Eggplant jam - a dessert with a surprise! Recipes of simple and Armenian eggplant jam, with and without soda


Eggplant is not only eaten salted or fried.

From a blue vegetable a wonderful jam is obtained.

The delicacy is aromatic, rich and very unusual in taste.

No one will guess what they rest on.

Let's make a surprise for others?

Eggplant Jam - General Cooking Principles

Small vegetables are used for Armenian jam, often they are laid in whole syrup. In this case, the skin is usually removed. If you need to cut vegetables for the recipe, then you can leave the tender and young skin. It is very important to remove the bitterness from the fetus, this can be done in several ways.

How to remove bitterness:

• soaking in cold water;

• soaking in salted water;

• extinguishing soda;

• soaking with lime.

Sliced ​​eggplant in hot sugar syrup. Often citruses, nuts and various spices are added to them: cinnamon, ginger, vanilla, cardamom or cloves. If you do not like the pieces of spices in the treat, then you can wrap them in gauze, and at the very end of the preparation take them out. Do not forget to squeeze the bag to convey all the aroma to the workpiece.

Armenian eggplant jam with citric acid and cardamom

The recipe for traditional eggplant jam in Armenian. If you can find small fruits, then you can not peel the vegetable. Cook medium-sized vegetables according to the technology below.


• 3 kg of eggplant;

• 1.8 liters of water (for syrup);

• 1 tsp citric acid;

• 1 tsp cardamom;

• 1 tsp cinnamon

• 4.5 kg of sugar;

• 1 clove sprocket.


1. Eggplant needs to be cleaned of blue peel. Very small fruits can be used with a peel.

2. Transfer to a deep saucepan, cover with cold water, cover with a damp cloth and cover the material with limestone. Leave for two hours. If there is no limestone, you can simply soak it in ice water or add baking soda to the water.

3. Rinse the eggplant, pierce in several places, boil for five minutes in boiling water. Drain into a colander. Large fruits can be cut.

4. Cook the syrup from the recipe water with sand, add the eggplant, cook the jam for exactly 30 minutes. Cover, cool.

5. Turn on the fire again, add citric acid, cardamom and cinnamon. Cloves are better chopped into powder.

6. Boil the jam until cooked, on average it will take another 30-40 minutes. Put the hot treat in jars or cool and just refrigerate.

Eggplant Jam with Lemon

A variant of a very fragrant eggplant jam. For it, only small fruits, up to ten centimeters long, are used.


• 8-10 eggplants;

• 400 g of sugar;

• glass of water;

• 1 lemon;

• a pinch of cinnamon.


1. The eggplant tips are removed, each vegetable is pierced through the knife through the central part, placed in a saucepan.

2. Add a handful of salt, fill with water, leave for an hour.

3. Change the water to clean, wash the salt well, squeeze the fruits.

4. Blanch the eggplant for a minute in boiling water.

5. Cook the syrup with sugar and water, add chopped zest and blanched eggplant. Boil a quarter of an hour. Cool.

6. Once the jam is cold, boil a quarter of an hour again and cool.

7. Squeeze juice from citrus, add to eggplant, pour cinnamon. Cook the treat for another 15-20 minutes, and it is ready!

Armenian eggplant jam with nuts

Another recipe for making jam in Armenian. Walnut kernels are added to it, peanuts will not work.


• 1 kg of eggplant;

• 1 kg of sugar;

• 1 cup nuts;

• 2 tablespoons of lemon juice;

• cinnamon and cardamom to taste.


1. Eggplants need to be peeled, cut into large pieces at least 2 centimeters, put in a pan, soaked in cold water. Periodically, the fluid needs to be changed.

2. After 2 hours, the pieces need to be squeezed out well.

3. Mix granulated sugar with 400 ml of water. Cook saturated syrup, after boiling add slices of eggplant.

4. Boil the jam for 30 minutes, be sure to remove the foam when boiling the eggplant.

5. Leave the jam to cool for at least 5 hours. Eggplant should be well soaked in syrup.

6. At this time, you can do nuts. Kernels need to be sorted out, remove all garbage. Then chop into pieces, but not very finely. At the request of the kernel can be dried in the oven, but it is important not to overcook and not burn.

7. Add nuts to the jam, sprinkle cinnamon and pour in lemon juice. You can replace it with half a teaspoon of concentrated dry acid.

8. Put the treat on the stove, cook for another 30 minutes, put it in storage.

Eggplant jam with quenching

A variant of a simple eggplant jam, which is prepared with slaked baking soda. This technique relieves the vegetable of bitterness and a specific taste.


