Bell pepper caviar - a rich harvest! Recipes of different caviar from pepper: with tomatoes, eggplant, beets, carrots


Bell pepper is often used in squash, eggplant or other caviar. Basically, it acts as an additional ingredient. Few people know that amazing caviar can be made from it. It will turn out a wonderful appetizer with a rich taste.

Bell pepper caviar - general principles of preparation

Pepper for caviar needs fresh and juicy. It is advisable to choose pods with thick and fleshy flesh. From thin and sluggish pepper, the workpiece is coarse, tasteless. Pods in caviar are laid raw or pre-baked in the oven. After baking, you can easily remove the skin, which will improve the taste of caviar, make the dish more tender.

What else is added:

• various vegetables;

• tomato paste or sauces (if there are no fresh tomatoes);

• any vegetable oil;

• vinegar;

• spices, herbs.

Usually caviar does not require additional sterilization. It is enough to cook the appetizer, put it in sterile jars while it is hot. Caviar is taken with a ladle from boiling mass, placed in a container under the neck and immediately closed with lids. It is necessary to cool in an inverted form under a warm cloak until the workpiece accepts the room temperature. Then you can return the banks to their original position and send for storage.

Bell pepper caviar with tomatoes

The recipe for simple caviar from bell pepper, which is cooked without frying. It is advisable to use bright, red pods to make the appetizer beautiful. For piquancy and pungency, chili pepper and garlic are added.


• pepper 5 kilograms;

• tomatoes 2 kilograms;

• 2 tbsp. l salts;

• sugar 0.5 cups;

• oil 0.2 liters;

• 2 pods of chili;

• one head of garlic;

• 10 ml of vinegar.


1. Cut the bell pepper into pieces, discard the seeds and other entrails. Twist through a meat grinder, combine with a glass of vegetable oil, put on a stove. Cook on low heat for about half an hour under the lid. Gradually pepper will give juice.

2. Twist the garlic cloves and tomatoes. No need to remove skins. We also twist the hot chili pods.

3. Pour the tomato mass to the boiled pepper. We add fire, remove the cover

4. Boil the mass for about half an hour. The caviar should become thick, let the tomato juice boil.

5. Add sugar and salt, cook another ten minutes.

6. Pour in the vinegar. The essence, stir.

7. We take a ladle, lay eggs in sterile jars. Roll up and all! Cool, put away for storage.

Bell pepper caviar with carrots and onions

A variant of vegetable caviar from bell pepper, which is always a success. We choose juicy and ripe pods to get a workpiece with excellent taste.


• 2.5 kg of pepper;

• 200 g of onion;

• 250 g carrots;

• 200 g of tomatoes;

• 20 ml of vinegar 9%;

• 170 g of oil;

• salt and pepper;

• parsley root.


1. We wash the pepper, dry the pods. We spread it on a greased pan and fry in parts on both sides until lightly crusted. Cool, take out the seeds, if the peel is well removed, then remove.

2. Onion cut, fry in a pan.

3. Add to it the carrot, grated finely, and then the parsley root. Fry together.

4. Rub the tomatoes, spread them to vegetables, boil the juice.

5. We twist all the prepared ingredients, including tomato sauté. Or put everything in a saucepan, grind it with a blender.

6. Oil that remains and was not required for frying vegetables is poured into caviar.

7. Add spices, cook after boiling for 15 minutes.

8. Pour vinegar, try. At this stage, bring the caviar to the taste we need, add salt or pepper for pungency, stir.

9. We give the workpiece a good boil, stir and put into jars.

Bell pepper caviar with beets and garlic

This recipe is not only very bright, but also quite spicy caviar. If you want to get a not so vigorous workpiece, reduce the number of sharp pods.


• 1.5 kg of pepper;

• 5 chili pods;

• 1 kg of beets;

• 1.5 tsp acetic essence;

• 150 ml of oil;

• head of garlic;

• 2 tablespoons of sugar;

• salt.


1. Rinse beets thoroughly, boil in a peel. In order not to cook root vegetables for a long time, boil them for half an hour, then put the beets under a stream of cold water. The same technique makes it easy to separate a thin skin.

2. Twist the Bulgarian pepper through a meat grinder.

3. Peel and twist the beets and sharp pods. Chop the garlic separately until it needs to be added.

4. Beets and both types of peppers season with vegetable oil, put on the stove. Boil caviar for 25 minutes. After boiling, the fire must be reduced.

5. Now add salt and sugar, garlic, stir. Boil another 10 minutes. If the pepper is juicy and the caviar turns out to be liquid, then make the fire bigger so that the excess liquid evaporates.

6. At the end, add vinegar essence, stir.

7. You can pour the workpiece into cans, twist and clean for long-term storage.

Caviar from bell pepper and eggplant "Pleasure"

This workpiece will really give an extraordinary pleasure in winter. For caviar from bell pepper and eggplant according to this recipe, very bright tastes and an incomparable aroma are characteristic.


