Fruit diet - a detailed description and useful tips. Fruit diet reviews and sample recipes.


Fruit Diet - Description and General Principles

A fruit diet is called tasty weight loss, and this is absolutely true, because in such a useful way you can lose 5-7 kg of weight and smile cheerfully while sharing a good mood, and not grumble in depression like an eternally hungry aunt. We all know for a long time that fruits are a source of vitamins, and in any form they contain a whole bunch of trace elements, including those that contribute to the production of endorphins, hormones of joy.

It is a fruit diet that many nutritionists advise to start, if you need to throw off a large number of kilograms, as well as just unload and cleanse the body. Its essence is quite simple: for some time to consume a large number of fruits, replacing them with all other products. Fruits remove toxins from the body, the body consumes fewer calories even than with fruit juices, and is deeply cleansed. The metabolism does not slow down, as during a complete refusal of food, the metabolism does not decrease. The fruit diet is not designed for a long period, but each cell has time to fill up with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. As a result, lightness throughout the body, healthy skin and high energy are added to significant weight loss.

A fruit diet has many advantages over others.

The body does not suffer from a lack of vitamins and minerals, so it is not threatened by brittle nails and dry skin, a large amount of fiber helps to destroy cellulite and improve complexion. At the same time, you can eat fruit at any time of the day or night. Freed up time from cooking can be spent on exercise. Among the disadvantages of this diet are some side effects: weakness, diarrhea, and white plaque on the tongue. A fruit diet can not be followed for a long period, as muscles begin to weaken as a result of a lack of protein and other nutrients that are present in bread, meat and cereal products.

Some fruits can not burn fat, but rather, make the body lay off fats even more. Glycogen, which is formed from a huge amount of fructose, can contribute to the formation of fat. Therefore, there are several rules and recommendations for following this diet, which is not recommended to be violated. The basic rule applies to prohibited foods - in case of severe hunger you can’t tolerate it, you need to switch to a fruit dessert, for example, jelly or frozen fruit, fruit salad, light yogurt with slices of chopped fruit.

Fruit Diet - What Foods To Eat

Hunger should not come too close, otherwise you may slip into overeating. Always in front of your eyes you need to have a vase with prunes, dried apricots, pears, and then the moment of lunch or dinner does not deliver stressful moments to the stomach. Fruits must be replaced by endless fast-food ready-made products - hot dogs, pizzas, as well as chips and lemonade. There are also developments of mono-diet, the essence of which is that during the day only fruits of one type are consumed. The most common: pineapple, peach, apple and banana diets. During mono-diets, a small amount of low-fat dairy products can be included in the diet - milk or kefir.

What is rich in some fruits

Papaya: this exotic fruit attracts more and more girls in our country, it is rich in fiber and minerals, it is a rich source of antioxidants.

Apples: They contain a large amount of vitamins, they reduce the risk of cancer and inflammation of the prostate.

Mango: contains potassium and antioxidants.

Bananas: Vitamins and potassium, as well as the largest amount of carbohydrates among fruits, is a great source of energy.

Oranges: rich in vitamin C, help digestion and cleanse the body of toxins.

Pineapple: Contains vitamins and calcium, removes toxins.

Useful tips: how to approach the diet

- It is very difficult to start a diet, it is difficult to stay in the first few days, so you can eat as many fruits as the body requires to saturate. There are no restrictions on the amount of food for the first three days.

- You should start the day with more high-calorie fruits, such as mangoes or bananas. Grapes are also considered high-calorie. Starting the metabolic process for the whole day, the body will be provided with energy.

Fruit diet - which foods should not be consumed

The name of the diet itself suggests that when following it, we must abandon many products, such as fatty meat, lard, cereals, butter, butter rolls and other confectionery products.

Fruit Diet - Menu Examples

Green smoothie

All of America and Europe are going crazy with a new product - a green smoothie. With the advent of modern kitchen appliances - combines, mixers, blenders, juicers, cooking has become much easier. You can mix any ingredients, green smoothies can replace breakfast or dinner, if you add a little muesli or cereal to it. A lightweight option can be used for a fruit diet:
Ingredients: large green apple, kiwi, grapes (1 bunch, pitted green raisins will do), fresh ginger root, green tea, honey (1 tablespoon).
Preparation: Cut the peeled apple into small cubes, peel the kiwi from its shaggy peel and cut into pieces, grate the ginger. Whip everything in a blender - we get a wonderful vitamin and energy dish.

