Pumpkin stew with vegetables - baked, stewed and in a slow cooker. Pumpkin Vegetable Stew Recipes on a Daily Menu


What have we not cooked from a pumpkin dish yet?

There were pies, porridge too. What about stew?

How, have you ever tried vegetable stew with pumpkin ?!

Well, this is not difficult to fix - the components, like in any other stew, are cooked on the fly, and eaten almost faster.

Vegetable stew with pumpkin - general principles of cooking

• Vegetable pumpkin stew can be stewed in a deep thick-walled pan, or multicooker, baked using an oven in clay pots or in a sleeve.

• Almost any vegetables that are always at hand, both fresh and frozen, are used in the preparation. Vegetable stew with pumpkin is often cooked with cabbage, zucchini, potatoes, eggplant, sweet pepper, beans. Often, tomatoes, mushrooms, peas, poultry are added to it. The constant components of any vegetable stew are carrots and onions.

• Preliminary preparation of vegetables consists in thorough washing under water, peeling and chopping. They are cut into cubes or cubes, trying to maintain a single size - no more than one and a half centimeters.

• Eggplants added to the dish require separate preparation; slices of the vegetable must be soaked in saline, or soaked for a short time, sprinkled with salt. This will help get rid of the characteristic bitterness of this vegetable.

• When stewing, the foods are laid in a certain sequence, starting with those that take longer to cook. Pumpkin is laid almost at the end. In a slow cooker, the dish should be prepared in two modes. First, the products are fried in the baking mode, after which they are brought to readiness on the "Stew" option. With cooking in the oven, everything is much simpler: all components are placed in a container intended for baking and cooked at 180 degrees, the time indicated in the recipe.

• Vegetable stew tasty both hot and chilled. It can be served on its own or with a side dish. In its quality, this dish is best suited for boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes made from it.

Braised vegetable stew with pumpkin in a pan


• 400 gr. already peeled pumpkin;

• 300 gr. white cabbage;

• small eggplant;

• medium-sized carrot - 1 pc.;

• 120 ml of thick tomato juice;

• two onions;

• sweet pepper pod;

• a teaspoon of curry;

• hot pepper, finely ground - 1/4 tsp;

• frozen sunflower oil;

• an incomplete spoon of caraway seeds;

• sugar - 1.3 tablespoons.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the peel from the eggplant, and cut the pulp into centimeter cubes. Salt, mix, put in a colander and put it on a bowl. After half an hour, rinse the pieces under running water and pat dry with a towel.

2. Chop cabbage into thin short strips. We cut the carrots and pumpkins into small cubes. To make the dish look harmonious, their size should not differ significantly from eggplant.

3. Cut the onions and seed-free bell pepper into small slices of approximately the same size.

4. Pour about 30 grams of sunflower oil into a wide and high pan and warm it well over low heat. Dip the chopped carrots with onions into it and fry, systematically stirring, until the slices of carrots soften.

5. Add the cabbage, slightly salt and continue cooking, without removing the lid, until the cabbage settles. Add tomato juice to the vegetables, mix and bring to readiness, without covering the pan with a lid.

6. Transfer the stewed vegetables with tomato into a bowl, and pour a little oil in the pan and as soon as it is hot, lower the dried eggplant. Add chopped bell pepper and slices of pumpkin pulp immediately.

7. Season everything with spices that you can choose at your own discretion, although it is recommended to use the cumin, curry, ground red pepper offered in the recipe, mix and simmer over low heat for a quarter to 1/3 hours.

8. Mix softened vegetables with previously fried and adjust the taste of the stew by adding salt and sugar. Cook the dish over medium heat for about two minutes and remove from the stove.

Recipe for pumpkin stew with vegetables and meat for a slow cooker


• a pound of pork pulp;

• kilogram of potatoes;

• medium-sized carrots - 1 pc.;

• 400 grams of ripe pumpkin;

• large onion;

• two red fleshy tomatoes;

• garlic - at least 3 cloves.

Cooking method:

1. Cut off all the films from the meat, rinse the piece well with cold water, dry and cut into pieces of arbitrary shape.

2. Put the pulp in a dry bowl of the multicooker and, stirring, fry in the baking mode for 20 minutes.

3. Peel potatoes, onions, garlic and carrots. Thinly cut the onion into half rings, chop the garlic cloves finely with a knife. Cut the carrots into centimeter cubes, and potatoes into small, not too thin slices.

4. Transfer all the chopped vegetables to the meat, pepper and season with a little spices, mix and, without changing the mode for another seven minutes, continue cooking.

5. Cut the tomatoes from the side of the stalk, scald with boiling water and remove the peel using the back of the knife blade. Cut the pulp into small slices and send to the bowl.

6. After waiting 10 minutes, add pumpkin and potatoes sliced ​​in centimeter cubes. Salt and pour 200 ml of warm water immediately. Set the slow cooker for one and a half hours in the "Extinguishing" mode.

