minerals. That is why one of the most popular healing drinks in Russia from ancient times is flax jelly.

Properly prepared, it is not only incredibly healthy, but also quite tasty. The enveloping consistency of a drink from a habit may seem unpleasant, but after a few days, noticing the effect, you will be happy to prepare new servings of a wonderful drink.

Unlike flax seeds, which in their natural form irritate the walls of the stomach, kissel based on ground grains or ready-made flaxseed flour is completely harmless. Flax jelly can be enriched with additional ingredients, enhancing its benefits. There are many recipes that combine flaxseed and oats, chicory, berries.

Flax jelly - general principles of preparation

To prepare a serving of flaxseed kissel, two main methods are used:

• preparing an infusion of flax seed;

• flax flour - ground seed is mixed in the water.

And in fact, and in another case, a healthy drink is obtained, which does not irritate the intestinal mucosa at all. You don’t have to do anything special. You need to either steam whole seeds with boiling water or grind them into flour.

Starch is not used: flax seed in itself gives the mucous, rather dense texture of the drink. The lack of starch enhances the benefits of flax jelly. In addition, to increase the beneficial properties of the drink are used: oat, chicory, cranberries, lingonberries, apples and other berries and fruits.

From dishes and equipment, depending on the recipe, you may need a thermos, pan, coffee grinder. If the recipe requires warming the infusion in a water bath, you need to cook two pots of different sizes. A smaller pan is placed on top of a larger pan in which water should boil. At the bottom of the boiling pan, it is advisable to put a woven cotton napkin to reduce the intensity of the boil. The top pan should lightly touch the surface of the boiling water with its bottom.

Thus, the contents of the upper, small pan are steamed from the lower pan.

Linen jelly in a thermos "Anti-inflammatory"

This version of flaxseed kissel is especially good for inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines associated with erosion (damage) of the mucosa. There is nothing complicated in preparing the drink. Flaxseed is used. The amount of ingredients is indicated for the preparation of two glasses of the drink.


• a tablespoon of flaxseed;

• two glasses of boiling water.

Cooking method:

Pour the norm of dry flaxseed in a thermos.

To boil water.

Pour two glasses of boiling water into a thermos.

Insist for eight hours. It is best to brew the seeds in the evening, by the morning the drink will be ready.

Strain and take the infusion as follows: half a cup four times a day 30 minutes before meals. One full course of jelly intake is ten days.

Linen jelly in the Cleansing water bath

A drink based on a decoction of flaxseed not only heals lesions on the gastric mucosa, but also helps to cleanse the body. The drink removes toxins and toxins, not only restoring the health of the digestive tract, but also strengthening the immune system. In addition, flaxseed kissel contributes to weight loss. The intestines begin to clear naturally and freely, constipation ceases, swelling disappears.


• one tablespoon of flaxseed;

• half a liter of boiling water.

Cooking method:

Flaxseed placed in a saucepan or a small saucepan.

Pour boiling water.

Set the saucepan over boiling water, close the lid.

Warm the broth in a water bath for at least two hours.

Strain and drink the kissel according to the scheme described above.

Flax jelly on seeds and flour "Intensive"

Infusion on flax seeds and flax flour is intense. It is impossible to take it for chronic diseases of the stomach with damage to the walls. However, for completely healthy people, this jelly version is perfect.


• two tablespoons of flaxseed;

• a tablespoon of flax flour;

• a glass of hot water.

Cooking method:

Flaxseed pour a glass of hot water, but not boiling water.

Cover with a warm towel and leave to swell for 8-10 hours. You can do this in a thermos and leave it overnight.

After the set time, strain the infusion through a sieve.

Add flaxseed flour, mix thoroughly.

Drink flax jelly 20-30 minutes before meals, warm, in half a glass.

Linen jelly lemon and berry "Morning evening"

A drink made from flaxseed infusion can be turned into a full breakfast or dinner. To do this, it must be combined with fruit pulp, berry juice, honey and cinnamon. You get a tasty, nutritious drink that you can drink in the morning instead of breakfast or in the evening instead of dinner. It will strengthen health, help reduce weight, gradually normalize hormonal levels.