Orange soup

Ingredients: sweet citrus fruits (orange or 2 tangerines), honey (2 tablespoons), white wine (2 tbsp.spoons), cream (2 tbsp.spoons), a little starch, 250 grams of water.
Cooking method:
Finely chop the peel from the orange, fill it with water and boil it for several minutes, add sugar, wine, and starch to the broth. Scalp the orange slices and add to the soup. A serving of orange soup is decorated with cream.

Pink salad

Lemon, orange, grapefruit (4 pcs each), zest with lemon and orange (¼ each), cinnamon, cloves, honey (2 tbsp), water 150 grams.
Method of preparation: stir in water, add cinnamon, fruit zest, cloves, cook for 15 minutes, leave for half an hour. Prepare and cut into pieces fruits - pineapple, orange, grapefruit. Boil the fruit in syrup for 3 minutes, peel the seasonings, serve warm.

Five day fruit diet

Breakfast: during the first, second day for breakfast you only need to eat two ripe large bananas, on the third day the banana is replaced by mango. The fourth day - a bunch of red grapes, the fifth day again mangoes.

Second breakfast: on the first day we divide the apple in half and eat only one half, the second day - grapes. The third day - an orange, the last two days - a pear or guava fruit.

Lunch: an apple, on the first day, an orange on the second day, the next day grapefruit, mango on the fourth day and a banana on the last day.

Snack: distribute orange, guava, pear conference, banana, and grapes by day.

Dinner: on the first day you can eat watermelon, on the second papaya, then carrots, pineapple, papaya.

If you feel severe hunger before bedtime, you can eat fruits at night, for example, kiwi, strawberries or fruit salad with honey. Be sure to drink 1.5-2 liters of water during the day, you can add lemon juice.

Fruit Diet - Useful Tips and Reviews

This diet is not suitable for some people. Contraindications may apply to patients with increased acidity of the gastrointestinal tract or gastric ulcer, gastritis. Such patients may partially use only a banana diet. When overeating fruits, diathesis may occur in people prone to allergies, so they need to take care of themselves after eating strawberries, citrus fruits or grapes. Those who follow a fruit diet are advised to eat food in a warm form, as the body is saturated much faster with warm foods. With a continuation of the diet for more than 5 days, a little meat or fish should be introduced into the diet.

A little about flavor combinations:

Beef and redcurrants, pork and pineapples, poultry and peaches go well together. Tasty diet and good weight loss!


Highlight 03/21/2016
I love fruits! I can only eat them. Honey, I don’t eat, I’m allergic to it. Therefore, I will do all the recipes presented without it. Green smoothie is just a heavenly pleasure, now I eat it directly)) And I absorb dried fruits, perfectly replace sweets.

Marina 03/21/2016
This diet is far from suitable for everyone. It can cause diarrhea. And some fruits are heavy in the stomach. So, do not get involved in a fruit diet. Another thing is to slightly relieve the body. And fruits should be familiar to your body. All sorts of exotic brothers may not be digested.

Elena 03/21/2016
I usually eat a couple of times a week, either only fruits or vegetables with a little brown bread and garlic. By the way, garlic also helps with the breakdown of fats. Of fruits, I really like peaches. In them, in my opinion, there are about 30-35 kilocalories, and there are still no want to eat more than 4 pieces a day anyway, so it is beneficial to sit on peaches.

Ksyusha 03/21/2016
I read the other day about a fruit diet, supposedly you can’t eat fruit in the morning and after eating. And that fruit can ferment in the stomach. Some kind of madhouse! When are they then ?! And why do they suddenly start wandering, inside me ?! It seems like they should be digested ... In general, different opinions on this matter. I believe that within a reasonable time frame, you can sit on any diet.

Irina 03/21/2016
The most delicious diet. But the feeling of hunger still does not leave, even if there are fruits incessantly. I want something substantial. My neighbor decided to lose weight, laid down on the berries mainly. As a result, an allergy to red berries appeared, although it did not exist before. And I sat on the banana, I love them, and they are very nutritious. There were pretty good results.


Watch the video: 30 Day Fitness Challenge: Fruits & Veggies (June 2024).