December 26: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Holidays December 26

St. Stephen's Day

On St. Stephen's Day, the carnival began, which is considered the longest and oldest carnival in the world. It was held in the Italian city of Putignano, which was familiar with a parade of dolls made of papier-mâché. The carnival began on December 26 and continued until the last day of Shrovetide. For the first time, written sources wrote about this carnival in 1394. According to ancient tradition, the holiday begins with the ceremony of transferring the relics of St. Stephen from Monopoli to Putignano. Until the day of transfer, they are kept in the church. When this religious procession was taking place, local peasants danced, sang songs, read poems and joined the walking churchmen. And so the carnival arose. Thanks to the large platforms that were beautifully decorated, peculiar satirical masks and colorful carnival processions, in recent years the parade has been the main event of this wonderful holiday. The carnival ended with a comic funeral procession - those present mourned the owner of the Carnival. Usually, in the hour before the first day of Lent, the ringer began to ring the church bells. By tradition, the bell had to be hit 365 times. They phoned specially very slowly, this was done so that people could have time to finally run wild and taste the remnants of a fast and tasty. As soon as the bell stops, dancing and singing cease. At twelve o'clock in the morning a handful of ash was sprayed over people's heads, it was a sign that it was time to limit oneself.

Independence Day of Slovenia

On December 23, 1990, a referendum was held in this country, its main question was: "Will Slovenia be a sovereign and independent state?" And the results of the referendum were announced three days later on December 26, 1990. According to estimates, about 95% of Slovenian residents who participated in the nationwide survey responded positively. As a result, 93.2% of the population who had the right to vote voted. Consequently, about 88.5% of all residents voted for the independence of Slovenia. This day is considered the official exit of Slovenia from Yugoslavia. From this day the country began to exist as an independent state. This holiday was called Independence Day until about September 2005, however, in connection with the adoption of the new law on holidays and non-working days, the word “unity” was added to the name, because these days the Slovenian people showed an incredible measure of national unity in their history.
Slovenia celebrates this holiday with solemn rallies and mass festivities.

Kwanza Spiritual Festival in the USA

In the period from December 26 to January 1, the week of the African-American celebration of Kwanzaa is celebrated in the United States from year to year. It is believed that this is the stage of unification, the twinning of two great nations. This is the time of all endeavors. For the first time, the week of the Kwanzaa holiday ran from 12/26/1966 to 01/01/1967. Throughout the holiday week, African Americans gather at the table every evening, light a holiday symbol - candles and discuss about one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa, on which the culture of the African people was based. The principles of Kwanzaa are such concepts as: free expression of the will of a person, united collectivism, surety for one's deeds, a united economy, determination, creativity and faith.

Kikk Icon of the Mother of God Day

According to the legend, the icon of the Mother of God was painted by the holy Apostle Luke. This icon was called the "Gracious Kikk". Luke sent this icon to Egypt, however, in order to protect the shrine from the persecutors of the Christian faith, the icon was transferred to modern Constantinople. Despite the countless attacks on the ship, the holy image reached the shores of Constantinople. There, in the royal mansions, the icon was kept until the twelfth century. Later, the holy image was solemnly transported to the island. Once, Manuil Vutomirus went astray while hunting in the mountains. Wandered around indefatigably and met Elder Isaiah, but he hastened to leave, because he did not want to be recognized. Manuel was angry and severely beat the old man. Higher powers punished him for this, sending him paralysis. Later, he repented of his cruel act and asked Isaiah to pray to God for forgiveness. In one of the visions, the Higher Powers told the monk that it is possible to save the rude ruler, he must transfer the image of the Mother of God to Cyprus. Manuel immediately hastened to do God's will. Going a long way, Manuel left the old man money so that he would build a temple. Upon arrival in Constantinople, Vutomirus for a long time could not decide to tell the emperor about the vision of a monk, but when he saw Alexei Komnin in inconsolable grief, he gained courage and decided to tell everything. The fact is that the emperor’s daughter was sick with the same terrible disease as Manuel. He told the emperor about everything that happened to him on the island, spoke about his terrible sin, after which he received his illness. He also said that the emperor’s daughter can be saved if he gives Manuel the icon of the Mother of God stored in his chambers. Since Alexei Komnin did not want to part with the icon, he made a list of icons and suggested that Manuel choose to take one image. The imperial daughter fell ill again, after which Komnin was frightened and stopped cunning. At the same time, Isaiah himself arrived in Constantinople. The Mother of God herself appeared to him on the eve and said: “The icon on which the bee sits is the original.” Since then, the bee began to decorate the coat of arms of the Cypriot dwelling. they go to the holy icon for help, they sacredly believe that the Mother of God will heal them from their illnesses.More people also believe that rain comes down on dry land due to prayers to the Kikk image in dry weather. from to people’s eyes with a dense veil, it is never removed, according to legend, one who dares to open the veil can immediately go blind.