• fifty grams of flaxseed;

• half a glass of boiling water;

• a large apple or pear;

• a quarter of a lemon;

• a handful of cranberries (2-3 tablespoons);

• a teaspoon of honey;

• a pinch of cinnamon.

Cooking method:

Steam flaxseed with boiling water, leave overnight to swell.

In the morning, peel the apple or pear from the peel and seeds, cut into quarters.

In a blender, combine the swollen flax, berries, fruit and beat everything.

Squeeze lemon juice into a blender bowl, whisk again.

Pour the jelly into a cup, add cinnamon and honey to taste, stir and drink.

Linen jelly with chicory "Liver Health"

Flax jelly with chicory is of great benefit. It not only perfectly cleanses the intestines, but also heals it. In addition, chicory in the composition of the drink improves metabolic processes and restores the liver. Thanks to the potivomicrobial, diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory effects of chicory, a flaxseed drink becomes almost a panacea for the body.


• three tablespoons of flaxseed;

• a teaspoon of chicory;

• litere of water.

Cooking method:

Grind flax seeds in a mortar or coffee grinder.

Pour linseed flour with water in a small saucepan, bring to a boil over medium heat and immediately turn off the heat.

After a while, when the water cools down a little, pour the jelly into a blender.

While adding chicory a little, beat the mixture for 6-7 minutes to achieve a mucous consistency.

Take jelly in a glass a day, half an hour before meals. The course of wellness is three weeks. Then you need to take a break.

Oatmeal jelly "Anti-aging"

Useful oatmeal strengthens the immune system, rejuvenates the body, restores the intestines and thyroid gland. And flaxseed and oat broth, enveloping the gastric mucosa, heal microdamages, relieve pain. Therefore, oat-flax jelly is a powerful tonic.


• three glasses of oatmeal (ordinary "Hercules");

• three glasses of boiling water;

• a pinch of salt;

• a tablespoon of flaxseed.

Cooking method:

Pour boiling water over oatmeal, wrap and leave to infuse for a day.

Strain the infusion.

Grind flaxseed into flour.

Stir oat broth and linseed flour, put on a slow fire.

Cook the mixture until thickened.

Salt (optional) and take a glass a day on an empty stomach half an hour before meals.

Kissel for slimming on linen flour

A very simple version of flaxseed kissel is a universal therapeutic tool. The drink helps to lose weight, gives lightness and comfortable sensations to those who have problems with the intestines.


• one and a half tablespoons of flax flour;

• half a liter of water.

Cooking method:

Stir flax flour in water at room temperature.

Put a pot of flaxseed water on a fire, bring to a boil.

Once the liquid boils, turn off the heat.

Cool jelly on a warm condition.

Drink in the usual way: in a glass half an hour before the first meal.

Linen Jelly - Tips and Tricks

The meaning of a drink made from flaxseed or flour is not only healing. Swollen seeds give the jelly a special consistency. Filling the stomach, it creates a feeling of fullness. This is important if weight is gained as a result of constant overeating.

If you add honey, pieces of dried apricots, raisins, prunes to the flaxseed jelly, you get a tasty drink. It may well replace one of the meals.

Kissel based on flax flour or flax seeds cleanses problem skin, cures diseases of the liver (including those indicated for cirrhosis), the stomach, thyroid gland, intestines, and has a beneficial effect on digestion in general. In addition, the course intake of the drink allows you to clean the blood vessels, stabilize the pressure, reduces the risk of sudden heart attack and stroke.

When using flaxseed jelly, it is important to follow the rules:

• Do not store the drink in the refrigerator, it should be drunk only freshly prepared. After just a few hours, he not only loses all the benefits, but can also cause intestinal upset;

• during the course intake of kissel from flax, you should drink more clean water;

• the course of treatment according to the main scheme should not exceed ten days. To achieve a pronounced effect, you need to spend three or four courses, alternating them with ten-day breaks.

It is important not to exceed the daily intake of flaxseed. She makes two tablespoons. For weight loss, the norm of seeds per day is 50 grams.


Watch the video: Top 7 Foods for Getting Rid of Leaky Gut. Dr. Josh Axe (July 2024).