• 2 kg of eggplant;

• 2.4 kg of sugar;

• 2 tsp with a mountain of soda;

• 1 tsp cardamom;

• cinnamon, cloves to taste;

• 0.5 tsp citric acid.


1. Use small vegetables. Peel them, put them in a deep pan.

2. Pour baking soda into a bowl, pour a glass of boiling water. Once the reaction has passed, you need to mix slaked soda with seven glasses of cold water.

3. Pour the eggplant with the prepared solution, close the pan, leave for six hours. You can put a little oppression on the vegetables so that they are completely immersed in water.

4. After six hours, syrup can be made from 1.5 liters of water and granulated sugar.

5. Squeeze the eggplant, rinse in clean water, transfer to syrup. Boil for 30 minutes, leave for ten hours.

6. Put on the stove again, add spices, citric acid, cook the jam for another hour. If necessary, time can be increased.

Armenian eggplant jam with oranges

Another recipe for Armenian jam. This delicacy is prepared from pieces of eggplant, so the size and shape of the vegetables do not really matter.


• 1 kg of eggplant;

• 2 oranges;

• 1.4 kg of sugar;

• 400 ml of water;

• 2 clove stars;

• a pinch of cardamom;

• 1 stick of vanilla.


1. Cut the washed, peeled eggplant into small cubes, you can crumble in small cubes. Soak an hour in salted water, then rinse, wring well.

2. Remove the zest from the washed oranges, but do not chop. Squeeze juice from citrus fruits, the seeds should not fall into it.

3. Pour prescription water into a saucepan, add orange juice and sugar, and prepare syrup.

4. Put eggplant slices in it, heat further.

5. In a piece of gauze, put all the spices and zest, tie in a knot, throw the bag into the jam.

6. When boiling, remove the foam, cook for another 20 minutes. Cool the treat for five hours, slices of the vegetable should be soaked in syrup.

7. Put the saucepan back on the stove, boil for another twenty minutes. Catch a bag of spices with a spoon, squeeze well with another spoon or spatula.

8. Put boiling sweets in jars, roll or cool, cover with nylon covers, and store in the refrigerator.

Eggplant Jam with Chocolate

The recipe for an unusual, but autumn delicious jam with the addition of chocolate. The delicacy is very similar to confiture, it turns out thick, rich. For cooking, you will also need fresh ginger.


• 1 kg of eggplant;

• 1 kg of sugar;

• 250 g of chocolate (70% cocoa);

• juice of 1 lemon;

• 50 g of ginger root.


1. Eggplant can not be cleaned if the skin is tender and thin. Rinse the little blue ones, cut into cubes one centimeter, put them in a bowl, soak in ice water. Rinse.

2. Cook sugar and 300 grams of water syrup, add eggplant.

3. Remove the foam when boiling.

4. After half an hour, add lemon juice and grated ginger root, cook for another 40 minutes.

5. Remove the mass from the heat, add the grated chocolate. Stir the mass intensively with a spatula until all the pieces are completely dissolved.

6. The jam is done. If you want to keep it for the winter, then put the hot treat in jars of 0.5 liters.

7. Cover, place in a saucepan covered with a kitchen towel.

8. Pour so much boiling water into the pan so that it reaches the jars up to 2/3 of the height. Turn on the stove, sterilize the treat a quarter of an hour after boiling.

9. Carefully remove the cans from the pan, roll up the lids, and put them in storage.

Twisted eggplant jam with lemon

Another recipe for fragrant eggplant jam, which is prepared very simply and relatively quickly. It can be rolled up for the winter or just stored in the refrigerator.


• 2 lemons;

• 1.2 kg of sugar;

• 300 ml of water;

• 1 kg of eggplant.


1. Wash the vegetables, chop the plates, pour cold water. Leave for an hour.

2. Cut the lemon into slices, remove all the seeds from the citrus.

3. Mix sugar with water in a saucepan, put on a small fire, let the grains dissolve for a while.

4. Squeeze the eggplant from the water, twist through a meat grinder with lemon.

5. Transfer the resulting mass to sugar with water, now you can add fire.

6. Cook the treat for an hour. You can add cinnamon to your taste. If foam appears on the surface, it must be removed with a clean spoon.

Eggplant Jam - Tips & Tricks

• So that the jam is not sugared during storage, and the syrup is transparent, you need to heat the sugar syrup slowly, the grains need to dissolve until the mass boils.

• How to determine the readiness of jam? In fact, everything is simple! If the foam has stopped diverging around the edges and the bubbles are collected in the center of the pelvis, then the delicacy is ready!

• To preserve the jam well, before rolling, you need to put in a jar a circle of parchment sheet soaked in alcohol. The mold will not have a single chance!


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