Bahamas - Junkanu

Giuncan, the most famous holiday of this country, is dedicated to Bahamian culture. This street festival is one of the most important events of the Bahamian calendar. On this day, Christmas and New Year are celebrated in many places on the island. City streets are filled with the sounds of rattling bells, flutes and drums. The main festivities begin before sunrise in Nassau Bay. Tourists also join the fun of the locals with great pleasure. Dressed in spectacular and affordable corrugated paper costumes, Junkanu's bands “rush” through the streets of the cities and play characteristic music of Junkanu, which combines African rhythms and a loud wind instrument. This "crazy" rhythmic music awakens the desire to dance in everyone around. After the carnival, costumes are thrown on the streets, and tourists can take them as a souvenir for a long memory of their wonderful journey.

December 26 in the folk calendar

Eustratus. Eustratius day. Witches gatherings.

People said: the martyr Eustratus is happy with the sun. It is from this day that it is customary to monitor the weather for twelve days, it was believed that each new day shows the weather of the next month of the next year. People believed that the weather on December 26 shows what the weather will be like in January, the weather on December 27 shows the weather in February and so on. So they thought before Christmas, and then "wondered" what the weather would be like in the month of December. On Eustratius Day, it was customary for the hostess to insert a sickle, and the owner drive the ax into the threshold, people believed that this would protect their house from the evil eye. In the old days, peasants believed that on December 26th unclean forces fly on their brooms, and try to sweep the sun, raise terrible whirlwinds and drive the sun into the halls, and hide it there so that it cannot take care of the human race. Therefore, the broom, which swept the hut, which used to lie on the porch, was hidden in the canopy, so that evil spirits would not be stolen. According to the Russian people, that day there were witches' parties and gatherings, they developed a plan for them how to steal the sun and destroy it forever. On this day, it was strictly forbidden to swear and swear, otherwise the witches would fall right on the head of the ugly.

Historical events December 26

2004 year tsunami hit southeast Asia

December 26, 2004, in the area of ​​the island of Sumatra, a powerful earthquake occurred. The crazy power of an underground thunderstorm reached nine points, on the Richter scale. The strongest underground vibrations and the shift of the tectonic plate gave rise to huge tidal waves. The tsunami hit the coastal areas of Indonesia, India, Thailand and Sri Lanka. The wave height near the shore reached 15 meters and above, the arrival of the tsunami was accompanied by a gale-force wind and squalls. The east coast of Africa, in particular Tanzania, was slightly affected by the tsunami. Great casualties and destruction were observed in the coastal areas of India, Indonesia and Ceylon. In general, more than 200 thousand people died from the tsunami, a significant number of people were missing, and still a large number of people lost their homes. The countries of the tourist belt suffered huge losses from natural disasters. The tsunami warning system of the population in the above countries works very poorly, poorly organized and poorly equipped with the necessary equipment and technology. The professional and intellectual composition of such services leaves much to be desired.

1898 year Maria and Pierre Curie receive radium for the first time

The Curie spouses conducted long studies in the field of radioactivity of elements. The object of research was uranium ore and its processing products. Many years of painstaking work and complex research yielded a long-awaited result. Scientists have been able to identify two particularly radioactive elements: radium and polonium. About its discovery, a married couple of scientists, said the French Academy of Sciences. Already in 1902, the spouses of Curie and Andre Debierne managed to get purified radium by electrolysis of radium chloride. In the future, this substance will be called: radium isotope - 226, the decay product of uranium. For the discovery of the elements of radium and polonium, scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize. It took Maria and Pierre Curie more than ten years to isolate a couple of grams of radium. Radium is now being received in special enrichment centers; this is a very complex and expensive process. Indeed, to obtain only one gram of radium, tens of tons of uranium ore, dozens of coal wagons, one hundred water tanks and many other excipients are required.