• 1.5 kg of pepper;

• 3 kg of eggplant;

• 400 g of onion;

• 400 g ripe tomatoes;

• 120 ml of oil;

• 200 g carrots;

• 10 cloves of garlic;

• 1 tbsp. l vinegar.


1. We cut the eggplants in half lengthwise, grease them with oil, lay on a baking sheet and bake until soft. We take out, cool.

2. Cut the onion finely. Pour into a pan with oil, fry.

3. Peel the carrots, rub, add to the onion. Cook together.

4. We twist the pepper through a meat grinder, separately twist the tomatoes and garlic.

5. We shift the pepper to the fried vegetables, cook together with onions and carrots for ten minutes.

6. This time is enough to remove the baked skin from the eggplant. Cut the pulp into cubes.

7. Add eggplant to pepper, add tomato in a couple of minutes.

8. Close the pan with a lid, simmer the caviar for 20 minutes.

9. Add the garlic, salt, leave to boil for another five minutes, season with vinegar. We dissolve caviar in banks, roll up.

Green bell pepper caviar

A variant of spicy caviar, which is made from green pepper. A wonderful recipe for identifying immature pods.


• 1.5 kg of green pepper;

• 3 sharp pods;

• 5 cloves of garlic;

• 1 sec. l vinegar

• 1 tbsp. l salts;

• 3 tablespoons of sugar.


1. Rinse the pods of sweet and hot pepper, twist. You need to remove seeds from sweet pepper, in the sharp pods you can leave all the insides, there are not many. In addition, the seeds will give the workpiece extra sharpness and a special taste.

2. Put the twisted mass on the stove, boil for a quarter of an hour.

3. Grind the head of garlic, add to the peppers.

4. Immediately put salt and sugar, pour in vinegar.

5. Boil all together for another five minutes.

6. Pour the caviar into small jars, tightly twist. After cooling the pepper blank, remove the jars into the basement.

Bell pepper caviar with apples and tomatoes

The recipe for delicious caviar with an amazing aroma of apples. It is advisable to use fruits of acidic varieties with green skin for harvesting. You can take unripe apples.


• 2 kg of tomatoes;

• 2 kg of pepper;

• 700 g of apples;

• 30 ml vinegar

• 180 ml of oil;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• 2 tablespoons of salt;

• 120 g of sugar.


1. Twist the bell pepper through a meat grinder, put it in a pan, pre-adding oil. Boil for ten minutes.

2. Rinse the tomatoes, cut into slices and also twist.

3. Grind the garlic. You can add more, you get caviar, more like adjika.

4. We spread the tomato with garlic to pepper, cook without a lid until the eggs evaporate 1/3. If the tomatoes are fleshy, then it will take about half an hour.

5. Fill caviar with sugar, salt, boil until the spices dissolve.

6. Pour in the vinegar, stir and you can lay out the workpiece on the banks.

Bell pepper caviar with zucchini and tomato paste

A variant of light, delicate caviar from bell pepper and zucchini. It is advisable to use a blender to grind, so that the mass is homogeneous and airy. The pods are baked in the oven, you can do this in advance.


• kilogram of squash;

• 1.5 kilograms of bell pepper;

• 0.5 cups of pasta;

• 0.5 cups of oil;

• salt;

• 2 tablespoons of sugar;

• 1 tsp vinegar.


1. Wash the Bulgarian peppers, top with vegetable oil, put on a baking sheet and bake at 220 degrees until golden brown.

2. Cool the pods, remove the skin, which should well peel off. Seeds also need to be removed.

3. Put the pulp of pepper in a pan.

4. The pulp of zucchini cut into small cubes, add to the pepper.

5. Pour 0.5 cups of water, cook the vegetables under the lid until the zucchini softens. Take off.

6. Grind the eggs with a blender or twist.

7. Add tomato paste, return to the stove.

8. Put the spices, add the oil remaining after greasing the pods. With it, the taste of caviar is more tender.

9. Boil everything together for about ten minutes, pour in vinegar, stir. Banks should already be prepared by this point. We lay out the most delicate caviar, close.

Bell pepper caviar - useful tips and tricks

• If you need to cook dietary caviar from pepper, you can reduce the amount of vegetable oil, eliminate sugar from the recipe.

• If you do not like the presence of vinegar in the winter harvest, then it can always be replaced with lemon juice or acid.

• Few cans? The remaining caviar can be laid out in containers and frozen. It is convenient to use plastic glasses with lids for dairy products.

• The smell of boiled garlic is not to everyone's taste. Therefore, you can not add it to the caviar or put a little. Before use, you can add garlic, spices and herbs to your taste.


Watch the video: French cuisine. Wikipedia audio article (July 2024).