Cystitis during pregnancy


About ten percent of all pregnant women expect a cystitis disease while they are expecting a baby. Future mothers who have previously encountered this disease will probably experience its aggravation during pregnancy. This happens due to hormonal changes in the body and a violation of the normal microflora of the vagina. Bladder infections untreated before the conception of a baby often become the main cause of severe or premature birth. Bacteria that accumulate in the genitourinary tract can move closer to the kidneys and trigger the development of a more serious inflammatory process - acute pyelonephritis.

Symptoms of cystitis during pregnancy

Typically, the diagnosis of cystitis does not present special difficulties for specialists. Almost always, chronic cystitis is accompanied by complaints of drawing pains in the lower abdomen, rapid, painful or false urination, fever. At the slightest suspicion of this disease, the doctor must recommend that the pregnant woman pass a general urine test and a urinalysis according to Nechiporenko, which is necessary for identifying opportunistic pathogens, bacteriological culture of urine, as well as DNA diagnosis of major infections.

In case of detection of leukocytes in the pregnant woman’s urine, as well as the determination of pathogenic organisms in it, such as staphylococci, gonococci and streptococci, doctors often make a diagnosis of cystitis. To prescribe the most appropriate treatment, a woman is recommended to do an ultrasound examination of the genitourinary organs to exclude the presence of concomitant diseases. In order to clarify the nature of the disease, cystoscopy and cystography are performed. These studies allow us to identify the existing degree of development of the inflammatory process, its shape, the presence of stones or tumors in the bladder. These studies and analyzes are necessary for the accurate and timely diagnosis of cystitis, since frequent urination may also indicate other diseases of the urinary tract or kidneys.

However, cystitis, which is asymptomatic, is often found in pregnant women. That is why, before each visit to the doctor, it is necessary to take a general urine test in order to determine this unpleasant disease in time.

Treatment of cystitis in pregnant women

While waiting for a child, cystitis must be treated. The acute stage of the disease quickly turns into a more severe chronic form of the disease. Despite the fact that the symptoms that characterize the acute stage of cystitis are quite pronounced, only the upper part of the bladder mucosa is affected by inflammation. In the chronic stage of the disease, the infection penetrates deep into the mucosa and is much more difficult to treat. In some cases, the symptoms of acute cystitis after a few days go away on their own, but after some time they repeat again.

Many existing drugs for the treatment of cystitis are absolutely not acceptable during pregnancy. In addition, in the first trimester, you must be very careful about any, even at first glance, absolutely harmless drug therapy. At the slightest suspicion of cystitis, it is imperative to consult a doctor who professionally evaluates the condition of the woman and selects the correct therapy. The urologist, together with the gynecologist observing the pregnant woman, taking into account the gestational age, prescribes the most sparing antibacterial drugs for the fetus. Along with the use of drugs inside the body, good results are given by introducing them into the bladder through a small catheter. In no case should you self-medicate, apply thermal procedures or drink herbal teas, because many of them are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy.

Prevention of cystitis during pregnancy

The main reasons provoking the development of cystitis during pregnancy are the presence of inflammatory processes of the external genital organs, sexually transmitted infections, hypothermia, as well as irregular or incomplete emptying of the bladder, which leads to stagnation of urine. To avoid cystitis, expectant mothers need to be registered in a antenatal clinic in a timely manner, pass all routine tests and undergo the necessary examinations from other doctors. Pregnant women need to protect not only their health, but also the health of their baby, so you can’t get too cold, dress not only beautifully, but also warmly, and it’s better to postpone your favorite nylon tights until next season.

To avoid the described disease, pregnant women need to especially carefully monitor the genital hygiene. Often, the development of inflammatory processes in the bladder is based on the penetration of various bacteria into its sterile environment. Such pathogens are often bacteria from the digestive tract. The female urethra is located in close proximity to the anus, and its small width and length facilitate the rapid entry of infection into the bladder.

At the slightest need, it is worth completely emptying the bladder. If the expectant mother does not suffer from edema, she will benefit from a plentiful drink. Cranberry juice or fruit drink is especially effective, it contains a large amount of vitamin C, increases the body's immunity and reduces the risk of infection.


Barbara 07/20/2016
I suffered from this disease for many years and Supraks solutab and Uro-Vax drugs returned me to normal life. She was treated for three months and did not even expect to get rid of these torments. If cystitis is chronic, then you can cope with the use of both drugs i.e. Suprax Solutab (7 days) then Uro-Vaxom (3 months) or both drugs at once. From cystitis, these drugs are the best !!!

Lenok 05/27/2016
During pregnancy I got cystitis. It was scared of course great, but the Uro-Waxom drug helped me a lot. It reduces the likelihood of the disease becoming more severe and protracted and avoids the additional use of antibiotics. It has been a year since the birth, and so far so good.

Lenok 05/25/2016
During pregnancy I got cystitis. It was scared of course great, but the Uro-Waxom drug helped me a lot. It reduces the likelihood of the disease becoming more severe and protracted and avoids the additional use of antibiotics. It has been a year since the birth, and so far so good.

Marika 03/26/2016
What are we, pregnant, beautiful. Hollywood is resting at all. Thanks to Mother Nature for such happiness. Well, without a fly in the ointment like. This does not happen.

Vasilina 03/26/2016
I have cystitis, nothing I live with it. I strictly follow the doctor’s instructions, I believe in the best. Only positive emotions and mood :)


Watch the video: UTI Dangers During Pregnancy (July 2024).