2006 year Hengchun earthquake

On December 26, a magnitude 7 earthquake occurred in Taiwan near Hengchun City. As a result of the disaster, two people died and 42 were injured. Despite the small destructive power of the earthquake and the small number of human casualties, tremors were noticeable even in the capital of Taiwan, Taipei, and this is almost five hundred kilometers north of the epicenter of the earthquake. In the area of ​​natural disaster, locally generated fires and minor damage and damage to buildings were recorded. The infrastructure of the settlements that fell into the earthquake area was also damaged. About 3,000 thousand homes lost their electricity, but soon the power supply was completely restored. In general, the earthquake did not seriously damage the civilian population and communications.

2004 year Train wreck in Sri Lanka

On December 26, 2004, in the area of ​​the village of Peralia in southern Sri Lanka, a terrible railway accident occurred, as a result of which about 2,000 people died. The cause of the tragedy was an earthquake that occurred in the depths of the Indian Ocean. Underground vibrations provoked the appearance of huge tsunami waves, which with great speed moved to the island. The impact of giant tidal waves hit the southern part of Ceylon, the tsunami brought millions of tons of water to the coastal regions of the country. On evil rock at the time of the impact of the wave, passenger train No. 50 Samudra Devi passed along the coast, making a regular flight from the city of Vavuniya to the city of Matara. The distance from the railway to the sea was the minimum acceptable and did not exceed 200 meters. At the time the train stopped, near the village of Paralia, a wave 9 meters high hit the coast. The monstrous force of the tsunami literally knocked the train off its tracks and tore it in two, the carriages of the train turned over and tumbled like toys, 2 cars were carried into the ocean by the reverse current. Because of the crush and panic, the passengers could not, and did not have time to open the doors of the cars that were spinning in a deadly whirlpool. The scale of the disaster was monstrous, multi-ton cars and were scattered across the nearby territory for tens of meters. The authorities of Sri Lanka, shocked by the size of the tragedy, were demoralized and only a few hours later, a rescue operation was organized. However, due to the destroyed roads and the railroad track, the first equipment for clearing the rubble arrived at the scene of the disaster only after 3 days. After the terrible catastrophe, approximately 150 people remained alive, who miraculously remained unharmed. In addition to local residents, tourists from Europe and Israel also died in the accident. People who were in two cars washed into the ocean are considered missing. The crash in Peralia has become the world's largest railway tragedy.

1812 year the remains of the defeated Napoleonic army left Russia

The last parts of the defeated and exhausted French army left the borders of the Russian Empire on December 26, 1812. The militaristic adventure of the French emperor cost Napoleon the throne and power. In Russia, tens of thousands of French soldiers and officers laid down their heads. The Napoleonic army in this war lost honor, valor and military power. However, the victory over the French became possible only thanks to the courage of the Russian soldiers, the military genius of Mikhail Kutuzov and organized popular resistance. Having gone through huge losses through Russia and entering Moscow, Napoleon decided that he had broken the Russian army and people, but he was seriously miscalculated. The prominent field marshal Mikhail Kutuzov outwitted Napoleon, exhausted the French army, and in a number of large battles delivered powerful blows to the enemy and significantly undermined the French forces. Gaining enough strength and drawing additional reserves, Kutuzov went on a large-scale counterattack and in the battle of Berezin, almost completely destroyed most of Napoleon's army. And then the Russian army began to drive Napoleon from his native land and reached Paris itself. On December 26, Emperor Alexander I issued a manifesto on the expulsion of Napoleon from Russia.