Simple vegetable stew with pumpkin and canned beans


• 600 grams of pumpkin without a peel;

• onion - 1 head;

• a half-liter can of white canned beans;

• 600 gr. young zucchini;

• a bunch of ordinary garden parsley;

• two sweet peppers;

• half a glass of vegetable broth or water;

• 40 ml of frozen lean oil.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the pulp of zucchini and pumpkin, trying to maintain the same size.

2. Chop the onion in small slices, chopped peppers into small pieces of square shape.

3. In vegetable oil until soft, first fry the onion and immediately add chopped pumpkin, slices of zucchini and bell pepper to it.

4. After extinguishing the vegetables over low heat until cooked, pour the washed canned beans and finely chopped parsley. Season the stew with your favorite spices, salt to taste, and mix well and simmer for a couple of minutes under the lid.

5. Remove from heat and let stand for half an hour before serving so that the stew is infused.

Baked potted vegetable stew with pumpkin in sour cream filling


• 5 large potatoes;

• 300 gr. cauliflower, frozen or fresh;

• sour cream 20% fat - 200 ml;

• one large carrot;

• six tablespoons of green peas;

• 400 grams of pumpkin;

• two eggs;

• 250 grams of hard cheese.

Cooking method:

1. Thinly peel the potato and cut it into slices or quarters with a sharp knife. Thinly cut the peel from the pumpkin, remove the seeds. Cut carrots and thick pulp into thin slices.

2. Combine all chopped vegetables in a large bowl, add the cabbage inflorescences and mix.

3. Arrange the cooked vegetable mixture in clay pots, pour 50 ml of vegetable broth or filtered water into each and place in the oven for 40 minutes. The cooking temperature is 180 degrees.

4. Pour the eggs into the sour cream. With a light whipping, bring the sour cream filling to homogeneity and fill it with the vegetables baked in pots. Add the green peas and place the containers in the oven for another 40 minutes.

5. Sprinkle the stew with the cheese chopped on a grater, and when the melted cheese crumbs are well browned, remove the pots from the oven.

Pumpkin stew with vegetables and mushrooms


• kilogram of pumpkin without peel and seeds;

• two large bitter onions;

• garlic;

• large carrot - 2 pcs.;

• two bell peppers;

• 10 large champignons;

• half a liter of decoction or drinking water;

• red small tomatoes - 6 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Tomatoes for 2 minutes dip in boiling water, then remove and immediately place in cold. In the area of ​​the stalk, make an incision and peel the tomatoes.

2. Peeled peppers and onions finely chopped into seeds. Grate the carrots in a coarse grater, and cut the pumpkin pulp into medium-sized cubes.

3. In the warmed vegetable oil, lightly fry the onions along with the carrots. Add thin plates of mushrooms and continue cooking until the juice protruding from them evaporates.

4. As soon as the vegetables and champignon slices begin to brown, add bell pepper and pumpkin. Add a little salt, stir well and leave to simmer at a moderate temperature. Do not forget to stir the vegetables, if necessary, add water or a decoction, otherwise they will burn. There should not be much liquid, it should only slightly cover the prepared vegetables.

5. After half an hour in the stew add crushed garlic and chopped tomatoes, mix thoroughly and boil slowly. Then reduce the heat, slightly salt the dish, taking the sample, pepper and bring to readiness - complete softening of the vegetable pieces, at very low heat.

Baked vegetable stew with pumpkin and chicken in the sleeve


• 1 kg of chicken or a whole chicken;

• a pound of pumpkin;

• two small carrots;

• medium-sized eggplant - 500 gr.;

• large onion;

• a pound of young zucchini;

• a couple of cloves of garlic;

• a third of a teaspoon of pepper ground in a mortar;

• Lavrushka - 3 leaves.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the chicken carcass or fillet thoroughly with water. If you took the fillet, cut it into 2 cm cubes, chop the whole carcass into small portions.

2. Remove the peel from the eggplant and zucchini, and cut the flesh into small pieces into small pieces of the same size.

3. In the same way, grind the pumpkin without peel and seeds, and dissolve the carrots into thin rings.

4. Put all the crushed products in one bowl. Add a tablespoon of table salt, parsley and ground pepper, mix thoroughly.

5. Fill the mixed ground ingredients into the baking sleeve and tighten the free edge tightly.

6. Transfer the filled sleeve to the roasting pan, pierce the film with a needle in different places and place it in a heated oven.

7. Bake the vegetable stew for an hour, then remove, carefully cut the top of the sleeve and lay the finished dish in plates.

Pumpkin vegetable stew - cooking tips and tricks

• To ensure that the dish has a presentable appearance and does not turn into porridge during prolonged stewing, cut all the vegetables into pieces of the same size, do not grind and do not break the order of the food.

• Be sure to rinse the aubergines soaked in salt in order to remove the remaining salt with bitterness. Salt vegetable stew with pumpkin when adding eggplant, you need to carefully, taking a sample, otherwise you can salt.

• Often in a vegetable stew with pumpkin, you need to add liquid. It is not necessary to use water, add meat, not too greasy, broth or lean vegetable broth - the dish will turn out much tastier.


Watch the video: Slow Cooker Winter Vegetable Soup. One Pot Chef (July 2024).