December 26 were born:

Mikhail Boyarsky (1949), Soviet and Russian film and theater actor, singer

Mikhail Boyarsky was born on December 26, 1949 in Leningrad. His parents were professional actors and worked on the stage of the Komissarzhevskaya theater. The boy had a creative and musical childhood. He began his studies at a music school with playing the piano. Then, just like his parents, he studied at the Theater Institute of Music and Cinematography. After graduation, he first entered the stage of the theater, where he worked for many years. His first and debut role was very small and of little significance within the whole performance.Popularity for the actor came very quickly. Boyarsky played a major role in the famous musical production "Troubadour and his friends" and immediately won the respect of the audience. Today Boyarsky is the head of his own theater "Benefis" and is its director. In addition to acting, Mikhail tries himself as a leading TV show. Mikhail Boyarsky has explosive temperament, musical talent, plasticity. He plays courageous and conquering undaunted heroes, adventurers and impudent crooks. In the creative process of Mikhail, concerts and personal meetings with spectators play an important role. The actor himself writes songs, and performs with them in the music program and to this day with the group "Silver".

Mao Zedong (1893-1976), Chairman of the PRC

Mao Zedong was born into a wealthy family. From his youth, he showed a keen interest in the communist idea. In the early 1920s, Mao joined the Communist Party of China and by 1930 had taken a leading position in the organization. In 1949, during the period of the Chinese people's revolution, Mao Zedong proclaimed the creation of the PRC, the leader of which he remained until the end of his life. Having seized absolute power in the country, Mao began to realize his adventurous, but rather painful fantasies, about building in China the so-called "Maoism" and "Chinese chauvinism." With his inept and illiterate leadership, Mao significantly slowed down the pace of economic and socialist construction in the republic. In turn, this led to a severe socio-economic crisis in the national economy. The subsequent reign of Mao Zedong is characterized by attempts at cultural and political unification of the country, relative industrialization, and a not significant increase in the well-being of the people. The era of Mao is also closely connected with the so-called "cultural revolution", which led to the decline of culture in the country and the revelry of communist terror. Upon death, the body of Mao Zedong was embalmed and put on public display, in a mausoleum specially erected for this purpose.

Lars Ulrich (1963), famous tennis player

A native of the city of Gentoftee (Denmark). Born in a sports family, his father was a professional tennis player and introduced his son to this sport. As well as the travels that his father made by virtue of his profession. Lars' father was a comprehensively developed man and instilled in his son a love not only for sports, but also for art, music and literature. By his youthful age, Lars became one of the best tennis players among juniors. Then the royal athlete received a royal gift, his grandmother presented Lars with a drum kit, which completely changed the boy’s life. Lars became seriously interested in heavy metal and in the 80s he met James Hetfield, with whom he organized the famous band Metallica. The debut of the group brings her incredible popularity and finally determines the fate of Lars.

Charles Babbage (1791-1871), outstanding physicist, mathematician and inventor

Born in London in a family of bankers. As a child, Charles was a weak and frail boy, overly patronized by his parents. He studied poorly and not willingly. He first showed real interest in science at the Anfield Academy, where he showed a talent for exact sciences - mathematics and physics. In addition to academic studies, Charles was engaged in self-education, which allowed him to soon overtake his teachers in knowledge of mathematics. At 23, the young inventor became a bachelor, and at thirty-six years old he was awarded the title of professor of mathematics at Cambridge University. He worked in this position for more than ten years, he took up invention and soon patented a number of his inventions. He designed and created: speedometer, tachometer, ophthalmoscope, seismograph, sighting device for art installations and other useful devices and installations. The scientist made a huge contribution to the development of science and technology, laid the foundations for the creation of a computer.

Johann Dinglinger (1664- date of death unknown), famous German jeweler

Johann was born on December 26, 1664 in the old family of jewelers, since childhood he became interested in family affairs. As a young man, Johann managed to open his own jewelry workshop in Dresden. In 1698, for his unsurpassed jewelry craftsmanship, he was invited by the personal jeweler of His Majesty to the court of King Augustus. During this period, the famous master creates in the Baroque style. His pompous products created in this style are now admired. The coffee sets he created are distinguished by an overly sophisticated style, a rigorous study of all the details and colors of products, a unique combination of various precious materials: gold, silver, stones and bone. Confirmation of the master's high authority was the personal visit of the Russian emperor Peter to the workshop of Dinglinger. Nowadays, the famous works of Johann Dinglinger can be seen in the Dresden Museum of Art.

Name day on December 26th:

Anastasia, Arseny, Arkady, Gabriel, German, Eugene, Stepan


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